Drain Clogs – Love means never having to say “I’ll Deport You!” Edition

Some roundup stuff from the past week you may have missed…

Drain Clogs – Gun Down Them Condoms! Edition

Drain Clogs – One Ding-a-ling to Rule Them All Edition…

Sarah Palin breaks hearts and minds on FreeRepublic.com

If you’re like me, you know the best thing about the Grifting Quitter’s big announcement is the exploding heads from the die hard true believers. And no place has a bigger, badder, crazier concentration than FreeRepublic.com. Come join us as we watch the fun!

First up is se_ohio_young_conservative, who was one of the Palin or bust fanatics, who launched a big thread about being betrayed:

“Sarah Palin is a total coward with no guts *my apology*”

I would like to apologize for all of the vanity messages over the years. I apologize for trying to defend and support a person who now appears to have no heart and no courage. I apologize to those who have supported other candidates. I apologize for any attacks on those in the Republican party who didn’t support her.

I have to painfully admit that I was wrong on everything since 2008.

If this is what this woman is really all about, I wouldn’t even hire her to run an ice cream shop. She is not our side and we need to make sure that she knows that in the future. Lets forget all of this (since 2008) ever happened and move on and work together with people who really have a heart and want to save our country.

But, less than two weeks ago, se_ohio_young_conservative was saying…

Why Palin needs to run

Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 12:21:12 PM by se_ohio_young_conservative

1. Regular people will see how the media treated her, how they defeated her and be discouraged from ever running for local, state and national office. Especially conservative females. If she doesn’t run, that sends the signal of defeat to the country and victory for the MSM. Think about it. How many young conservative women in this country would look at what has happened to Sarah Palin and decide that it wouldnt be worth it to enter politics. The same goes for conservative men like myself who come from small towns and non rich families.

2. She is the only person I see on the national stage who I believe has the guts to dismantle Obama’s policies like Obamacare piece by piece until it is gone.

3. There is no one who has a connection to Middle America like Sarah Palin. We look down the row of candidates and I see nobody that midwesterners and southerners can relate to. That is very important. Our elections are always decided in the midwest and southern border states.

4. Lisa Murkowski and other anti Palin idiots from Alaska will celebrate if she doesnt run. job well done.

His rant against Sarah is yanked, but not before he was piled on by Freepers:

To: se_ohio_young_conservative

You Are An IDIOT!

26 posted on Wednesday, October 05, 2011 4:52:20 PM by PoloSec ( Believe how that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again for our justification)

To: se_ohio_young_conservative

I would like to apologize for all of the vanity messages over the years…


And yet here you are with yet another whiny cry-baby vanity.

What will all the vanities about your mother dying and all. And now this traumatic devasting news….

You’re not gonna kill yourself or nothing are ya?

28 posted on Wednesday, October 05, 2011 3:52:38 PM by Responsibility2nd (NO LIBS! This means liberals AND libertarians (same thing) NO LIBS!)

To: se_ohio_young_conservative


65 posted on Wed Oct 5 16:01:55 2011 by nhwingut (Palin ’12… Accept No Other)
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jonrick46 wins the prize for Vice President hope

To: se_ohio_young_conservative

You may want to look at the silver lining in all of this. Sarah Palins performance in the up coming months will play an important role in getting a Republican majority elected in the U.S. Senate. How could she do it as a Presidental candidate?

Sarah Palins performance in the up coming months will play an important role in extending the Republican majority in the Congress. Now she can focus on that effort.

Sarah’s position at Fox gives her an important advantage in putting out the conservative message. She will take on the DemonRAT spin, the DemonRAT deception and the DemonRAT DemonRAT play book. She will be our bomb thrower to weaken the enemy before the main team, our Presidential Candidate, advances their effort on the playing field.

Sarah will electrofy the electorate for conservative, common sense candates. The DemonRAT opposing candidates will look like fools when Sarah attracts huge crowds for Republican candidates. The money from the average citizen will be a money bomb for everyone she supports. That will weaken the enemy fueled by union campaign war chests.

Finally, do not count Sarah out as the Vice Presidential candidate. Eight years as Vice President transforms to eight years as the first woman President of the United States. Sixteen years in such a position of power will transform this nation and the world suffering from the cancer of Progressivism (which we call Marxist Communism). Sixteen years with Sarah Palin’s leadership will put America once again as that Shining City on the Hill—that beacon for all mankind to the principle of Liberty.

143 posted on Wed Oct 5 16:26:18 2011 by jonrick46 (2012 can’t come soon enough.)

To: se_ohio_young_conservative

You really need to get off freerepublic and work on yourself. You’ve posted about a thousand vanities supporting her, and now you say she “can’t run an icecream shop”. I’m not for banning people easily, but considering your inane vanities you’ve posted over the years, and your total meltdown today, you really need to go. Go see a psychologist. You have problems.

16 posted on Wednesday, October 05, 2011 3:50:16 PM by teg_76
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Crazed Palin booster The Wizard posts a long screed about his broken heart…

***Who Needs A Knife: Stabbed In The Back By Someone We Loved***
Stardate: 1110.5

Posted on Wednesday, October 05, 2011 5:44:05 PM by The Wizard

Those of you who read me know how I feel about Sarah Palin….just look at my tag line…..and I will write her name in in November, and keep my word that I will vote fro her….

But if she does not undo this incredible mistake, and quickly, she will supply all the media and all her detractors with what they will call “Proof” that every rotten thing they said about her was true…..

And what a way to thank Steve Bannon for his film and DVD….on the day it comes out to most stores, she gets out, braking millions of little people hearts and killing the sales of all those DVD, which will now be in the $1 bin in a month, if it takes that long…..actually I wouldn’t be surprised to see Walmart cancel the order.

Book sales, TV shows, etc. they have all been thrown away….oh it might take a little while, but you can see it disappearing as we speak…..

Sarah talked to Mark Levin about security for her family….does she think they will be safer now that she’s invisible? Her son went to war and risked his life, and we know only too well that she is risking her life and the lives of her family, but the only way to fight that is to shine a light on it…….

I believe tremendous numbers of Americans would surround them and her home to protect the kids….and her…..

She needed to be in the debates, and in the media every day possible, WIN OR LOSE, it doesn’t matter, she had such strength that she could command coverage for the right things…..she has thrown all that away…

To my wonderful Freeper friends here, how long do you really think she will be a power now without the possibility of becoming President….the crowds will leave because they feel betrayed….I’ve been through this with Perot…..we worked hard and did what we could because we wanted a real person in the White House, and then he punked out and there was nothing left but the illusion of a compaign.

Sarah needs to retract this, blame it on all of us who are crying tonight, but if she gets out, she will no longer be a force.

No Offense Angel, but you owe it to us to even lose your life in the pursuit of America, many others have and will, but you are the chosen one, and you need to get right in the middle of this and take bambi and his socialism down.

The Wizard is a true believer in Palin, but is betrayed and hurt.

To: Blue Turtle

She will be on the record with Greta tonight and for the first time I WILL NOT be watching….betrayed is not the word that is strong enough for me, I was ready to help, I was ready to give, and I will NOT be running over to Walmart now for the DVD, which I went to get at 5am this morning….glad I didn’t get it.

103 posted on Wednesday, October 05, 2011 5:52:55 PM by The Wizard (Madam President is my President now, and in the future)

For more information on The Wizard, be sure to check out his awesome website and TV show!

Sarah Barracuda is still in love

To: Tuxedo

She didnt deserve all of the hell she has gotten..from BOTH sides..both sides have treated her like crap and for what, after all, what horrible thing has she ever done..nothing..she is a beautiful human being who only has wanted to help people and this is how she gets treated. I dont blame her at all for not wanting to run, she has had enough of this crap and she will probably endorse Cain who I am happy with. Maybe if some on the GOP want to know why she chose not to run they should look in the mirror..there is only so much a human being can take

153 posted on Wednesday, October 05, 2011 5:42:30 PM by Sarah Barracuda
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MestaMachine wins the award for Most Delusional Thinking, with this post:

To: quesney

Shadow Wars, my friend. We are seeing the battlelines being drawn and pretend we don’t. This has nothing to do with who is president and a LOT more to do with who controls the presidency…and it hasn’t been We the People for an awfully long time.
Each and every one of us has a duty to stand up against this. One person cannot do it. Sarah has chosen to fight on THEIR turf, not from inside an imaginary bubble called the presidency. She has more guts than anyone has given her credit for.
Does anyone here REALLY believe that obama controls ANYTHING? He’s so frikking stupid he can’t remember what year it is.
Look around you. The left has total control. If that control thinks it will LOSE control, they will begin a scorched earth. That is what we are looking at. That is what Sarah sees. Her entrance into this race would have triggered that. Are you people so blind that you can’t see what is going on?
We need to become an army or yes, we die.

42 posted on Thursday, October 06, 2011 4:31:28 AM by MestaMachine (obama kills)
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wardaddy is back to stab the Palin Fans in the back after years of being stabbed in the back. Basically, FR eats their own 24/7/356

To: LibLieSlayer; wtc911; don-o
You just can’t help yourself can you?

neither could you guys and some of you are still at it

the behavior of the Palin zot patrols here will not be forgotten by me

it dwarfed what you guys liked to call Pissant and Rabs PDS brigade..which slowed to a trickle after Piss’s zot

Palin has been a huge disappointment…incredible…the planets had aligned for her and in my estimation (not wtc’s) we needed her…bad…a social conservative.

and she drags it out to the end and just announces like she did?..some feeble opt out?

and we are just aren’t gonna talk about it and now treat her like Elder Stateswoman?


She finked out.

And her Zot posse goons here should shut up.

Months of zot pack hunts on anyone ..even supporters like me…who questioned any little utterance she had or why she was dragging out announcing?

and now we will just be good little campers and let you guys have your cry and not criticize what the hell was she thinking like no biggie?

not on your life hoss…

any of that pack want to unleash the zot now?

decent posters got zotted…and for what.

those who had a part in that should hide their heads in shame here..jerks…and many of them have exhibited that behavior before on other issues…it’s how they post here and they wrapped around Sarah…even a number of Giuliani/Wideawakes freeper exiles.

Now splain that to me Lucy…making the switch from Giuliani to Palin.

There are plenty of reasonable Sarah supporters here but there are some who are the ugliest posters I’ve seen in 11 years
115 posted on Thursday, October 06, 2011 10:36:35 AM by wardaddy (I wish palin would run…..she can win strike that now obviously)
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Gargantua gives us the final eulogy of this Wingnut Web…

To: pgyanke
You are 100% correct, and past tense “Mattered” is also appropos. Her amazing popularity was due, the majority of it, to the hope that she would do for America what she did for Alaska. That was always her unspoken promise in the hearts and minds of millions upon millions of sincere, hard working, God fearing American patriots.

I still don’t understand how you can one minute say how you honor our troops for their willingness to sacrifice all for our country, and then in the next minute, turn your back on that same country as it cries out for your leadership in its hour of life-or-death need.

I’m dangerously close to despising her for her gutless decision, and for ripping the beating heart out of the country I love. She has really pissed me off, and she may well have destroyed our chance of winning in 2012.

It’s going to take an energized base to beat Obama, Acorn, SEIU, Soros, etc. I just don’t see anyone among the current field that conservatives can get excited about.

“Buck up or stay in the truck!”

“If you can’t ride two horses at once, you probably shouldn’t join the circus.”

“Don’t retreat… RELOAD!”

What a bad, sad joke.
50 posted on Thursday, October 06, 2011 11:02:30 AM by Gargantua (President Palin isn’t coming, and she’s brought America down with her…)
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And finally, go ninja! Go ninja! Go go go go go!

To: grey_whiskers

Palin has always won, and the reason for that is she only enters if she is reasonably sure she can win. When Cain was in the lower pack, and Perry was up, she probably thought it was possible for her to win and was waiting to see how it worked out.

However with the rise of Cain, she knew that she would only divide the conservative votes between Cain and herself. That would have delivered the nomination to Romney.

So, that is probably part of her decision not to run for President.

The other reason is, if you read her missive carefully, she was concerned about threats to her and her family’s life. She referred to “innocence” of “childhood” lost. I read that as her being afraid her kids would lose their Mom and /or Dad to an assassination.

Perot had a nighttime visit of “ninjas” that made him decide to back out for the sake of his grand children. This seems to be the rule rather than the exception for those challenging the status quo. Sarah couldn’t even get that author creep from living next door. That implies a lack of control of her security and environment. It was intended to intimidate her and her family.

Cain essentially offered to be a VP a few days ago, and that may have been an overture to Palin. Perhaps she could return the favor with Cain and be well positioned for the next election. A Veep is not as much of a target as a President.

There is also the fat ugly cow and misogynous male votes that Palin seemed to never be able to win over. Kelda points out that Thatcher and Hillary are not very sexually attractive types.

124 posted on Thursday, October 06, 2011 12:04:10 PM by helpfulresearcher (Palin and Cain – Courageous leaders who can actually fire people and prosecute corruption!)
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Remember, with all the Shadow Wars and ninjas out there, be careful! Until next time….

Colbert’s Super PAC

Stephen Colbert stopped by the FEC to form a SuperPAC.

Why should you care? Because what he’s doing is brilliant and has real world consequences.

On Friday, May 13th, Colbert and his lawyer showed up at the Federal Election Commission building in D.C. to formally request an advisory opinion for the Colbert Super PAC, which if created will be an independent expenditure Political Action Comittee able to accept unlimited corporate, individual, political committee and labor contributions.

This is a real request, says Colbert “I’m making an actual request. I want to find out whether I actually have to list Viacom and the fact that I have a show as a gift in-kind,and if I don’t, I can’t wait to use the resources of my show.”

The Lawful In-kind Contribution:
If Stephen Colbert forms a PAC and then references or uses material from the PAC on his show, there is a question whether Viacom (his corporate parent) must report the time used to talk about the PAC as an In-kind Contribution to the PAC. The FEC created this rule to prevent free advertising of PACs by shows. There is an exemption, called the Press Exemption, which is why Karl Rove can get paid by Fox News and go on Fox News and blabber on and on about American Crossroads with no repercussions, Fox News is a press entity and is exempt. Colbert is seeking clarity as to whether Viacom can count as a press entity.

It is possible the FEC will do ruling here that may strike down the press exemption, or alter it in ways that affect Fox News and their paid contributors who also run PACs like Karl Rove and Sarah Palin. In that event, Colbert has already won, hurting an enemy while producing bits for his own show. Colbert also exposes the lax of regulations and oversight at the FEC on forming PACs and SuperPACs. If Colbert is allowed the Press Exemption, he has free reign to create a multitude of content that will have implications in the 2012 campaign and beyond.

For example, this will allow Colbert to produce commercials to air in markets of close races. Due to the Colbert satire angle, expect them to be “pro-GOP” in a sense of them being anything but. Colbert’s name will ensure viral internet propagation of the commercials, and they’ll also be used as material for The Colbert Report. The commercials won’t even have to air to be seen thousands of times in the districts they are targeting. The 2012 campaign season promises to be more entertaining that 2008 ever was.

Colbert’s success in getting his PAC started will inspire others to do similar work. I am not sure who could set up something as large as his PAC has the potential to be in time for 2012, but I expect there will be a few copycats of varying degrees of seriousness.

Colbert is quoted as saying “I believe the Citizens United decision was the right one, there should be unlimited corporate money, and I want some of it. I don’t want to be the one chump who doesn’t have any.”
Then Colbert spoke:

“As we stand here on this historic site, where 250 years ago today George Washington filed his papers to form his independent expenditures non-connected political action committee, we are also standing at an American crossroads — not to be confused with American Crossroads, the name of Karl Rove’s ‘Super PAC,” Colbert told the crowd. “I mean a metaphorical crossroads, because the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United has proved that unlimited corporate money equals free speech. But by the transitive property of elections, does it not also follow that no corporate money equals silence?”

“I want to form Colbert Super PAC for all the PAC-less Americans, to give you a voice in the form of my voice,” Colbert said.

Colbert told the crowd he’d be offering handshakes at $1 a pop and collected fists full of cash as he darted into an awaiting SUV.

Background from episodes of Colbert Report (thanks Lansdowne):
March 10th
Inspired by ads from Tim Pawlenty and his PAC, Colbert decides to form his own.

March 30th
Colbert asks former FEC chair Trevor Potter about PACs and prepares to submit his paperwork.

April 14th part 1
Parent company Viacom urges Colbert to cease PAC activities as it would be an illegal ‘in kind’ contribution of corporate resources.

April 14th part 2
Trevor Potter returns to help Colbert submit the necessary cover letter to turn his PAC application into a SuperPAC application, which allows for corporate donations.

April 28th
Colbert discusses the differences between PACs and SuperPACs. Interview with Russ Feingold about impacts of the Citizens United ruling.

May 11th
Viacom still is reluctant to allow Colbert to continue PAC activities as they would have to disclose details about its contribution of airtime and resources. Trevor Potter then helps Colbert in obtaining a ‘media exemption’ which allows for journalistic organizations to report on PAC activities without considering the airtime a contribution.

Draft Sarah Palin!

From friend of the site D.C. Douglas:

Hollywood Actor D.C. Douglas Mounts “Draft Sarah Palin” Campaign

Actor and part- time political gadfly D.C. Douglas releases a political rock opera anthem for a Sarah Palin/Michele Bachmann presidency.

Hollywood, CA ( PRWEB ) April 05, 2011 – – Actor D.C. Douglas has produced and released an online music video today entitled “A Sarah Palin/Michele Bachman Ticket” in an effort to galvanize the Tea Party and ultraconservative Republican base. The music video features imagery of America’s Founding Fathers against a political anthem for the GOP primary race and an ultimate Sarah Palin/Michele Bachmann ticket.

Los Angeles based character actor D.C. Douglas is known for his earnest internet video productions. His controversial, but heartfelt ” Tea Party PSA ” was released in May of 2010 and garnered over 300,000 hits within a few days. It went on to be featured on several conservative blogs as well The Huffington Post and HLN’s Joy Behar Show. His “Burn A Quran Day ” spec commercial for Reverends Terry Jones and Fred Phelps had a similar impressive debut.

Mr. Douglas, in a post on his Hollywood blog, explains that he felt compelled to act after MSNBC and CNN dismissed the prospect of a Sarah Palin run for the Republican nomination in 2012. “It astonishes me that people like Lawrence O’Donell and Anderson Cooper cannot see the benefit of her running…” Mr. Douglas said in a later interview, “After all that America has been through recently – – the recession, Wall Street, God’s natural disaster punishments – – we truly need Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann in the race. Laughter is the best medicine, and their candidacy would be such a healing experience for our country.”

According to his blog post , he hopes the video will be picked up by Fox News and other conservative outlets so that as many republicans and Tea Party members will see it and be inspired to draft Sarah Palin into the 2012 race, with the ultimate goal of her winning the nomination and choosing Michele Bachmann as her running

“You may say that I’m a dreamer,” Mr. Douglas concluded, “but I’m not the only one.”

Mr. Douglas’ film and television work can be seen on his official film & tv website.

Mr. Douglas is represented by David Secor at the Daniel Hoff Agency in Los Angeles.

Arizona Shooting leftover bits

Blood Libel? Are they serious? They are serious. Either Palin is insane or she eats babies. Why would you use that term? Also she used a teleprompter in her YouTube video!

Today is the memorial for the Arizona victims, but Palin has now ensured we’re just gonna be talking about her.

Giffords shooter Jared Loughner is nuts. We already knew that, but this lets you know how nuts he is.

Jared also posted crazy stuff on a conspiracy website.

The Tea Party Express is shocked, SHOCKED, that their violent rhetoric is being criticized in wake of the Giffords shooting. Also, give them money!

These giant bulls eye targets aren’t gun sights, they are surveyor’s symbols! Lock and reload your surveying tools!

Gateway Pundit then photoshopped his own bulls eye photo trying to smear DailyKos. Here is a link to the original DKos post.

Blood on their hands

Vacation time is over, and though I wasn’t going to start up new updates until Monday, it looks like we’re going to have to talk about the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona. At the time of this writing, there is 6 dead, including a 9-year-old girl born on 9-11 and U.S. District Judge John Roll, and 12 others wounded.

Remember that Rep Giffords was one of the congress people “targeted” by Sarah Palin, literally, with crosshairs over her district.

She discusses the issue here:

The shooter has been identified as Jared Lee Loughner, who has left an internet trail of crazy. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik is also looking for another person of interest, so there may be more things developing soon. But I hope all you teabaggers are happy. You are getting what you want. Violence, murder, death. I am sure all our friends who keep calling for violent government overthrow are polishing their guns extra hard tonight. But they’ll be the first to try to shift the blame onto everyone else. Just watch.

Drain Clogs – 11-22-2010

Almost immediately after skiplogic posted his article about Sarah Palin, two of Palin’s kids got into a giant Facebook fight where they threw gay slurs around like they just don’t care. Because they don’t. Kids will be dumb, but leave it to FreeRepublic.com to see their words as some sort of epic battle of freedom against teh gays!

The head of FoxNews is literally calling people Nazis.

War criminal Congressman Allen West will be a constant stream of crazy.

Bryan Fischer is a tool. But he wants you to know he’s a manly tool, unlike that female man Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta who got the Medal of Honor for bravely defending his fallen comrade. What a pussy, am I right?

The Teabaggers now direct their rage towards sustainable development! All these crazy people ranting against Agenda 21 means we have to add this to the #conspiracytheories category. Good job, loons! It’s sort of sad that we have a tag for that already…

Cartoon of the Day: