Drain Clogs – 06-23-2010

How Ronald Reagan destroyed America in chart form

Jack Abramoff – disgraced lobbyist and one of the main reasons why the College Republicans are the scum of the Earth – is now working at a pizza shop in Baltimore.

Maywood, CA is firing everyone and outsourcing the entire city.

The Obama administration is now doing the RIAA and MPAA’s dirty work for them. Should we be using these resources for…fighting terror? Feeding the poor? Helping America not go bankrupt? Nope, sorry, some rich executives need more money to protect their dinosaur industry.

Joe Barton apologized and unapologized again for apologizing or something.

Oh, and General McCrystal is out. Perhaps you have heard about the controversy? It was controversial. The right wing reacts:

The terrorists have won. obama is one of them, no he is the terrorist leader now. Teh Taliba and Al Queda are probably cheering in there caves. obama called pertraus everything but human two years ago at a senate hearing along with others, Clinton, Durbin, Reid, the @#$% from California, Finestein, calling him general betrayus.

Revolution has to start soon. Stay indoors. Stay the hell out of the way as only democrats, socialists and terrorist are targets.

General McCrystal, you are now free to speak the truth about the anal orifice obama, please tell the American people how inept obama really is in fighting this war. In running the country.

God bless you for serving so faithfully under trying circumstances. You won the war but lost the battle to an idiot.

Cartoon of the Day:

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