We’re all suffering from a bit of election burnout!

But the good news is that it’ll all be over tomorrow*! Please go to your local polling place on November 2nd and vote in your local elections.

**Potential election results include: tight races reporting ‘too close to call’ spin out of control into burgeoning year-long recounts, Sarah Palin announces her bid for the presidency after Sharron Angle, Marco Rubio, Joe Miller, Rand Paul, and other Tea Party-backed candidates win in their respective races (and thus officially begins the longest presidential campaign in history), Andrew Breitbart getting so angry he throws a chair during his election night coverage gig social media participatory role on ABC, Tea Party poll watchers are rushed to the hospital by the dozens as activists try to paint themselves the victims of ‘voter intimidation’, and CNN’s Election Matrix 2010 become sentient and millions of viewers are horrified by the evening’s coverage (and Roland Martin’s choice of ascot).

Good luck politicians!

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