loves rape

CBS News’ Lara Logan was sexually assaulted in Egypt during the protests. leaps to the conclusion it is all her fault for being a dirty lib who hangs around with horrible devil monkey men (Muslims) and the comments get more and more awful. These are only a few of the threads:

CBS News’ Lara Logan Sexually Assaulted During Egypt Protests

dog whistle time

To: MindBender26
This is not a surprise actually, when civil order breaks down….. chalk it up to diversity

7 posted on February 15, 2011 1:26:52 PM PST by GeronL ( for FR backup site!)

Rape is so funny!

To: MindBender26
Apparently a mob of Egyptions “would hit it”.

10 posted on February 15, 2011 1:27:34 PM PST by Nachoman (Wisdom is learned, cynicism is earned.)

All her fault

To: MindBender26
What do they think is going to happen when they send a female into a mob like that? Especially a western female? Those lovely, religious muslim men and their manners…you’re a slut to them.

11 posted on February 15, 2011 1:27:38 PM PST by ReneeLynn (Socialism is SO yesterday. Fascism, it’s the new black. Mmm mmm mmm…)

A well deserved rape if she learns a lesson…

To: MindBender26
What’s that saying? A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged?

Let’s see how liberal and multicultural Lara is after this episode.

13 posted on February 15, 2011 1:28:02 PM PST by Nervous Tick (Trust in God, but row away from the rocks!)

Hey, that Viking2002 nut is still around!

To: MindBender26
At least she got out of there with her skin basically intact – it could have been a lot worse with those sub-simians. After having felt the groping paws of the ‘Religion of Peace’, I bet she comes out of the hospital a newly-minted conservative, if she wasn’t one already.

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away, for his name is Obama.”

17 posted on February 15, 2011 1:29:44 PM PST by Viking2002 (RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!!!!)

milk duds!

To: Wizdum

She didn’t even have to show off those two milk duds either for that kind of attention.

38 posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 3:41:08 PM by GeronL ( for FR backup site!)

To: MindBender26

Given that she was attacked by muslims, it can be assumed that she was SODOMIZED as well. It is their modus operandi to send a message to the infidel.

60 posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 3:50:11 PM by jimbo123

She deserved it Vol. 3452

To: PghBaldy
I feel so bad. I hope and pray she heals as best she can.


I don’t feel that way at all.

She is part of an organization that glorifies Islam, hides their real intentions, and denigrates the United States and Western Civilization. If she and they would get their way, this would be happening to us here in the United States.

She is an enemy. Enemies deserve worse than what she got.

76 posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 4:00:10 PM by ml/nj


CBS is wringing their hands because they don’t have video of the attack. Then again, maybe it never happened; a hoax, a publicity stunt for Lara’s career.

89 posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 2:11:00 PM by Misterioso (The noble soul has reverence for itself. – Nietzche)

More calls for fake. Also keep an eye on that name Hot Tabasco

She was surrounded …saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers.

If this is the same Lara Logan stationed in Iraq who was involved with Joe Burkett, a U.S. State Dept. contractor back in 2008 then I’m calling this story complete BS.

Just google Lara Logan and see what a media whore she is …………

But back to the article, anyone viewing the coverage of the protests will see that there were very, very few women in attendance and those that were were sporadically scattered throughout the masses of men. There is now way in hell that “a group of women” would have been on site to save her from her alleged attack………

This story is complete bullship and Lara Logan is looking for either a promotion or a pulitzer………..

110 posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 2:28:15 PM by Hot Tabasco (Oh Magoo, you’ve done it again…..)

Blonde fixation

To: MindBender26
Guess that’s what some Muzzie Extremists want to do to blond Christians. And not just women!

111 posted on February 15, 2011 2:28:16 PM PST by 2harddrive

Call #3 for fakery

I agree. Yet, I really don’t believe anything a liberal reporter says until it is independently corroborated.

This woman is sleazy and I treat what she says with doubt.

146 posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 3:02:14 PM by WaterBoard (“PBR Street Gang this is Almighty, over..”)

You see, she’s a lib, and therefore a liar.

Her background is very relevant when it comes to veracity of claims.

All we have at this point is her statement and no independent corroboration.

The CBS statement states she was separated from her crew and return to her hotel later alone.

153 posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 3:07:04 PM by WaterBoard (“PBR Street Gang this is Almighty, over..”)

Viking2002 now happy for rape, masturbates to viking helmet

Oh, this was the one who had that whole back-alley soap opera going on in Iraq a couple of years ago? I stand corrected. Karma can be a bitch, eh?

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away, for his name is Obama.”

171 posted on February 15, 2011 3:25:48 PM PST by Viking2002 (RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!!!!)

I’d care, if she wasn’t THE ENEMY!!!!!

To: gregd0180
Some of us MIGHT (just maybe) care more of she wasn’t employed by an enemy of the United States.

190 posted on February 15, 2011 3:50:47 PM PST by Lockbar (March toward the sound of the guns.)

MindBender26 now gets into a pissing match with Hot Tabasco over…something.

You don’t know who I am, you don’t know what I did, you don’t realize that my stories check out, and you don’t even know that my father was instrumental in the rollout of Tabasco, but you still make your unsubstantiated little opinions public.

You are ZOTTED!

187 posted on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 3:47:35 PM by MindBender26 (Fighting the “con” in Conservatism on FR since 1998.)

Revolting cat! gets upset that he’s called out for being a callous jackass…

To: MindBender26
I love it how such threads provoke the members of the Harper Valley PTA crawl out of their stinking sheds or ruins of some failed misguided uprising in one case, and condemn to hell the rest of us who, in the PTA’s lofty view, don’t sympathize enough with the saintly and unfortunate victim. A right wing version of political correctness. Just what’s the difference between it and the other variety?

203 posted on February 15, 2011 4:22:31 PM PST by Revolting cat! (Let us prey!)

Camp of the Saints is a racist French book comparable to The Turner Diaries, fyi

To: MindBender26
Reminds me of the ending of ‘Camp of the Saints’.

222 posted on February 15, 2011 4:53:24 PM PST by Crawdad

Sophia777 tries to talk reason into the horde

Dear god,
I am shocked by some of your comments,

This is horrible, i feel awful for this women, please think before you post, you are making the forum look bad,

233 posted on February 15, 2011 5:01:41 PM PST by Sophia777

And is instantly attacked and connected to someone who sounds pretty sane to me…

To: Sophia777
You any relation to jamese777 or james777? …..You know, the guy who hates “birthers”, conservatives and Americans and loves to make us look bad.

236 posted on February 15, 2011 5:08:40 PM PST by CanaGuy (Go Harper! We still love you!)

White wimmen!

To: gregd0180
Where is Obama’s outrage? I mean, he was outraged with the black prof white cop incident; even had a beer summit.

White women savagely raped by Muslim men in Egypt, where he says we share the same values and morals, not a word.

Maybe Lara will do like Daniel Pearl’s wife, forgive them, make a movie, etc.

265 posted on February 15, 2011 6:34:55 PM PST by Engedi

At this point MindBender26 now challenges Hot Tabasco to a duel

To: Hot Tabasco
You have accused me of lying. I do not take challenges to my honor lightly. 100 years ago, we would have settled this in a duel, but since the State of Florida had the foolish and misguided timidity to outlaw Trial By Mortal Combat, we will have to settle it in another way.

You challenged me to post a picture of me doing a standup at Chernobyl. Fine, I’ll post it, but just to make things interesting…. let’s make it VERY interesting.

Instead of pistols at dawn, take out a mortgage on your double wide or whatever else you have to do to be able to post a minimum of $25,000 in cash or a certified check. I’ll do the same.

Any amount up to $250,000 I can cover with cash. Over than, we have to raid the retirement CDs, and you know what they are paying now.

We take your $25,000 – $250,000, and my equal amount, and we deposit them with a board-certified lawyer-mediator, or a honorably retired judge.

Then, I’ll post a picture of me doing a standup at Chernobyl. Even better, I’ll post a sworn statement from the videographer, who is also in the picture, that it’s me and that it’s at Chernobyl, which I might add is very obvious from the picture.

I’ll also post a sworn statements to the same effect from the retired president of the International Association of Fire Chiefs and a prominent American oncologist who were both there.

If I’m lying, you get all the cash. If I’m not, I get it, with the caveat that whoever wins gives 10% of the total wager to JimRob for FR.

So that’s the deal. Are you a man of your convictions or just a big mouth with a computer? It’s put up or shut up time.

The bottom line is simple; are you a Man or a Mouth…. or a Mouse?

Got the guts?

273 posted on February 15, 2011 7:06:34 PM PST by MindBender26 (Fighting the “con” in Conservatism on FR since 1998.)

Beware the Muslim rape penis!

To: MindBender26
Now she’s a muslim—that is amuslim core belief- that when infidel females (male too?) are raped they becomes muslim.
When the Turks were committing genocide in Asia Minor that is what they would do.

Wait until the Muslims feel more empowered …

352 posted on February 16, 2011 6:58:52 AM PST by eleni121 (MY HERO GREGORY THE V – a living saint hanged and dragged by the ungodly muslims and their allies)

Another thread:
Fellow Reporters Heartlessly Mock Lara Logan After Assault


Why would any women ever travel to a moslem country? Isn’t it obviosu that the animals will attack?

Likewise why would any woman associate with democrats? Isn’t it obvious that the animals will attack?

4 posted on Wed Feb 16 2011 07:46:14 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by John O (God Save America (Please))

These guys are obsessed over the fact she’s blonde

Logan’s job was to reelect Baracky Obozo. Her mission was to roam the streets of Cairo attempting to interview the toxic street rabble for that precious sound bite wherein they praised Pharaoh Obozo for delivering them from their bondage.
Her purpose was to flood the airwaves of America with sound bites and video praising Obozo and attempting to lift his image back out of the swirling turd bowl.

Now I don’t know about you but if I was a ‘stunning blond reporterette’ I wouldn’t prowl the streets of Philadelphia after dark, let alone Cairo, wearing a deep plunging blouse and Tiffany pearls among the street swine!!

Common sense you don’t do that; common sense says you don’t dress like that. Now of course many of you will say we should all be free to roam where and when we want. Good luck with that strategy pal!

By the way, she’s NOT stunning, and that severe hairline and flat lifeless hair of hers suggest she’ll soon be losing those locks.

36 posted on Wed Feb 16 2011 08:16:43 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Doc Savage (“I’ve shot people I like a lot more,…for a lot less!” Raylan Givins)


If you jump into the monkey cage at the zoo, you will be mocked as the monkeys tear you apart. Same thing.

49 posted on Wed Feb 16 2011 08:40:09 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by nonliberal (Graduate: Curtis E. LeMay School of International Relations)

WOLVERINES!!! indeed…

1) muslims are evil satanic MF’ers
2) muslims have long supported the buying and selling blonde white women into sex slavery… and more than a few American women have been rescued from their bondage.

3) This reporter is a good looking, white blond woman from South Africa… the crowd were evil demon muslims… they saw an opportunity to attack an infidel blond female and they did it… this is your religion of peace… ordained and instructed by the koran and their haddith.


51 posted on Wed Feb 16 2011 08:42:58 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by LibLieSlayer (WOLVERINES!!!)

Another one in the corner for blaming the victim

“If you are hanging out with sub-simians and you have an anti America/Pro Obama agenda going in, don’t expect sympathy when things don’t go as planned.”

That’s the basic point. Don’t go into a hungry den of lions and expect to come out in one piece…and yes, people will laugh at you if you try that stunt. It is HER RESPONSIBILITY to understand the mob she was hanging out with…just as it’s anyone’s responsibility to respect wild animals and stay clear.

15 posted on Wed Feb 16 2011 08:01:08 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by BobL (PLEASE READ:

mad_as_he$$ then posts “the scorpion and the frog”, and we get this rare batch of decency:

You suffer from lack of consistency, or perhaps you simply do not understand the fact that there are clear distinctions between right and wrong.

While the scorpion did “what came naturally,” he did wrong.

Is a thief justified because you leave your door unlocked? Or perhaps, just because you have more than he does?

If you even imply that the rapists are justified because this woman was there, then you do wrong. Is this what comes naturally to you?

Those who quote FR when they want to prove what pigs Freepers *naturally* are will quote you and BobL for years.

54 posted on Wed Feb 16 2011 08:47:34 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by hocndoc ( (I’ve got a mustard seed and I’m not afraid to use it.) (RIAing)

hocndoc knows well.

And the beat goes on….

In unrelated Freep news, longtime poster The Comedian has been banned after getting into a mod sass fight. The Comedian was always crazy, but his craziness had nothing to do with his banning, only his annoying a mod by posting a bad joke.

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