PatriotActionNetwork’s reaction to the Tucson shootings

The shooter was a crazy Tea Party patriot! The shooter was a crazy leftist marxist who had a shrine to Obama in his backyard!

Unsurprisingly, the talkers on both the left and the right are barking up the wrong tree again. Like everything else in the news these days the “substitutive debate” on this incident has been nothing more than finger pointing at who is responsible for this tragedy. Of course if the media were crazy enough to approach the real debate here, how the public receives and is influenced by the talking heads on television and radio, they’d be inditing themselves. Obviously we’ll never hear about this end of the story from the lamestream media.

However, the internet has been abuzz with speculation and finger pointing! I decided to check in with our good friends over at Resistnet PatriotActionNetwork to see what their take on the shootings were. Again, unsurprisingly, the discussion on this incident has taken a predictable turn on the PAN forums. As all good Resistnet threads have gone, it started with a “heartfelt” plea from admin Darla DeWald on how this tragedy is a tragedy and should not be an excuse to score political points on any side. And also how this particular thread should be dedicated to praying for the victims and NOT for debating or passing blame:

But like every other thread on Resistnet PatriotActionNetwork though it went from 0 to BLAME-CRAZY in about 7 seconds:

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Traitor Army doctor still a coward, now admits he was wrong

Who can forget everyone’s favorite birther Army man who refused to deploy for the service he signed up for because he was convinced President Obama was some illegitimate undocumented Kenyan-born Muslim Taliban Antichrist? Yes it was only a handful of months ago that Republicans and the Tea Partiers alike, led by Birther Queen Orly Taitz, went on a blind witch hunt to prove that our nation’s first African American president was in fact a scary black man who had used his voodoo magic to usurp the presidency (possibly because the devil made him do it). Clearly this was the most legitimate way to get President Obama impeached.

But who were these brave patriots coming out of the woodworks to condemn our Socialist Marxist president? Most of them were anonymous internet cowards who belonged to communities like (an organization that’s now running away with its tail between its legs) and questioned the authenticity of the President’s birth certificate from the comfort of their retirement community’s library computer. But still there were others who led the birther charge through the lamestream media, wasting valuable minutes of Anderson Cooper’s time with their indefensibly crazy notion that the president was an actually Indonesian Communist born to a single mother and bred for the American presidency from birth, supported by a 40 year long conspiracy that has now lifted him from poor African street beggar to president of the most powerful country in the world.

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was one such coward, an army doctor who had signed up for military duty and trained for his deployment yet refused to participate in his military service because he so strongly believed that President Obama was not American’s legitimate Commander in Chief. Here he is on YouTube espousing his deeply-held yet sudden beliefs:

Who can forget classic television interviews like this one?

Despite losing appeal after appeal, both Orly Taitz and Lt. Col. Lakin were committed to exposing the truth that is President Obama’s illegitimate ruse, no matter that they were making themselves look more and more laughable by the day. Undeterred by official birth certificates or the truth both opponents of the president soldiered on to prove their point and hopefully take down one of the shaddowiest cabals of power out there.

Well, actually, like the sane among us expected, Orly Taitz was laughed out of court (on repeated occasions) and eventually went back to her dental/hairdressing business. And today we find that Lt. Col. Lakin is now pleading in court (or well, a court marshal more specifically) that he was a fool to believe that President Obama is not a natural born citizen. It was wrong of him to be a lying liar so he could avoid deployment, it was cowardly of him to call his COMMANDER IN CHIEF a Kenyan usurper, and it was incalculably retarded for him to have continued to push this issue in the media and in the courts for so long!

Now we hear Lt. Col. Lakin pleading with the Army to dismiss the case against him. He wants to serve his country again he protests! Forgive the fact that he disobeyed his orders for months and months. Forget the fact that for even longer Lt. Col. Lakin made television appearance after television appearance, a man trained by the United State Military now coming on the public airwaves DEFAMING the leader of the very country he signed up to serve and protect. Now after so long and so much losing in court Lakin just wants the military and the president to forget about him and what he did?

No Lt. Col. Lakin you fucking assdouche, that isn’t how this kind of shit works. Are you any sort of a brave responsible human being? You are fucking scum, and your cowardly fucking scum ways gave heed to a very small but vocal minority of people who, because of the fuss you were causing, believed in the batshit retarded rhetoric you and Birther Queen Taitz were spewing on FOX News and Rush Limbaugh. Your actions disgraced the president in the eyes of the country, you disgraced your own boss, and that’s not cool especially when that boss is the PRESIDENT. You took an oath when you became a soldier, hell you even served as a soldier long before Obama was elected, but now that there’s a black man in office you feel some kind of responsibility to stand up and tell him to go fuck himself?

History has already been written Lt. Col. Lakin, and the minstrel part you played on television made you and the Army look like traitors and fools. And now you just want the courts to forgive you. You had a year long lapse in judgement and for some reason you no longer felt it was necessary to honor your military oath. Yeah, like the country should just gloss over how much of a bigot and a coward you made yourself out to be. You face up to 3 1/2 years in military prison for the wretched treason you tried to enact against the president. Hell that is peanuts compared to the kind of time Lt. Bradly Manning is going to be serving for leaking classified documents.

Lt. Col. Lakin if you have even one ounce of fucking self-esteem in your body you will take your slap on the wrist punishment from the Army with your head up. I doubt this is the case given how you’ve sheepishly performed on television the past year, but you don’t ever chose to sign up for something as sterling and patriotic as active military duty only to sully the name and rank of the United States Army by railing against the newly elected president, no matter what his skin color. You’re going to get what’s coming to you and no amount of appeals will save you. Let it live as a lesson to anyone else who wants to act like a moron in the name of “truth”. Merry Christmas traitor.

Palin the poser

You know, when it was first announced Bristol Palin would be appearing on ABC’s ‘Dancing With The Stars’ this year, I thought what I think every year when ABC announces their Dancing With The Stars line-up: “it’s ‘Dancing With The Stars’ and I don’t give a fuck about that show, but I’m sure something hilarious will come out of this pathetic attempt at broadcast television entertainment”.

From what I can glean on the internet, this year has been no exception, but the more I hear about ridiculous publicity stunts involving members of the Palin family these days the more I feel badly for the individuals caught up in the middle of the mess and angrier at the woman whose directly responsible for it all.

I wonder what Sarah Palin would say if you asked her what her opinion on fame is. What does she think about becoming famous? What did she see in famous people before she herself became famous? Is fame a responsibility or a luxury? Stumbling across this re-published article from 1996 in the Alaska Daily News, entitled “Alaskans line up for a whiff of Ivana”, then fisherman Sarah Palin, all the way back in the Clinton years, became a lede in a news article:

Sarah Palin, a commercial fisherman from Wasilla, told her husband on Tuesday she was driving to Anchorage to shop at Costco. Instead, she headed straight for Ivana.

And there, at J.C. Penney’s cosmetic department, was Ivana, the former Mrs. Donald Trump, sitting at a table next to a photograph of herself. She wore a light-colored pantsuit and pink fingernail polish. Her blonde hair was coiffed in a bouffant French twist.

”We want to see Ivana,” said Palin, who admittedly smells like salmon for a large part of the summer, ”because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture.”

Fast-forward to fall 2010, Sarah Palin’s new reality show on TLC got the highest ratings of any premier ever to air on the 38th most popular channel on basic cable. From what I’ve read, the show doesn’t perch much on politics or religion (or reality, let’s be honest here) but “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” is simply a bunch of cameras following Sarah Palin and clan around while they embark on wacky adventures across America’s biggest concentration of tundras and glaciers.

As Andrew Sullivan at The Atlantic points out however, “She Can’t Fish or Shoot a Gun”.

Sarah Palin. The woman best known for her love of sniping at arctic wolves from helicopter, immortalized by lonely Republican men around the country as a powerful starlet wearing a sexy red bikini and holding an AR-15 assault rifle, a mother who tries to relate to Real America over and over by talking about how much venison she’s stocked herself in the ice chest (aka outside) at home. She had to ask Levi Johnston to teach her how to use a hunting rifle, and from keen viewers to her show’s premier point out, she clearly knows nothing about fly fishing.

Trying to be something she’s not. While this isn’t a political tactic specific to just Sarah Palin, everyone in Washington panders to your sensibilities so you’ll like them more, but I think you could easily say Palin the the biggest exploiter currently of this quasi-celebrity/freakshow type of media attention. She is a paid talking head on FOX News, she wrote a book and toured the country promoting it (and is working on a second), receives extraordinarily amounts of money for speaking engagements where the press are actively discouraged from attending, has a daughter on a major prime-time TV show, now has her own TLC reality show, and receives financial contributions via private donors and her 527 SarahPAC organization. For Palin it hasn’t been too bad of a financial year (I’m surprised she’s so quite about wanting tax breaks for the wealthy).

Forget about thrusting one of your many daughters onto the public stage as a teenage mom and ironic abstinence advocate. For Sarah we have this PSA to thank her for:

It’s worth enough to mention too how Sarah Palin’s cult mama grizzly following showers an outpouring of support and unintelligible babble whenever Sarah needs it. Hence her book sales, hence her 5 million viewer reality TV show ratings (though I’m sure at least 2 million of these people tuned in to watch her crash and burn), and Palin also has her supporters to thank for her daughter Bristol’s continued voter-decided success on Dancing With The Stars.

And the best part? Because Palin is and always has been the Snookie of the political world, the less she seems to be accountable for giving straight answers to questions and proposing solutions to the problems that a president of the United States faces. And the more she’s allowed to act like a Real Housewife and not a former Alaskan governor, the more encouragement she gets to write books and parader her and her family around on television and seize greater political ambitions and appear on FOX News specials. She is her own walking PR press junket.

The more she pretends to be someone else the more people will like her for who she is, the less they will admire her for her understanding of the world and her ability to form coalitions while governing and move the country forward and making the United States successful once again. Voters can text their choice of president NOW to 94712, we’ll have the results for you right after this commercial break! Stay tuned!

Welcome to politicking in America.

We’re all suffering from a bit of election burnout!

But the good news is that it’ll all be over tomorrow*! Please go to your local polling place on November 2nd and vote in your local elections.

**Potential election results include: tight races reporting ‘too close to call’ spin out of control into burgeoning year-long recounts, Sarah Palin announces her bid for the presidency after Sharron Angle, Marco Rubio, Joe Miller, Rand Paul, and other Tea Party-backed candidates win in their respective races (and thus officially begins the longest presidential campaign in history), Andrew Breitbart getting so angry he throws a chair during his election night coverage gig social media participatory role on ABC, Tea Party poll watchers are rushed to the hospital by the dozens as activists try to paint themselves the victims of ‘voter intimidation’, and CNN’s Election Matrix 2010 become sentient and millions of viewers are horrified by the evening’s coverage (and Roland Martin’s choice of ascot).

Good luck politicians!

Who are these Teabagger candidates, anyway? – Rick Scott Edition

Rick Scott should be a familiar enough name to anyone whose lived through the Healthcare Reform battle of last year. As the founder and former CEO of healthcare giant Columbia/HCA Rick Scott held a commanding post over the lucrative cashcow that is the Healtcare industry. Corrupt wouldn’t even begin to describe the way in which Rick Scott operated his mega-corporation, a company who as the largest healthcare provider in the country was tasked with providing quality medical care and resources for the sick and injured. A company that Rick Scott publicly stated he wanted to run with the penny pinching bottom-line efficiency of a Wal-Mart, hoping one day Columbia/HCA could be “the McDonalds of the Healthcare industry”.

Under Rick Scott’s guiding hand Columbia/HCA began to bilk the federal government out of hundreds of millions of Medicare dollars, falsifying documents, scamming their own sick customers just so Rick could make a few extra million dollars for himself. When the 1994 Healthcare debate began Rick Scott and his company heralded the single most successful campaign to defeat then President Clinton’s efforts to provide coverage and care for the neediest patients in the country. You’d think a Healthcare company would be a little more compassionate about helping their own customers. Scott’s swindling scam continued until 1997 when the government began to get wise to the rampant corruption and abuse of the Medicare system and took action against Columbia/HCA to the tune of $1.7 BILLION dollars. The Columbia/HCA settlement still stands as the single biggest fraud settlement in the history of the United States. It also cost Rick Scott his job as CEO (a narrow margin of 1 vote from HCA’s board decided Scott’s fate).

As a disgraced fraudster who some how avoided jail time for his misdeeds (scamming the government out of money for the sick and elderly) Rick Scott soon found himself working in venture capital (again in the healthcare industry). With his new found funds and the country’s renewed interest in reforming the Healthcare system, this time with a campaign led by President Obama, Rick Scott again began to mobilize his wealth in order to fight “socialized medicine” and “Obamacare”. With his own millions, Rick Scott created the astroturf organization “Conservatives for Patient’s Rights” which was, again, one of the if not the most vocal money-fueled opponent of the Obama Healthcare Reform plan (Dick Armey’s Tea Party was a close second).

After all, if Healthcare Reform did pass this time Rick Scott would stand to lose money in his own awful business interests, like Solantic LLC, a walk-in clinic that charges patients like a fast-food chain would (pricing options fall under  “small, medium, or large” scale) or the failed TV venture he went in on with a former Columbia/HCA executive called America’s Health Network that broadcasts medical and wellness programming. It shuttered in 2001, but not before Columbia/HCA made a bid to buy the network from their former CEO. Then it turns out Columbia/HCA couldn’t afford the deal and declined the investment, and then they laid off 80% of their work force because they were so horrible and out of cash (due to the $1.7 BILLION DOLLARS they were paying back to the federal government).

Oh and he also invested in the Texas Rangers baseball team with George W. Bush back in the 1990s. I’ll let that speak for itself.

And now, Rick Scott is taking his money bags (from Stamford, Conn) to higher ambitions. Rick Scott is officially running for governor of every Healthcare mogul’s favorite place to do business, Florida. It’s no wonder Rick Scott chose to run in Florida actually. As we all know, Florida houses one of the biggest populations of the elderly and aging in the country, a demographic that truly is in need of the latest in healthcare advances. Florida is also known for its lucrative and shady pain clinics, a system set up much like California’s medical marijuana dispensaries except that instead of selling a harmless plant they deal in expensive and highly-potent narcotics (that earn more for the Pharmaceutical companies than any MMJ clinic could ever dream of). Florida would be the perfect place for a multi-millionaire healthcare executive to shack up as governor for a few years, possibly “reforming” their medical system so much that it would allow Rick Scott’s own healthcare business interests to suck up even more money from the poor and disadvantaged.

Richard L. Scott Investments LLC is based out of Florida after all. Like our own millionaire gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, Rick Scott has spent about $60 million dollars of his own money to fund his campaign. It would seem as though Rick Scott has an incredibly vested interest in running the same state where his healthcare companies are based. A state that sees some of the biggest expenditures on healthcare costs in the country. The only state in the nation where you can find Rick Scott’s Solantic McClinics, the only for-profit clinic in the United States that carries pharmaceuticals from Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy, Inc., another Rick Scott investment that pushes generic drugs to customers sold at prices well below that of the competition. A strategic business relationship and money making scheme, not unlike the rampant corruption found at Columbia/HCA during Scott’s days, that has former doctors alleging that Solantic pushed them to prescribe unnecessary medications through the Pharmaca brand and required them to run unnecessary tests and procedures on patients who enter Solantic clinics with nothing more than common colds.

And this man, Rick Scott, will quite possibly win the gubernatorial election in Florida. A man whose is banking his campaign and his campaign’s advertising blitz on Scott’s reputation and record as a sterling business man. As a candidate and former corporate scammer who says he wants to “run Flordia like a business” it remains to be seen just how far into the ditch Rick Scott can drive things before getting voted out by the board of directors and walking away with a $310 million dollar severance package.

I hope gay people and Muslims are bothered

When some event or some law affects a personal culture or group you identify with (maybe you’re Asian or a senior citizen or a Unicycle enthusiast), you’d probably tend to pay very close attention to that development until its final conclusion. Women most likely felt that way when they fought for their right to vote, African-Americans probably shared a similar sentiment when they campaigned to be recognized as more than 3/5ths of a person.

Back then as it is now, special interests were the strongest voices in these kinds of fights for equality and rights. Southern plantation owners didn’t want to change their way of life and stop making their livings off the backs of slaves, so the Civil War broke out. Women didn’t want to be confined to the house anymore so they took to the streets and shouted a lot and generally bothered all the men, so we gave them the right to vote in 1920 (and then they all took booze away from us during Prohibition, c’mon you hotsy-totsy dames!). If you think about it, pretty much every major cultural group represented here in the United States, with the exception of white people and mainstream Christians of course, had to wage some kind of political fight (and in many cases deadly campaigns) in order to gain their official “acceptance” (uneasy as it may be) into the whole of US society.

In the grand scheme of the globe, the vast majority of minority groups living in this country get treated pretty decently compared to how they might get treated in, say, a country like Iran or in Malawi where they just put you on trial or send you to a witch doctor if you identify as homosexual or other “social deviation”. Right now in one of the most, if not the most free nation in the world, we’re going through one more of these periods of transition in America, from being assholes to a specific group of minorities into a society that accepts them for their differences even if we disagree with their choice of religion or her insistence that your wife should be allowed to get a job outside the household (ha!, women…).

Funny that many of those special interests and influences that kept down other minorities for so long are, in many ways, the same exact people who are now speaking out on Islam as a religion of terrorism, a people who don’t deserve to be considered Americans, or compare same-sex marriage and allowing gays to openly serve in the military to bestiality.

At the moment LITERALLY the only thing that stands in the way of gay people getting recognized as full 100% bona fide acceptable human beings (it’s the law now, buddy!) are one thing and that one thing is Republicans. They’ve actually stood in the way of many things since the elections in 2008, actually just sat there and blocked not even willing to negotiate at all, one iota, no-thank-you-sir not touching that issue one bit. Healthcare Reform, unemployment benefit extensions, immigration reform, economic assistances and tax breaks for small businesses and people who had their houses foreclosed on by the banks, these are just a few of the vast ocean of things Republicans are just flat out shutting down time and time again, right in our faces.

Our entire government and American way of life is built upon having two opposing sides in charge that work out their differences and come to Congressional compromises that push things forward in the country. A healthy country cannot exist if one party has resigned itself to whining and crying on the floor of the Senate and refuses to work with their colleagues.  These same exact politicians are the ones who pander to that same exact base of Americans who are willing to “vigilantly” stand up and burn Korans at the end of Ramadan and think that homosexuals are abominations of Satan (and think Sarah Palin is a holy saint who God has anointed to be the next president of the United States!).

And I hope it really bothers all of these people.

I hope it bothers them enough to want to vote on November 2nd in their local elections. I hope it bothers them enough that they go and register to vote RIGHT NOW and insist to all of their friends and close family that THEY get registered to and cast their ballots in these upcoming elections.

The powers that be are betting on the lethargy and apathy of most people your age, especially college students and people too busy playing Farmville to move from their computer chairs, but the only way to try and prevent the next two years from REALLY sucking balls is by taking 10 minutes to go down to your local polling place on election Tuesday and make your voice heard (whether you’re voting for the idiot or the good guy, it’s your right to cast a dumb vote!).

You think the break down in serious people working in government to get things done is at a bad place now think of the utter deadlock that’ll occur when Democrats lose 10+ seats in the Congress and the new Republican majority wants to ban Muslims from owning property in any part of Manhattan or wants to pass an economic reform in the guise of more tax breaks for the wealthiest 5% of society.

And not only will atrociously unqualified and down-right unelectable candidates like Christine O’Donnell and Meg Whitman and Sharon Angle and Carl Paladino and Rand Paul get elected to important positions of government, but their wingnut supporters will celebrate these victories as a sign from on high that this kind of backwards, fire-brand, do nothing but speaking really loud type of government is the way God wants things to be in 2012. If there is one thing the Republican/Tea Party base is really good at is it believing really strongly in a cause (religious or political) and voting during election cycles (OK, two things then).


[Ed. note: Rock The Vote seems to be the only major organization involved in voter registration these days, unfortunately, but your local DMV and Post Office are other places you can start your magical journey into the wondrous realm of registering to vote]

Calling their bluff

It’s really surprising to me that this Muslim cultural center a few blocks away from Ground Zero is still an issue in the media and in the political realms. The project was already unanimously approved by the only people who are authorized to make the decision in New York City, the build commission. It already has found Mayor Bloomberg’s blessing, much of the country believes that the First Amendment deserves to be upheld to American citizens in every aspect it provides, even President Obama commented on the controversy last week. Well, that is to say that he isn’t standing so firmly on his endorsement of the most basic constitutional protections, but any critically thinking person who truly believes in the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and the tenants our nation was built on would agree that it is disgusting that this group of religious believers has been so loudly discriminated against by so many.

The logical conclusion of this debate however, as it has been with almost every issue the Right has brought up in the last year and a half, comes down to siding with an ideology in the Republican mind frame that states that it’s OK to say “fuck you” to a group or an organization or people of a certain ethnicity if those peoples’ values or skin color don’t match that of the Conservative mainstream. The debate gets dressed up in fancy language on television or gets blown so out of proportion you really can’t take the talking heads seriously anymore, but if you were to draw a line way down to the Right’s ultimate conclusion on issues like immigration, healthcare for poor people, the right for a seemingly oppressed minority to practice their faith freely, they would rather entourn/deport/exile/kick out/let die/or possibly, in certain people’s cases, kill with their bare hands than be forced to live another second with these Mexicans, Muslims, Black Panthers, Terrorist Baby rearers, Homos, and other people they flat out don’t like.

You have to let the other side’s words speak for themselves with this mid-term election coming up and with the 2012 election not to far in the distance (my bet is on the media starting serious coverage of the 2012 race the day after the midterm elections are over, by the way). They will try to make their points sound educated and responsible with lots of fancy opinion poll numbers and “facts” about religion and border crossing and so forth in a debate, but since debates are no longer fought over reason or compromise and instead turn straight to emotional appeals, the job of a counterpoint to a Conservative these days is to draw out the other side’s blatant disregard for common decency, law, and humanity.

Where else does a policy of “we can’t have these extra 20 million illegal immigrants in our country anymore taking our jobs” ultimately lead to anyway, or a policy of “we can’t have these Muslims building a YMCA in midtown Manhattan because they creep us out”? Pundits and politicians on the Right are always so vocal about letting us ask them for answers. If you’d just *let* us take the reigns on Healthcare Reform we’ll deliver a solid solution. If the Republicans weren’t the minority party we would have figured out this immigration situation already.

What happened when we let the Republicans circle the wagons in order to produce their clearly laid out plan for Healthcare Reform? We got a 14 page document that certainly has words written on the page, but like the Republican’s current savior-in-Chief Sarah Palin, the long winded positive sounding rhetoric is just political busytalk with no actual figures or actionable solutions for the problem at hand. If this is the best they can come up with we might as well let the Right embarrass themselves by trying to submit the laws they’d really deep down want to pass.

Like laws to strip the Constitution of the 14th Amendment, or bills to cut taxes for the wealthiest people in the nation while we scramble to try and find money to pay off our country’s debts with, or laws that would provide medical care to every person in America, just without the ability get the proper treatment in the event of becoming unhealthy, or laws that ban homosexuals from openly serving in the military, and for that matter, ban them from existing in general society all together!

At the end of the day Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, the Tea Party, that crazy lady from Long-Island who wears too much make-up and doesn’t want a Muslim cultural center going up in NYC, they are all basing policy they’d like to see be law off of their value judgement against another human being. There’s no problem with holding an opinion like that (besides how crass it is), we have the First Amendment for a reason and they damn well better be thankful for that, but there is a problem with coaxing the public opinion and making them believe that their opinions are valid because “that’s what the Founding Fathers would have wanted” or “that’s not what the Constitution really means” or some other fantasy world conclusion that would serve to justify their unfounded opinions. Just don’t use that logic for problem solving guys, you’re bothering the smart politicians in the room.

Barack Obama or the Democrats or any other element that identifies with thinking and writing good policy over resorting to faith-based arguments and screaming and yelling at Anderson Cooper over “Terror Babies”, these people should not need to back down off of their arguments just because there’s a contingent of voters out there who are crazy and would probably vote for Rand Paul for president and don’t like Latinos, Muslims, African-Americans, single mothers, or the poor in the first place. Let them rage all over the airwaves for as long as they want, spouting off opinions that make no sense, as long as this yelling and screaming and bawling and crying continues to never have a place in the final legislation of a real law, let them flounder in dust. Oh, and remember to remind voters and the public about this fact during the election season. The American public needs this certain kind of educational experience before 2012 and Sarah Palin is eligible to be voted for as a presidential candidate.

Breitbart’s “Uni-Tea” Festival was a complete failure

Further cementing The Tea Party’s, and especially Andrew Breitbart’s guilt, when it comes to the tactic of applying racism in order to achieve an agenda or rally your base. From the first announcement till a week after the event had ended, I knew Andrew Breitbart’s “Uni-Tea” party, held this past weekend in Philadelphia, was going to be one of the most literal embodiments of the ideas that concern the concept of “irony” of any previous Tea Party rally since their first one held on Tax Day way back when in 2009. If you remember back to a few days after the Shirley Sherrod debacle, once most of the dust had settled, Andrew Breitbart announced his Uni-Tea summit on FOX News, a venue to finally unite the races at, or at least to get a few minority participants to run out to the rally of a group that stand in opposition of everything in these people’s self interest, a chance to finally prove one and for all that the Tea Party Movement is in fact not a bunch of old white rich people but a civil rights movement of bi-racial harmony. What better city for such a multi-racial gather than Philadelphia, the city of Brotherly Love? I’m sure it was a huge success.

Well, let’s just say you know a Conservative event didn’t go so well when its sole coverage headlines on ‘Geraldo At Large’. From

White People! A sea of White people that stretches from horizon to horizon! Well, saying it was a sea is being generous actually (the crowd numbered in the 150-200 range), but you can be sure there were at least a few people of color hovering around the event held in historic Old Town Philadelphia on a Saturday in July. Could you imagine having been the producer on this news package?

“Holy fucking shit Geraldo we’re at the Uni-Tea event and we’re shooting all this B-roll of the crowd and the people waving signs and we don’t have ANY footage whatsoever of a single ethnic minority in this crowd what the hell are we going to do for the show?! This event is making Andrew Breitbart look like a ridiculous tool and even our viewership isn’t dumb enough to buy this news package.”

Don’t worry, just interview some minority looking people in the afternoon after the compelling speakers and large crowds have died down a bit.

David Neiwert makes a good point:

Funny that these black conservatives are willing to look the other way when it comes to racism directed at someone other than African Americans.

But then, their turnout last weekend should have been their biggest clue.

I’m not so sure I agree with Boehlert that events like the one in Philly mean the Tea Parties are now a spent movement. I suspect that the Tea Parties will start drawing big crowds again when they can get back to the red meat that their crowd craves: defending “white culture” and white privilege, reviving the Patriot movement and playing to the nativists. Look for the immigration debate especially to draw out the worst.

But when the purpose of the event is to prove they’re not racist (by featuring a bevy of black speakers), well, that’s kind of stepping on their underlying message, isn’t it? No wonder it got that kind of turnout.

So what are the implications of the fallout from an event held in order to somehow “prove” the Tea Party is not motivated by a racial thread but instead is attended solely by the party’s dedicated base of white old well-to-do folks? I thought the Tea Party was about taxes or something in the first place, now they’re campaigning against reality and the irrefutable proof of their racially discriminating ways by holding an event that is poorly attended by the same people it was meant to encourage participation through? If anything it just makes Andrew Breitbart look even worse, and frankly I am OK with that.

Where was the Lamestream media on this one, on another note? CNN has really been giving Breitbart the dog and pony treatment considering what he, and his organization alone, have done to actively discriminate against organizations of African-American enfranchisement in the past few weeks and months. Does Breitbart have that much money that he’s able to pay off the watchdogs at CNN over a bomb exploding in his face? It’s fine if you don’t want to press him on the real questions because he’s Andrew Breitbart and all, but at least make light or run a follow-up to the unfortunate End Game that was the first episode of ‘The Shirley Sherrod Scandal’.

Next months episode will feature lawyers! I’m excited and hoping for a cameo from Sam Watterson.

You can’t spell “you” without ‘Glenn Beck U’!

Hey you on the couch! Yes, you.

Are you tired of entitled arrogant “educated” people like your boss or scientists always telling you what to do or saying how Global Warming isn’t a lie? Frustrated by the fact that the only thing setting you and “Mr. Know-It-All” apart might simply be a college degree or high school diploma? Attending a traditional education institution can take a lot of work and time, sometimes as much as 4 or even 5 years, possibly requiring a commute or even the need to read books, but thanks to the wonders of technology now YOU can enjoy the quality of a university education right in the comfort of your own home!

Announcing the groundbreaking of the nation’s newest institution of American academic thought and achievement, Beck University! Started by one of America’s most eminent educator, thinkers, and morning talk-radio hosts, Glenn Beck invites you and other patriotic like-minded Americans to submit a student application today and begin your journey into the world of a college education. By studying to get your degree at Beck University you will be joining the ranks of other college educated smarty smarts such as Ann Coulter, Former President Ronald Reagan, and Legendary football coach and occasional guest on Sean Hannity’s ‘Great American Panel’, Tony Dungy.

Beck University is accredited by the New England Educational Board of Non-Accredited Schools and is the only college education that’s available on a subscription basis (as part of the “Extra Features” section on Glenn Beck’s ‘Insider Extreme’, available exclusively at Just read some of the Facebook Comments our eager students have left us inquiring about our fine institution and thanking us for establishing a mecca of educated thought like Beck University:

Some generous souls just wanted to thank Glenn for his service to the truthseekers of the world:

And some just wanted to hate on the snotty “college degree holders” who commented on how Beck University is completely and utterly ridiculous, an institution with no connection to reality whatsoever that the very thought of its existence is laughable and depressing:

And this was just the first 300 responses!

Yours Truly,


Beck University, Class of 2011

Charity Studies, Minor in Hope

Of Governors and Google Bombs

Geez, we’ve only been around for, what, like a month now? Looks like we’re starting to get a bit popular judging by the web traffic:

Right on! We like when people like us! I can only imagine our success has been due to the combination of a few things. First, we’ve gotten bigger! Yup, added a whole bunch of new writers and everything. It’s kind of become necessary what with all the crazy that’s going around these days. And there’s crazy yet this year that’s still to come (can someone say Town Hall season 2010? In an election year?) but we’re happy to see our staff growing by the day and I’m sure you the reader will be just as happy with them as we move forward. Warning: crazy amounts of content are imminent.

Secondly, lots of people have been talking about us! Crooks and has been known to mention from time to time and celebrity voice talent D.C. Douglas, who we posted about last month and gained our first official comment from, are just a few of the places we’ve seen visitors from over the last couple of weeks. We even have our first official nemesis, oh and some site called SomethingAwful Forums comes here a lot too, but how many month-old websites can say they’ve already made enemies? Don’t those kinds of hate/hate relationships take months and years to develop, simmer, and boil-over properly? Frankly, we are flattered.

The third factor might not be so apparent, but boy does it drive our web-traffic crazy. So go to and search for “nightingale for governor 2010”. Guess whose in the top 50 results for that search term baby. Yeah that’s right girl, Chelene Nightingale is one of our many fantastic candidates for Governor this year in CA (running with the Liberty Party no less) and a person who Tars Tarkas mentioned in this article a few weeks ago (the link that people are following this site to from that Google results page).

Now, it’s very unlikely that about 20 individual AOL users are suddenly (and simultaneously!) become interested in searching Google for the term “nightingale for governor 2010” every night for the past month, usually around 1AM, and end up browsing through every Google result for about 10 pages till they click through to our fine website and it shows up in the web traffic, but hey they’re building our PageRank so thanks guys!

In reality, we’re being “Google bombed”, but it’s still a bit unclear as to what’s really going on here. Google Bombing is quick and painless, usually involving a rotating bunch of computers on different IP addresses searching for a generic term that some impressionable voter might Google one day, and click through those results on specific article or websites, usually positive ones, to artificially build the Google PageRank for those websites. As a result those really flattering articles get bumped to the top of the search pile and everyone reads why Chelene Nightingale is such a great lady instead of questioning why the Liberty Party thinks they can win a Governor’s election in the state of California this year.

That is, however, if it is the Nightingale campaign that’s one setting off the Google Bomb every night. The article Tars wrote really doesn’t discuss Nightingale, it more or less just mentions her name and the phrase “for governor” and the number 2010 in there at some point. Maybe instead this is the Meg Whitman campaign Google Bombing for the purpose of promoting the neutral and nasty results over the positive ones from the search term “nightingale for governor 2010”. Whitman did used to run eBay (some understanding of internet business and search engines might be necessary to be CEO that company) and has spent $60 million so far on her campaign (way more dough than the Liberty Party could ever hope to raise, sorry guys). $60 million leaves a lot of play around room for a fun Google-based search term result assault. You can never rule out the rich and well-to-do with things like this.

Maybe Rand Paul is even behind it for some nefarious reason or another. We might never know. Point is, we’re about to get a whole lot more popular for the search term “nightingale for governor 2010” on Google, so just you wait world!

Page 3 here we come!