Resistnet posters call for Military Coup again

Yes, again. Resistnet poster Jim Payne posted the following screed where he calls for a military coup:

I appreciate all of your earnest posts here–I know you are trying to do the very best you can to correct this miriade of problems that have become the trademark of this administration and the 111th Congress. Yes, I’ll make my phone calls again–just like I’m being asked to do–again.

But now I have to get some stuff off my chest–again. We have been sending petitions, pink slips, faxes, phone calls, e-mails and everything else (including our money) to D.C. for two years now, especially this last year. I don’t know what it takes to convince ya’ll but at this point (actually a long time ago) I have become thoroughly convinced that the ONLY thing Reid and Pelosi and their crews are really good at is IGNORING us. And I don’t see one whit of evidence that they are gonna change that. Just how much longer are we supposed to keep writing letters and making phone calls? Just how much worse does it have to get before we actually MAKE them do what they should? That same question has been asked a billion times already and we are still doing the same ol’ same ol’. NOTHING LESS THAN FORCE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!

Now, there is no doubt that the Tea Party movement was quite effective. It showed us (the citizens) that a lot of us are fed up and that enough is enough. But, Obama, Reid and Pelosi STILL do not get it. They have done their best to ignore the Tea Parties. The only thing they can’t ignore is the fact that the House has flipped. But, even so, they are still just as hard headed about pushing their stupid agenda. There is no doubt in my mind that they adtually want to wreck this Country.

Okay, so what kind of force? Well, we have already “discussed” impeachment and have realized that this is NOT the answer. It took 5 years to just get Clinton’s wrist slapped. That won’t work. Unless somebody has a better suggestion (and if you do, we will be very ready to listen) we need to convince our Military Leaders over in the Pentagon to get their stuff together and do their jobs. Now they are sworn to “uphold our Constitution.” They have the means to stop this administration from just trampling all over our Constitution.

Now, I don’t like the term “military coup” and it wouldn’t have to be a military coup as such. But, Obama has committed so many crimes against this Nation, ’til — well, a military coup would be a much lesser crime than MANY of the things Obama and this administration have already done and are continuing to do. It wouldn’t even have to amount to martial law. If our Top Brass would just appoint somebody to temporarily fill in for the president and then replace a bunch of those other czars etc. with somebody on a temp basis just long enough to get things back to “normal” where we would at least be operating under our Constitution again. Hell, it wouldn’t even have to effect any governmental functions below the federal level. State, County, City governments would not be affected at all.

Now I don’t know exactly what the priorities should be, but for a short time (maybe less than a year) our military appointees could do some things to stop the erosion of our economic system.

They would need to immediately turn our oil production back on. Need to end the Fed and go back to a gold standard. Need to implement the Fair Tax proposal. Need to bulldoze the IRS. Need to turn education and healthcare back over to the states. Need to declare invalid ALL the laws on the books that are in violation of the Constitution. etc. etc. Then when that is done, have a “valid” election and impose term limits. Impose tariffs on imports to put our people back to work in manufacturing etc. Litmus tests on all elected officials: if they are not qualified for a Top Secret Clearance, and demonstrate a thorough knowledge of our founding documents, then they don’t get on the ballot.

Our borders need to be properly managed and immigration laws need to be refined and inforced. As for the muslim problem: At some point we will have to define the Islamic “religion” as an invalid “religion.” Since their Sharia Law is not compatible with and can never co-exist with our Constitution, it will not be recognized as a religion for the purposes of First Amendment rights. If they want to remain in this country, they will have to renounce their Islamic beliefs; otherwise, they are free to either leave or stand trial for treason.

Okay, I’m still listening. I know there should be all kinds of objections. What we need is either a better way (and waiting two more years while we are watching our Nation crumble under this administration is NOT a better way)–or–support for what I am suggesting. God bless our nation. And I have all the faith in the world that He will. Faith can move mountains; we need to grab our shovels and help.

And we have Bart Piscitello calling for chopping off Obama’s head:

To all you dummies out there who believe that they are true patriots by blogging amongst the choir; take notice!

You may as well stand in the middle of the Sahara desert and shout as loud as you can; no-one will hear you..
and if they did, they are not listening.

All of you have failed again.
The point isn’t taxes, govt funding , or school lunches..
When the snake is at your feet, and coiled around your leg, sucking blood and spreading venon, don’t just stand there and
ask for someone to help..


You guessed it:;;obama is your true enemy, Reid, Pelosi, and Rhinos are pawns in the snakepit.
There should be a mass surge to impeach obama and expose his eligibility, and other crimes.
Don’t piddle-dick with any other legislation, lame duck issue or excuses until this is done, not thought about, but DONE.

Use your resources, rallies, monies and God given brains to get this issue done now.
The BS meetings at the white house, are to lull you to sleep. Your new congress is weak; they will show their true colors as soon as they can find a compromise.
The sell-out is probably already made.
obama will stay in place and by executive order run roughshod over all of them.

The snake will have 2 more years to destroy this country.
There’s no-one to stop him..
The courts have failed (recent SCOTUS decision)
The people are failing , your elected officials have failed.

They are talking about jobs, taxes, school lunches, and other irrevelant issues. Unemployment
is self created when people just sit around awaiting for a govt handout.
The people will not return to work, as they have lost all incentive to work under a repressive
illitigiment foreign born so-called muslim president.
Get off your asses and take the axe to the snake’s head.

All of these were found in literally 1 minute of surfing Imagine all we’ll find when we look longer than 1 minute.

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