Passing what onto the children?

Even deficit hawks are admitting that “starving the beast” was a bad idea: I believe that to a large extent our current budgetary problems stem from the widespread adoption of an idea by Republicans in the 1970s called “starve the beast.” It says that the best, perhaps only, way of reducing government spending is by… Continue reading Passing what onto the children?

Drain Clogs 3-7-10

CrroksandLiars has a breakdown of how Freedomworks’ new scam for BP looks awfully familiar to fans of Jack Abramoff, Michael Scanlon, and Indian Casino lobby scams. Machete’s trailer has caused Wingnuts to go insane. Or more insane. School for Disabled Forces Students to Wear Backpacks That Deliver Massive Electric Shocks If you can think of… Continue reading Drain Clogs 3-7-10