Obama Killed Seal Team 6 – FreeRepublic.com

Oh, you knew this crap was coming. Up first is a conspiracy theory so nice, the guy posted it 22 times! Thrill as Obama invents Seal Team 6 out of midair, and then murders these fake people who don’t exist and totally didn’t kill Osama

And to show “Obama murdering Seal Team 6” isn’t just a lone nut, these are but a small sample of posts:

And we’ll dance a jig until next conspiracy! Huzzah!

4 thoughts on “Obama Killed Seal Team 6 – FreeRepublic.com

  1. Oh come on, not Wag The Dog! Don’t tarnish one of my favourite films with your crazy!

  2. Seal Team Six is and was not “invented” by the United States Commander and Chief. Their Original name was “SEa, Air and Land Teams.” Usually partook in numerous confidential Missions in Korea and Japan. Seal Team(s) have been around for decades way before Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton,Bush Sr. Seal teams was originally invented in the 40’s (MID 50s I BELIEVE). Believe what you guys want. My proof, well i can’t proove anything through a computer but my grandfather served in WW2 and Seal Teams where invented then. So therfore Obama didn’t make that up.
    On another note,…. my over all opinion on this whole “Conspiracy Theory” about these men dying, BULL!!!! Months after their misson…. May 2nd, Headlines……. U.S. NAVY SEALS KILL BIN LADEN. (IN THE MEANTIME) You men DO NOT EXIST ANYMORE! 3 Months Later…. 31 U.S. Troops killed in Afghanistan Mostly Navy Seals… C’mon. Seals have been dying long before Osama was killed. Why broadcast their deaths now… I know i know. To keep people minds at ease about finding out Who they where. Put a couple of deAD Seals pics on the TV stations and say it’s “THE KILLERS OF BIN LADEN” now we are covered. Typical US GOVT cover up.

  3. And btw, it’s easy to prove a helicopter exploded over Afghanistan. Just show some pics of a flamming helicopter on the ground. But how difficult is it to proove Bodies where found inside?????

  4. Seal Team Six is and was not “invented” by the United States Commander and Chief. Their Original name was “SEa, Air and Land Teams.” Usually partook in numerous confidential Missions in Korea and Japan. Seal Team(s) have been around for decades way before Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton,Bush Sr. Seal teams was originally invented in the 40′s (MID 50s I BELIEVE). Believe what you guys want. My proof, well i can’t proove anything through a computer but my grandfather served in WW2 and Seal Teams where invented then. So therfore Obama didn’t make that up.
    On another note,…. my over all opinion on this whole “Conspiracy Theory” about these men dying, BULL!!!! Months after their misson…. May 2nd, Headlines……. U.S. NAVY SEALS KILL BIN LADEN. (IN THE MEANTIME) You men DO NOT EXIST ANYMORE! 3 Months Later…. 31 U.S. Troops killed in Afghanistan Mostly Navy Seals… C’mon. Seals have been dying long before Osama was killed. Why broadcast their deaths now… I know i know. To keep people minds at ease about finding out Who they where. Put a couple of deAD Seals pics on the TV stations and say it’s “THE KILLERS OF BIN LADEN” now we are covered. Typical US GOVT cover up.

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