Wingnut Web – Resistnet Wake up Amer.What are we SHEEPLE ? Edition

So just when I thought it was safe to do a Wingnut Web, I got an email alert from Resistnet about a new thread claiming that Breitbart was telling the NAACP to “go to Hell” or something. Knowing the pack of racist crapeaters at Resistnet can’t resist (pun!) a chance to rant about how “Blacks are the Real Racists!” or “All Blacks are welfare queens!” (almost immediately followed by “Why won’t more blacks join us???”) I clicked. And lo and behold, we got some racism going on! First we’ll have a few random posts that were lying around stinking up my hard drive, and then it’s on to Resistnet’s Cross Burning Party Election ’10!

Kill Whitey and/or Asiany! Also Obama has no white in him, I heard it on the internet!

It’s the sad story of a self-hating Latino. And he’s a Militia dude!

Wake up Amer.What are we SHEEPLE ?

dan taylor is still around and still being a white supremacist in chat day after day after day, with no punishment by the moderators at all. So we can only assume they fully endorse dan taylor’s racism.

All minorities are parasites and WHITES spend their entire time working just to pay for Welfare babies!

amazingly enough, 4Ds is also JBLCVA’s highest report card GPA!

NAACP was a bucket of crap when they started in 1909, time of zero racism in the USA!

NAACP is doubling for a different N-word in this Pat Chadwell’s post

Blacks are all welfare parasites! Why won’t blacks join us?

Do white people have some sort of White Nationalism organization? Of KKKourse not!

H. Jim Howard is ashamed he wasn’t racist enough, strives to be more racist, punches a black baby…

NAACP is part of the NWO along with Hollywood Hogan and Sting! And Patricia Cole is proud to be a racist.

I wonder….

Blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks blacks….Why does the NAACP keep bringing up race????

Keith White continues the tradition of everything said after “I’m not a racist but…” being awful racism. Keith “White” is also not a speller.

First of all, LOL at “Civil Rights Directo”. Second, LBJ spend $15 Trillion??? Looks like this guy is celebrating the passage of legal weed in California a bit premature!

Tomorrow Kenny will realize someone wrote “Communist!” on his glasses and he’s not actually seeing commies everywhere. Who am I kidding, there is no way Kenny will ever figure that out. Poor, poor Kenny…

All minorities are racist! Throw every single one in jail!

Just in case you think this isn’t being moderated, NATIONAL COORDINATOR DARLA DAWALD (and big Politisink fan) is posting in this thread happy as a lark after she emailed it to the entire Resistnet membership.

Put all blacks on an island with all Democrats and Koreas to fight to the death!

Robert M. Heller Sr. learned everything he needs to know about Africa from Sally Struthers. But did you know the NAACP somehow causes African Dictators installed by CIA-backed coups?

Uh, Old Patriot, if you want to join the NAACP, you can. And the KKK isn’t outlawed. Maybe if you weren’t a damn moron you’d know this.

Blacks are gonna rise up and kill…blacks??? But don’t worry, Henry M. Stumpf, Jr. will kill all the blacks. And SOON!

I wonder if there is some sort of historical reason for black colleges….Nah, must be Black Racism! And the thousands of white students at those black colleges? They don’t exist.

Dave Rasse is claiming that all the racism is being done by liberal elements. Except this entire article is filled with Teabagger racism. So this means…The entire Tea Party Movement is a scam perpetrated by liberal Black Nationalists in order to kill Whitey by electing Sarah Palin, secret African Muslim! This just got blown wide open!

Fighting (and succeeding) to let African Americans be allowed to serve as officers in World War I? Damn racial overtones!

I’m proud to be part of an organization that requires a special rule to force people to disguise their racism!

Bob Russell wears his white sheets with pride!

Spock’s Resistnet account found!

I’ve worked as a cop for 32 years but somehow have to call the cops while I am at work and then the cops educate me on the law. Also let me tell you about the time I met Elvis and Bigfoot on the UFO…

According to Jim, what he knows about civil rights is nothing. And According to Jim sucked.

MLK would totally hang out with us racists!

I don’t talk to blacks because of Michelle Obama! Also need more info about the grandpa rape going on in that reply…

Hey, this thread is only getting started as Resistnet pumps up the “Scary Negroes” narrative to Keep Fear Alive so Teabaggers will vote!

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