Corporate front group Center for Consumer Freedom renews War on Puppies

Just when you thought everyone loves puppies, American Corporations have arrived to prove they are solidly in the Joe the Plumber camp of hating animals. Yes, Center for Consumer Freedom bought ad time during the Oscars to run a commercial bashing the Humane Society!

And who is the Center for Consumer Freedom? Why, a corporate front group ran by Rick Berman. Not the terrible Rick Berman who ruined Star Trek, this is a different terrible Rick Berman. What is it with Ricks? I’ll just copy ThinkProgress’s table of horrors that Rick Berman, PR Hero, has unleashed upon the nation:

I sure hope Rick Berman doesn’t follow the diet he gets paid to pimp out, because he would have enormous medical bills and catastrophic health consequences. And that would be a shame. Reminder to all that Politisink is Team Puppies!
Team Puppies!

One thought on “Corporate front group Center for Consumer Freedom renews War on Puppies

  1. Ever Notice how the word “Freedom” is incorporated to persuade the public of good intemtions. Berman’s only intention is to destroy any organization that poses a threat to big businesses that fund and hide behind this lobbyist. Even the guy’s own son Dave is embarrassed by his agenda. My Humane Society check is in the mail.

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