Yup I’m a Racist – the Tea Party shirt your dad will be wearing soon

Remember, the Democrats are the real racists, so proudly declare that you are a racist. Uh…..

Yup Im a Racist
Greg Skilling interviewed some of the morons:

Some of them think this shirt is dumb as well, so there’s hope.

Yup Im A Racist Shirt

He's obviously an ACORN Operative!

Drain Clogs – 10-29-2010

Curb Stomp Teabaggers

So now the Teabaggers have moved to actually assaulting people at their rallies. In case you haven’t seen the news, some of Rand Paul’s supporters decided it would be a good idea to beat up a woman named Lauren Valle and stomp on her head at one of his rallies. Video below:

Rand Paul is taking the high role, in that he hasn’t bothered to condemn the assault and isn’t helping identify the attackers. That’s the free market teabaggers for you! From now on, make sure you wear a motorcycle helmet if you see teabaggers nearby!

Luckily, the crazy nuts on the message boards we watch will totally condemn this attack…..NOT! More like they’ll blame the victim then bring up all sorts of imaginary assaults by liberals.

First up is FreeRepublic.com:
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2614679/posts (this one is entitled “Activist stomped outside Paul-Conway debate (Suspected terrorist tries to approach Rand Paul)“)

Anyone know what the “murder” is he’s talking about?

First of all she was PAID to do this by MoveOn and secondly, they felt she was a threat to Rand.

You know, for two years now we have had to endure the violence on the left, (finger bites, beatings, and even one murder) but someone overreacts and put his shoe on her to stop her from getting up and the internet is all a twitter over it. How much can a person be pushed?

16 posted on Mon Oct 25 2010 22:21:56 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) by CowHampshire (NH, Tea Party, Banking Elite, Obama, Cloward-Piven, Totalitarianism, Fascism, Taxation)

The pot should be boiling really good before this week is over!
We are as close to civil war as you can get without shooting.

23 posted on Mon Oct 25 2010 22:47:18 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) by SWAMPSNIPER (The Second Amendment, A Matter Of Fact, Not A Matter Of Opinion)

To: tlb

Whew… That thing should have had her face stomped on.

42 posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 2:16:14 AM by Lancey Howard
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LibLieSlayer is a truly awful human being.

Clearly a case of assault with intent… this bitch was a hit bitch from soros. I hope she suffered some sort of permanent damage.


24 posted on Tue Oct 26 2010 07:53:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by LibLieSlayer (WOLVERINES!)

Would you “feel” that way if the award had been a .380 or a small 9mm semi auto? We cannot take chances and these media planted rubes need to know that our candidates are protected. Try this stunt with a group of aflcio thugs and get back to me… oh wait… there would be no you left to get back to me. I have no pity and no such regrets.

27 posted on Tue Oct 26 2010 07:57:17 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by LibLieSlayer (WOLVERINES!)

I’d have shot the b**** and been done with it.

58 posted on Tue Oct 26 2010 09:23:12 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Lurker (The avalanche has begun. The pebbles no longer have a vote.)

Now wtc911… I made absolutely no personal or derogatory remarks about you… I just disagree with you on this article. Why is it so usual for me to get something wrong? In tens of thousands of posts that I have made, there are literally only a handful of posts where I made a mistake… and I corrected those mistakes and apologized if needed. Can’t we debate this without slipping into personal attacks? Expect none from me.
rachael corey is another one of these leftists that got what she deserved. This woman would have been flogged 200 years ago. America has grown soft… dims and al qaeda have taken notice. Some of us are not so soft… and you will need all of us one day. Mark my words.


66 posted on Tue Oct 26 2010 10:28:28 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by LibLieSlayer (WOLVERINES!)

If you go in to enemy territory next to people who are passionate enough to get out of their homes and attend a political meeting, regardless of party affiliation, expect to NOT get a warm welcome when you crash the scene.

This is not a political thing, it’s a social thing. If someone did this in a church, wedding, school, funeral, you can bet they will provoke some kind of reaction which was the woman’s intent.

If you are going to go to jail for assault, at least do it right. The woman seemed to walk away with little harm done and mission accomplished. The news is all about her and nothing about the candidate or meeting.

This will now encourage loons everywhere to try this. Next time, send her out in an ambulance and strike some fear in to the hearts and minds of potential interlopers. That would put a stop to such foolish behavior.

81 posted on Tue Oct 26 2010 10:50:25 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by texan75010

Here is Resistnet crazy person rel find who posted this all over Resistnet.com:

Woman who instigated the scuffle in Kentucky was from movon.org She later admitted that she was disguised-posing as a Paul supporter to get close to him and cause an incident

She was from movon.org and had a wig-disguise on.

She admitted that she was posing-faking just like all dishonest; libs-Dems-ACORN-SEIU-NOW-MALDEF-ACLU, political activists always do, to try and cheat-mislead-lie-steal for votes during election time.

She admitted that she was wearing the disguise and that she had lied about being a Paul supporter, in order to get close to him in that crowd-gathering, so that she could get right next to him and get a picture taken of her giving him some kind of mocking-satyrical award.

The woman, appearing to pose as a Paul supporter and wearing a platinum wig, was stopped from carrying out her moveon.org lib-Dem scam by Paul supporters.

The woman, Lauren Valle, told police she was with the highly politcally active liberal group MoveOn.org. She says she wanted to give Paul what appeared to be a mocking “satirical award” and have her picture taken with the candidate.

Valle said, right before it was found out to be a lib-Dem movon.org scam,

“We are excited to give Rand the employee of the month award because he has been so good at diversity and unemployment solutions,”

Valle told 27 NEWSFIRST she drove to Lexington from Washington, DC. So here we go again with the; lib-Dem, moveon.org, ACORN-SEIU-NOW-MALDEF-ACLU type political tactics.

Rand Paul had nothing to do with whoever was trying to turn back this woman who is a Conway supporter, from harrassing him and the crowd of supporters.

A few people might have overreacted and they shouldn’t have, but … She lied and said she was a Rand Paul supporter to get up close to him and pull some kind of obnoxious politically motivated harrassment move.

She was there looking to start trouble and mangaged to instigate this whole thing, on purpose. It’s not anyone elses fault but the woman who out of the blue took it upon herself to instigate the whole unexpected incident,

amongst a crowd of highly charged-defensive political supporters in the midst of a very contentious election race, very close to the election. She drove all the way from Washington DC to carry out her lib-Dem, ACORN-SEIU-NOW-MALDEF-ACLU type, moveon.org scam-plan.

Anyone associated with any of the above anti-American groups, and who is involved in a high-profile troublemaking incident such as this one on their own, is a highly suspicious character.

Most likely an operative of one or more of those anti-American groups, who was given the plan and marching orders, which she carried out willingly-deceptively-deceitfully, as the libs-Dems-ACORN-SEIU-NOW-MALDEF-ACLU-moveon.org, political activists always do around election time.

It’s time we had a change from the same old tactics from the anti-American-libs-Dems-Conway.

Vote for the right kind of change, pro-American Conservative Rand Paul !!!

This is the curb stomper guy, and his ironic button about not wanting to be tread upon:

via Balloon-Juice, I was not aware that there was a big woo-hoo over some columnist using “curbstomp” in his column, to the point where he had to apologize. And then a real life one happened committed by the same side that was so offended!

Drain Clogs – 07-06-2010

We’re getting threatened again, this time by our old pal Helene. You remember her? Her husband invented everything ever.

One thing he didn’t invent was a way to have us not make fun of her, thus she’s gone tattling to Dreamhost (our webhosting company) and “the property government authorities” – Looks like the jig is up! So here is her comment in full (found in the above link)

Hi Frankie,

You caught me. Bet I had you going for a minute didn’t I?

In any event, I have contacted Dreamhost and the property government authorities about your posts. I’m sure you will understand since you love our government nowadays and would love to be a part of their enslavement.

Boots. Shaking.

In the future world of 2010, rogue debt collecting companies can destroy your life with nothing more than a piece of paper.

Remember when Anthem Blue Cross decided to raise rates a ridiculous amount and pretty much got the Health Care Reform passed because of it, then backed off? Well, they’re gonna raise the rates again!

Republican John Oxendine paid his former campaign manager’s consulting firm to dispatch Christian teenage volunteers from TeenPact door-to-door promoting his bid for Georgia governor. But I’m sure this is all in the up and up, except for the fact that the group TeenPact is a non-profit with tax-exempt status that isn’t suppose to be doing that and can be fined and stripped of their status.

Wanna cover the BP oil leak and not go exactly where BP tells you to go? Pay $40,000 and go to jail! FUBP.

Who is lamer? Sharron Angle for sending a cease-and-desist letter to the Reid campaign after they quoted her old campaign website (full of crazy stuff) or Harry Reid for his campaign complying with the cease-and-desist letter?

Real Patriots sue the fire department

A Republican a member of an all-white country club? Shocks of shocks!

Riots in the USA! Yes, Puerto Rico is part of the USA, even if it isn’t a state.
Check out this awesome excessive force action!

Remember the Anonymous Tarp Wife who whined about being embarrassed because her husband’s crappy company destroyed the economy of the entire planet? Well, she’s Liz Peek, and now she thinks she can give financial advice. I’m no expert, but I have a feeling she’s completely and utterly wrong about everything.

Living wages are cool, unless you’re a jerk. Hey, there are lots of jerks in New York!

This WND dude used to love America more when it was a fictional country. But what do you expect from the author of Liberals: America’s Termites or It’s A Shame That Liberals, Unlike Hamsters, Never Eat Their Young. I think he needs a longer book title.

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-02-2010

GOP chair Michael Steele says more freaky things, this time he’s rewriting history!

“This was a war of Obama’s choosing,” Michael Steele said at the event. “This is not something the United States has actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in.”

The right is outraged, as usual, and will do nothing.

“Terrorist babies are real! I’m not crazy! Why do you think I’m crazy?” – Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)

Rand Paul called for an “underground electric fence” along the US/Mexico boarder, then struggles to explain his statement.

Lindsey Graham spoke ill of the teabaggers, expect them to be enraged:

In a previous conversation, Graham told me: “The problem with the Tea Party, I think it’s just unsustainable because they can never come up with a coherent vision for governing the country. It will die out.”

Barack Obama is the Karate Kid

Cartoon of the Day: