Tea Party Express/Mark Williams supposedly booted from National Tea Party Federation

So the National Tea Party Federation, the self-appointed bigwigs of the Tea Party group (aka the biggest front groups pretending to be grassroots) kicked out Mark Williams and the Tea Party Express over his famous letter to Lincoln.

This came to a shock to many in the Tea Party movement because they didn’t know there was a National Tea Party Federation! Yes, sorry suckers, you are just tools of the big money men! Oddly enough, the National Tea Party Federation was pretty low-key when it formed, the announcements were barely mentioned on the member groups we monitor and the whole thing sank into obscurity. The only reason Politisink hasn’t mentioned it was they announced the group around the time we were making plans to transfer over to Politisink from the TarsTarkas.NET Blog and I figured we’d mention them in September when their big march in DC was supposed to happen. But the news has a way of changing things!

The National Tea Party Federation is a real thing, they even have a website! Under the AFFILIATE RELATIONSHIPS banner we see a list of many big moneyed organizations including FreedomWorks, the National Taxpayers Union, the Family Research Council, and Americans for Prosperity. The complete list:

60 Plus
Americans for Prosperity
Americans for Tax Reform
Bannon Strategic Advisors
Citizens Against Government Waste
Citizens United
Constitutional Sovereignty Alliance
Contract From America
Doctor Patient Medical Association
Family Research Council
Heartland Institute
Institute for Liberty
Let Freedom Ring
Moms for America
National Taxpayers Union
Ronald Reagan Institute for
Conservative Leadership
Richard Viguerie
Tea Party Patriots Live!
Victory Media Group

We’re going to work on a spotter’s guide to help identify some of the Tea Party groups in the future.

But first, the Tea Party Express responded via TPE member Joe Wierzbicki (coordinator for the Tea Party Express) and insulted the size of the Federation (saying that the TPE’s 400,000 members is larger than the Federation – which claims over 1 million members, btw, so never trust any teabagger’s numbers – and then makes a bunch of Star Trek references and calls the NAACP the Real Racists:

The Tea Party Express with over 400,000 members is by far larger than the Tea Party Federation’s entire membership. Most rank-and-file tea party activists think we’re talking about Star Trek when we try to explain who the “Federation” is. Given the absurdity of the actions by the “Federation,” this is quite fitting, since their conduct is alien to our membership.
“Groups trying to say who can or can’t be ‘expelled’ from the tea party movement is arrogant and preposterous. Perhaps this explains why so many tea party groups have left the “Federation” during the past few months. Whatever the reason, most tea party activists are focused on taking back their country and the upcoming 2010 elections and not silly power games being played by individuals such as those in the “Federation.”

To add to the absurdity of the “Federation” they have also informed us that our members can’t participate in something called their “basecamp” communication network, which makes us think that the individuals involved in the “Federation” spend a bit too much time watching science fiction movies and cartoons. We here at the Tea Party Express prefer a focus that is more grounded in the Constitution and electing tea party conservatives to offices of import in these 2010 elections.

The “Federation” has enabled and empowered the NAACP’s racist attacks on the tea party movement, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Circular firing squads of groups within the tea party movement attacking one another accomplish nothing, and on this issue the Tea Party Federation is wrong, and has both enabled and empowered the NAACP’s racist attacks on the tea party movement. Which is something they’ll realize when they beam themselves back from basecamp.

As an additional note, whoever typed that up for CNN added like eight extra quotation marks for no reason randomly throughout the speech, which I had to edit out because we have standards here at Politisink (believe it or not!)

So reactions on Resistnet.com were non-existant to the Williams letter, in fact, the site never even mentioned it until someone posted a thread late Sunday night asking what the frak was going on. No official Resistnet person has replied or commented about the latest development.

FreeRepublic has had a different approach. Besides most of the threads about Mark Williams’s letter getting pulled almost immediately, FreeRepublic.com founder Jim Robinson (and Tea Party Express rider) has been fuming at the mouth about how they are NOT expelling Mark Williams:

I’ve caravaned across country several times with Mark Williams and the Tea Party Express and have attended hundreds of their rallies in nearly every state of the lower 57. I know that he is not a racist. Never heard of the Tea Party Federation. They are NOT my leader. In fact, they can kiss my ass!!

Jim Robinson leaderless Tea Party movement member.

11 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:01:01 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT! teapartyexpress.org)

Well, I’m not going to expel him or the Tea Party Express from Free Republic, that’s for sure. As I said, the Marxist/racist NAACP can KMA!! So can CNN and the leftist main stream media. And so can His Majesty, the racist/Marxist pig and wannabe DICKtator Obamassiah!!


44 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:46:40 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT! teapartyexpress.org)

Well, as I said earlier, there is really no reason to attempt to satirize the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. They’re a joke. A cruel joke. They are satire. They’re nothing but a mob of America-hating, freedom-hating, redistributionist Marxist racist thugs. Eff ‘em if they can’t take a joke – Mark Twain.

50 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:53:40 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT! teapartyexpress.org)

The NAAACP is UnAmerican!! They’re a far left Marxist wealth redistributionist society. And they are racist to the core!! Their entire identity and purpose for being is to foment racism and Marxism!! And you can tell them I said so.

Jim Robinson, leaderless TEA Party member.

59 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:28:46 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT! teapartyexpress.org)

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