“Pretend it’s Obama!” yells woman as Santorum fires gun

Why, yes, some lady yelled “Pretend it’s Obama!” as Rick Santorum practiced firing his gun at a firing range in Louisiana during a campaign stop. Santorum rightfully denounced the comment. But we haven’t even reached the main event yet, and the Eliminationist rhetoric is spreading.

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Jason Mattera’s Breitbart.com Bono Fail

Jason Mattera is an editor at Human Events and did a video for Breitbart.com where he ambushed U2’s Bono and bombarded him with tax questions. Except it wasn’t Bono, it was a Bono impersonator named Pavel Sfera (from BonoDouble.com!)

Whoops! Attempts to purge the video failed, and now it will live forever on the internet.

Patriot Action Network is totally evil MUSLIM Editon – Wingnut Web

Patriot Action Network is back from their failed attempt to go Web 1.1, reactivating their Ning site after losing 99% of their traffic and members with their grand experiment. Thus, they’re more active again and back to their lunatic ways! And we can’t have a Patriot Action Network article without them saying racist and stupid things! So let’s lead off with the “Rev.” Larry Wallenmeyer’s wonderful post about how he hates Obama no matter what color of the rainbow he is:

Patriot Action Network Racist
Patriot Action Network Racist
Patriot Action Network Racist

After all, Jesus hates people too. But the Patriot Action Network Posters (aka PANheads) can’t let the fact that someone brought up Obama being black slip by…

If only there was some sort of rule about one drop brought about by Southern Racists that made it this way…
Patriot Action Network Racist

I personally don’t know any white people named George W. Bush, so he must be a Muslim too!
Patriot Action Network Racist

My racism brings all the boys to the yard…
Patriot Action Network Racist

don knows this article will be popping up on Politisink!
Patriot Action Network Racist

But the good Reverend walks right into the trap, and nullifies his grand statements about how this totally isn’t about Obama being black. This is also the only comment he bothered to reply to, letting the racist comments stand in total disregard for what was supposed to be his point.
Patriot Action Network Racist

racistly take a person from the mulatto race…
Patriot Action Network Racist

Yeesh, that’s enough of the stupid for now, because soon it will burn my house down! Until next time, remember that Liberals are the real racists!

San Diego Tea Party leader arrested for kidnapping and rape

Some disgusting and horrible news out of San Diego, as a Tea Party leader (“Co-Organizer and Public Relations Representative for the San Diego Tea Party” according to his website) has been arrested for the kidnapping and rape of a woman:

Michael John Kobulnicky is accused of offering a woman a ride on February 25, but instead of taking her home, he drove to secluded island, pulled the victim out of the vehicle, sexually assaulted her, and left her in the sand. San Diego Police Lt. Andra Brown said, “He dragged her out of the car and sexually assaulted her pretty brutally.”

Kobulnicky, the public relations director for the San Diego Tea Party, is also the former regional director of the Southern California Conservative Party.

Kobulnicky’s website touts his conservative and Christian values. Too bad his life doesn’t seem to follow those values, or any values. And maybe the GOP War on Women is being stepped up a notch…

Patricia Heaton insults Sandra Fluke, lamely apologizes

Actress Patricia Heaton stepped down from her cross briefly this week to spend a grand ol’ time slurring Sandra Fluke – the Georgetown student who was forbidden to testify before the House committee about birth control and was insulted by Rush Limbaugh and others. Eventually, Heaton (or more likely, her rep or reps from ABC’s The Middle) realized things had one to far and her Twitter account was shut down. It then reappeared with some weaksauce apologies. The apology is so weak, it would qualify for the Super Soldier program in WW2.

Her tweets:
Patricia Heaton tweets

Patricia Heaton tweets from AngryBlackLady