Foster Friess, Aspirin Knees, and Republican Sleaze

Foster Friess is the sugar daddy bankrolling Rick Santorum’s Super PAC The Red White and Blue Fund, and he said something incredibly stupid on tv:

This contraceptive thing, my gosh, it’s so inexpensive. Back in my days, they used Bayer aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.

This has lead to more backlash and more evidence of the GOPs War on Women. So much so that Rick Santorum has turned to Newt’s old standby of attacking the press instead of talking about the issue:

via CrooksandLiars

One thought on “Foster Friess, Aspirin Knees, and Republican Sleaze

  1. from what I heard, Friess’s remark was just a joke, a rather old and lame one from the 1950s. A proverbial tempest in a teacup.

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