An Important Public Service Announcement

Today marks an important day in our nation’s historic fight against Islam and the creeping menace known as Sharia Law.  At this year’s Arab American festival, 4 Christian missionaries from  Acts 17 Apologetics were arrested for disorderly conduct and charged with misdemeanor disturbing the peace while trying to convert Muslims to Christianity at the festival.  Today they were arraigned.  A quote from the Dearborn police chief:

“We did make four arrests for disorderly conduct.  They did cause a stir.”

For most people this story would just  be something they read below the fold on the four page of the newspaper but for conservatives everywhere it was a wakeup call that Muslims were taking over the Unites States. (sidenote: my favorite name in those links is “the persecution times”.  How great of a name is that?)

One person in particular who tried to warn us about this impending Muslim takeover of Dearborn, Michigan and subsequent Sharia Lawing of our freedoms  is Gadi Adelman. Gadi has been writing for a while trying to let us know about the evils of Islam and how it is trying to take over America and replace the constitution with Sharia law.  He is humble and doesn’t want to rub it in our faces though as he starts off his latest article “Welcome to Dearborn, Arabia” off:

“When I wrote about creeping Sharia in America back in January in my article “One Nation under Allah” I was called an “Islamophobe.” In March I co-wrote “Are we financing our own demise” with Joy Brighton, an expert in Sharia finance. For that, I was called an “alarmist.” Also in March I wrote an article in which I told the truth about the treatment of women who live under Sharia law and I was called a “racist”. In April I wrote about the amount of terror that stems from Islam.  I was called a “hate monger”. Last week in my article “You’re doin’ fine Oklahoma” I wrote about the ban of Sharia in Oklahoma and was told I was “crazy” to believe that Sharia could ever happen here in America.”

As you can see, Mr Adelman has written a lot about Islam and it’s sinister plot to take over America and institute Sharia Law.  Well we didn’t listen to him and now here we are, knee deep in Sharia law where 4 Christian missionaries can get arrested for disorderly conduct at a drop of a hat for something as innocent as trying to agitate a crowd of Muslims:

“They look for a mark. They look for someone they know is going to be agitated with, for someone who is going to be engaged in a very heated way, and use that to draw a crowd.”

That quote was from Jack O’Reilly, the mayor of Dearborn.  You might be saying “well that just sounds like a normal arrest” but there are things you don’t know.  Did you know the chief of police’s name in Dearborn Michigan is Ronald Haddad?  You didn’t did you and do you know what that means?  I’ll let Mr. Adelman explain:

“In case as you were reading this, you missed it… The Chief of Police of Dearborn is Ronald Haddad. Yes, we can assume that Chief Haddad is a Muslim. Those that I have spoken to involved in this case have confirmed this.”

That’s right, a Muslim.  And according to one of the people arrested, David Wood “Two thirds of Dearborn, Michigan is Muslim.” Think about that and what it means.  You’ll have to decide for yourself because Mr. Adelman never really explains what those two things are supposed to mean when you put them together. Mr. Adelman also never bothers to mention the non-Muslim mayor defending the arrest.

This story is only the latest in a long line of stories that Mr. Adelman has put together to show us how Sharia law is slowing taking over the U.S.

“Kansas City International Airport recently constructed four foot-washing benches to accommodate a growing number of Muslim drivers who requested the facilities to prepare for daily Islamic prayer. The University of Michigan-Dearborn plans to spend $25,000 to construct two foot-washing stations at the University of Michigan at Dearborn while 18 other universities, including a number of public institutions, have installed foot-washing facilities in Michigan and other states. Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix added airport user fees to install two faucets located two feet above the ground to help Muslim taxi and limo drivers meet their religious needs.”

“Workers at Tyson Foods’ poultry processing plant in Shelbyville, Tennessee will no longer have a paid day off on Labor Day, but will instead take the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr in the fall. A July 2008 press release from the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), said that a new contract at the Shelbyville facility “implements a new holiday to accommodate the … Muslim workers at the plant.” The union has also claimed that in addition to the observance of the Muslim holiday, “Two prayer rooms have been created to allow Muslim workers to pray twice a day and return to work without leaving the plant.”

So now thanks to Sharia law we have foot washing stations and prayer rooms in chicken plants and now innocent Christians getting arrested for disturbing the peace.  Who will stand up to fight the good fight against Sharia Law?

Rep. Rex Duncan of Oklahoma that’s who, Rep Duncan is introducing a bill to ban Sharia law in Oklahoma.  More precisely what he is trying to get passed is a amendment to the Oklahoma constitution that would forbid judges from using International law (including Sharia law) when considering cases.  Rep Duncan explains:

“wording on the state ballot would include the explanation of ‘law of nation’ and ‘Islamic law’ as well as ‘laws followed by Mohammed’ ”

So thank God there are men out there like Rep Duncan who want to ban ‘laws followed by Mohammed’ and stand up for the Christians in this country who are being persecuted daily by the Muslim Majority.  And will that final note of intolerance ringing in your ears,  I’ll leave you with Mr. Adelman’s closing argument from “Welcome to Dearborn, Arabia”:

“I have been warning and writing and speaking about this for years, I urged you all to speak up and speak out. I said that we in America only have to look at the U.K. or Europe to see where we are headed if something is not done soon and now it has happened.

I am not proud to say “I warned you”, it is here people, Sharia in America. Our Nation that was founded on Judeo-Christian values and principals has now seen the arrest of four people for exercising their rights at an Arab festival.

What are you going to do about it? Contact your Representatives, call the Mayor of Dearborn?

Hitler wrote:

“You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”

You choose which way you want to live, while you still can.”

You don’t agree with Hitler do you?

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