Jan Brewer endorses Romney, become FreeRepublic enemy

Guess you can’t do anything these days without becoming a sworn enemy of FreeRepublic.com. Arizona governor Jan Brewer endorsed Mitt Romney, now let’s watch the sparks fly!

The problem is women just don’t want to vote for the guy who cheats on his sick wives, because of college brainwashing!

To: DivineMomentsOfTruth

Most people do seem to call themselves conservatives in polls still. The big problem is women. Mitt has been winning far more of the women’s vote than the men’s vote. Studies show that women who attend college come out as liberals even if they entered as conservatives, while men who attend college don’t change their political viewpoint at all. The liberals have a done a wonderful job Balkanizing the country and turning every other demographic against white heterosexual males. Republicans need to fight against this more, without simply conceding their positions on things like abortion. Obviously in war or in politics, when you give up territory, you don’t appease your enemy, you only embolden them to go after more territory. I haven’t heard enough from any of the candidates seeking to unite the genders, races, etc. Newt did do a good job talking about the poor, blacks, etc. but needs to speak more to that soccer mom vote. Not by pandering, but by at least explaining how his policies will help everybody including them.

11 posted on Sun Feb 26 12:15:36 2012 by JediJones (Watch “Gingrich to Michigan: Change or Die” on YouTube. Best Speech Ever!)

Egads, the “college conspiracy” thing has legs!

To: JediJones

It’s difficult to change the minds of those who have been indoctrinated not to think for themselves.. This is why Obama and the Left are pushing for Everyone to get a college education.. They want their dumbed-down drones to vote for them.

15 posted on Sun Feb 26 12:49:34 2012 by DivineMomentsOfTruth (“Give me Liberty or I’ll stand up and get it for myself!”)

Brewer is a monster, a total monster…

To: All

I know all along she is a rino, doing everything with her own ambition in mind.

She vetoed the state’s presidential elig bill;
she had a chance to challenge obozo’s constitutional authority (he is not a legitimate president!) to rule against Az’s illegal immmigration law but she chose to fight it the hard way and lost. She endorsed McCain for senate in 2010 battle against J.D. Hayworth……
Of course she endorses Romney! Rino for Rino!

23 posted on Sun Feb 26 15:02:19 2012 by chrisnj

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