Drain Clogs – 05-20-2010

Republican PA Attorney General Tom Corbett subpoenas Twitter trying to track down secret critics. I am glad all other problems in Pennsylvania have been solved. Don’t forget to vote for him for PA governor, or else he’ll subpoena you or something…

Tom Corbett also awarded a taxpayer funded no-bid contract to Jennifer Branstetter, a consultant, to do “outreach” for the Attorney General’s office. She’s the very same consultant who did “outreach” consulting on his campaign and is mailing out flyers identical to ones he is indicting other state politicians over.

AND Tom Corbett is suing local communities to ignore their own waste disposal laws so his former employer and large contributor Waste Management Inc. can dump their toxic slop all over PA. Seriously, I was just going to mention the Twitter thing but then all this other horrible crap showed up!

The NRCC spent 10% of their money to lose the PA-12 special election.

In non-PA news, Rand Paul is crazy, but Rachel Maddow ran rings around him.

cartoon of the day:

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