1. The best part about this is that it’s been copied almost word-for-word to apply to perceived immigration issues and imagined easy rides given to undocumented immigrants in Australia and the UK as well – probably other countries, too.

  2. My question….where is the original story? Who got the facts and posted them? Where did the original poster get the facts? There is no attribution.

    I found these articles posted by the Center for Immigration Studies as it applies to the US.

    I agree, it is the high cost of cheap labor.


    That is the problem with the internet. People post items as facts, when they are only opinions.

  3. You cannot have missed the entire point of the missive.

    As a liberal, even I can see the vast difference between our unique US cultural policy and every other nation in the world. The writting stops there. There is no call to action. It is just a recognition of how one bright light shines in this world.

    It will go out soon enough and then there will be only micro-hope.
    And what will you read for un-scripted brain food once it is extinguished?

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