Drain Clogs

Newt Gingrich believes in socialism of his penis, but his then-wife was not impressed. Lamar Smith and the MPAA are giant babies, but the SOPA and PIPA protest had an effect as supporters flee the bill like Italian cruise line captains flee their stranded vessels. Megaupload has been shut down by the FBI, despite the… Continue reading Drain Clogs

Drain Clogs – 06-23-2010

How Ronald Reagan destroyed America in chart form Jack Abramoff – disgraced lobbyist and one of the main reasons why the College Republicans are the scum of the Earth – is now working at a pizza shop in Baltimore. Maywood, CA is firing everyone and outsourcing the entire city. The Obama administration is now doing… Continue reading Drain Clogs – 06-23-2010

Drain Clogs 05-18-2010

Family Values Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN) was boning this chick who isn’t his wife, and is now retiring: Vote for war criminals – Ilario Pantano and Allen West should be in jail, not running as Republicans. This Rolling Stone article about Karl Rove should be awesome, except it is ruined by too many Star Wars… Continue reading Drain Clogs 05-18-2010