Wingnut Web – FreeRepublic JINO Court Race War Edition

Pat Buchanan unleashed a racist screed about there being too many Jews on the Supreme Court. Then stated their comments! Let’s listen in…

Government Workers are the Real Racists!

The difference between liberals and conservatives is conservatives see nothing wrong with declaring racial superiority, but liberals are the Real Racists!

Pat Buchanan is a liberal sent by the liberal media to bamboozle Real Conservatives!

I and my username/avatar combo that is the founder of the KKK vow to continue the Race War in the courts. Also, liberals are the Real Racists!

We need more of the Good Ones!

JINO, the heartwarming story of a pregnant high school girl who is nominated to the Supreme Court and blocked by conservatives for being “too lesbian”
f15.jpg will be back in Liberals are the Real Racists 2: Through the Portal of Time!

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