Worst Week Ever

Hope next week is better.

Drain Clogs – 09-14-2010

  • America’s toughest Sheriff, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, roasted a woman alive in the hot desert sun and no one is going to get punished at all.
  • Have you seen that movie Gasland? Well, the Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security thinks that makes you a criminal and now they’re tracking your movements and sending the information to gas companies. Isn’t it great all crime in Pennsylvania has been solved so now they can focus on what movies you watch?
  • Incessant wingnut whining about another issue (BLACK PEOPLE!!!!!) is causing the DOJ IG to investigate the New Black Panthers non-issue. I’m sure they’ll find just as much as they did on ACORN (that was nothing, btw)
  • Astroturf group FreedomWorks is setting up “DiversiTea“, an attempt to get more minorities at the tea parties than the same five or so people they bus all over the country. You see, gas prices are going up! I expect this will double the amount of minorities in the Tea Party to an even dozen!
  • Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Obama may follow a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview.

    “What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?

    Newt is undoubtedly speaking to the birther fringe with those comments. I don’t think he really believes Obama was born in Kenya, but Newt wants to be president and is trying to cozy up to the Teabaggers (who HATE him, btw)

  • Speaking of Newt, he has a new video with his wife where they say Islam is the most dangerous thing to happen to America since the sticking your fingers into light sockets fad of 1917. They still hate you, Newt and wife #3.
  • Andrew Breitbart admits he’s tricking people.
  • Besides the Koran events we reported on over the weekend, ThinkProgress has a good list of other events that show how awesomely scary the rhetoric has become. Highlights include burned and pooed on Korans and burned and shot Korans. Still waiting for some confused person to burn a Korn cd…
  • The best Koran event was in Amarillo, TX, where our old friends Repent Amarillo (who still send my fake email account long essays about wrongly interpreted passages of the bible) were going to burn a Koran in an event they didn’t bother to email me about. Passing by was 23-year-old skateboarder Jacob Isom, who snatched the Koran and said “Dude, you have no Quran!” and ran off. Now, we support the right of Repent Amarillo to burn the Koran if they so want to, but this is hilarious. Isom later gave the Koran to a Muslim guy at a nearby rally against the hate by Amarillo Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
  • Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 06-18-2010

Teabaggers are trying to take down Chris Matthews in an effort similar to what was done to Glenn Beck’s sponsors. FreedomWorks chief Dick Armey is also telling candidates not to go on MSNBC, but that’s less of a spiteful attack on Matthews and more of a fear that their nutball candidates will actually say things they believe and scare off voters.

“Buy solar. Get a gun.”

The Red Cross has been fined $21 million since 2003 over crappy blood screening, including the latest $16 million fine. Oh, and they also sell blood, which you probably didn’t know.
Disclaimer – I give money to the Red Cross disaster funds

Mother Jones has the 10 most ridiculous Congressional oil spill quotes.

Cartoon of the Day:
Enjoy the new comic Microman! It is Joe the Plumber approved. Buy it now, because this Teabagger gravy train won’t last after Obama is out in 2016.

Drain Clogs – 06-16-2010

The GOP is so proud of Rand Paul and Sharron Angle it is hiding them so they don’t become the new face of the GOP.

BP agrees to a $20 billion victims compensation fund. I will go out on a limb here and say it won’t be enough.

Crazy lady Michelle Bachmann is already screaming that the fund is a “redistribution of wealth”

YahooNews comments gave us this gem:


Dracubama is a new one.

And this:

BP should have told that freaking IDIOT!!! of a worthless President,
to go and F@#& himself along with the rest of his cronnies. When will
a company stand up and tell this administration, and tell them we’re not doing anything
anymore, and if you clowns keep on we’ll close up shop here in the Sates,
and go elsewhere to another country How you like that.

I think it would be hilarious if BP tried that, because the only response is to seize all American BP assets by the Federal government, which would be awesome. Too bad Obama would never do that.

BP is still barring access to the beaches.

Meg Whitman has now donated $91 million of her own money to run for CA governor. And she’s running as a fiscally responsible candidate.

World-o-crap takes down RenewAmerica’s Paul Craft

Real Patriots are squatters, apparently. I knew about this story by itself, but now that it is part of some sort of wingnut scam network it has taken a whole new twist.

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 06-08-2010

Hey, don’t look now, but we’ve had a second oil spill in the Gulf, this one happened on April 30th!! It’s still going, btw.

Yesterday we found out Blackwater Pro Gear was for sale, today we find out Blackwater itself is for sale!

California voted for Prop 14, which changes the primaries so either it is a dagger in the heart of special interest groups or it assures that only the milquetoastiest of moderates get elected to do anything. Awful Props 16 and 17 were voted down.

Dr. Orly Taitz failed in her bid to become the Republican candidate for Secretary of State. All the fun we could have had…wasted.

Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln won her runoff election against Bill Halter, after which a White House official blasted the unions (saying “Organized labor just flushed $10 million down the toilet.”) As Blanche Lincoln will get beat down heavily in November, good riddance to her, while the unnamed White House official should go suck a lemon after blasting the working class people who comprise the core of the Democratic Party like that.


Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle earlier in her career spoke out strongly against fluoride, the substance known alternately for improving dental health and as a Communist plot to undermine Western democracy.

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 5-14-2010

Maine teabagging idiots got it in their heads the teacher who operates the classroom they were renting for space was a commie so they trashed the place like any mature patriotic American would do!

Obama has approved assassinating an American citizen. BOOOOO! to Obama.

The INAFJ (I need a freakin’ job) folks are astroturf from Breitbart.TV

The oil leak is 10 times what was previously thought. but nevermind that, the BP CEO sez that it is only a teeny-weeny itty-bitty smidgen of oil!

Cartoon of the day: