PatriotActionNetwork’s reaction to the Tucson shootings

The shooter was a crazy Tea Party patriot! The shooter was a crazy leftist marxist who had a shrine to Obama in his backyard!

Unsurprisingly, the talkers on both the left and the right are barking up the wrong tree again. Like everything else in the news these days the “substitutive debate” on this incident has been nothing more than finger pointing at who is responsible for this tragedy. Of course if the media were crazy enough to approach the real debate here, how the public receives and is influenced by the talking heads on television and radio, they’d be inditing themselves. Obviously we’ll never hear about this end of the story from the lamestream media.

However, the internet has been abuzz with speculation and finger pointing! I decided to check in with our good friends over at Resistnet PatriotActionNetwork to see what their take on the shootings were. Again, unsurprisingly, the discussion on this incident has taken a predictable turn on the PAN forums. As all good Resistnet threads have gone, it started with a “heartfelt” plea from admin Darla DeWald on how this tragedy is a tragedy and should not be an excuse to score political points on any side. And also how this particular thread should be dedicated to praying for the victims and NOT for debating or passing blame:

But like every other thread on Resistnet PatriotActionNetwork though it went from 0 to BLAME-CRAZY in about 7 seconds:

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Tea Party and Joe the Plumber declare War on Puppies

Yes, you read that right! The Missouri Tea Party groups, Joe the Plumber, and a whole host of conservative douche-gobblers have all come out against a law that would stop puppy mills in Missouri. The War on Puppies stance from the Teabagger groups is gobsmackingly dumb, but not as dumb as some of the quotes from the various nutjobs. Be warned that this article will eventually have quotes about abused dogs at some of the puppy mills run by some of the people orchestrating the War on Puppies.

Proposition B (or the “Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act”) in on the Missouri Ballot this November and is intended to stomp out 3000 puppy mills in Missouri, which is 30% of puppy mills nationwide. It is supported by Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and practically every animal rights organization in the country.

Who would declare war on me???

Evil bastards Alliance For Truth (we are fair and balanced here!) take exception to the law, claiming the HSUS has a “radical agenda” and is “misleading the public with its intentions on Prop B. The society seeks only to raise the cost of breeding dogs, making it ever-more difficult for middle-class American families to be dog-owners.” This is the kind of arguments usually used against PeTA and Cass Sunstein, but as HSUS isn’t a bunch of wackos, it doesn’t play well here.

Anita Andrews from Alliance For Truth told TPM that it’s a “deceptive, lying bill” that is “trying to purposefully get rid of the breeders.” The state of Missouri, she said, has been given a bad rap as “the puppy mill capitol” of the U.S. but “in truth we have the best ribbon breeders in the country.” And, Andrews said, the state already has anti-cruelty laws on the books.

“They don’t like animals,” she said of the Humane Society of the United States.

Yes, “They don’t like animals” – This is real life, folks, not The Onion. Someone actually said this.
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Drain Clogs – 09-14-2010

  • America’s toughest Sheriff, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, roasted a woman alive in the hot desert sun and no one is going to get punished at all.
  • Have you seen that movie Gasland? Well, the Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security thinks that makes you a criminal and now they’re tracking your movements and sending the information to gas companies. Isn’t it great all crime in Pennsylvania has been solved so now they can focus on what movies you watch?
  • Incessant wingnut whining about another issue (BLACK PEOPLE!!!!!) is causing the DOJ IG to investigate the New Black Panthers non-issue. I’m sure they’ll find just as much as they did on ACORN (that was nothing, btw)
  • Astroturf group FreedomWorks is setting up “DiversiTea“, an attempt to get more minorities at the tea parties than the same five or so people they bus all over the country. You see, gas prices are going up! I expect this will double the amount of minorities in the Tea Party to an even dozen!
  • Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Obama may follow a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview.

    “What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?

    Newt is undoubtedly speaking to the birther fringe with those comments. I don’t think he really believes Obama was born in Kenya, but Newt wants to be president and is trying to cozy up to the Teabaggers (who HATE him, btw)

  • Speaking of Newt, he has a new video with his wife where they say Islam is the most dangerous thing to happen to America since the sticking your fingers into light sockets fad of 1917. They still hate you, Newt and wife #3.
  • Andrew Breitbart admits he’s tricking people.
  • Besides the Koran events we reported on over the weekend, ThinkProgress has a good list of other events that show how awesomely scary the rhetoric has become. Highlights include burned and pooed on Korans and burned and shot Korans. Still waiting for some confused person to burn a Korn cd…
  • The best Koran event was in Amarillo, TX, where our old friends Repent Amarillo (who still send my fake email account long essays about wrongly interpreted passages of the bible) were going to burn a Koran in an event they didn’t bother to email me about. Passing by was 23-year-old skateboarder Jacob Isom, who snatched the Koran and said “Dude, you have no Quran!” and ran off. Now, we support the right of Repent Amarillo to burn the Koran if they so want to, but this is hilarious. Isom later gave the Koran to a Muslim guy at a nearby rally against the hate by Amarillo Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
  • Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 08-26-2010

  • Friend of the site D.C. Douglas has made a new video to help Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe sell their book Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto:

    Also how awesome is it that DC Douglas is in Titanic II? Pretty awesome.

  • Alan Simpson says dumb stuff, somehow isn’t fired from awful committee that shouldn’t exist. Also Digby is almost always right.
  • Some Muslim/American news:
  • Glenn Beck’s 8-28 Rally is this weekend, where Beck will try to co-opt the Civil Rights Movement in order to sell books..I mean, be patriotic and take back America. It has nothing to do with selling books. But his books will be available for purchase! Real Patriotic Americans will be at the 9-12 Rally instead! Which one will have the larger made up number of attendees? You’ll have to wait and see!
  • Roseanne is running for president of the US and Prime Minister of Israel.

  • So there were a few fights at the Iowa State Fair and rumors swirled it was Beat Whitey Night and that gangs of black youths were systematically beating down poor white people. Despite the police now denying there was a Beat Whitey Night, the right wing noise machine went into full force, and soon FreeRepublic’s whining and blanket race war threats had gotten the attention of the Aryan Nation!

    Aryan Nations Headed to Des Moines, Iowa

    Paul Mullet is the director of the Aryan Nations Church of Jesus Christ Christian. When he heard Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad, Democrat from Des Moines say that there wasn’t enough information about the beatings and attacks to call them racially motivated, he said they (Aryan Nations) were going to Des Moines. When asked how many were coming or when they were coming, Mullet said he wasn’t going to let anyone know ahead of time. He (Mullet) said he wasn’t stupid.

    That’s right, the white supremacist guy’s name is Mullet.

    Luckily FreeRepublic is sensible and they all deny the Nazis..oh, wait..

    To: stillafreemind

    Funny…don’t much about Iowa Aryan Nations sorts but maybe the black fellows should study Greensboro NC before they go off half cocked

    just some helpful advice

    24 posted on Thursday, August 26, 2010 8:52:46 AM by wardaddy (effed up times..)

    wardaddy is making a reference to the Greensboro Massacre, the 1979 Klan-Nazi Shootings of 14 blacks at a workers march, 5 were killed.

  • Cartoon of the Day:

D.C. Douglas strikes back!

From the brave man who brought you The Teabagger Boogie: Dick Armey’s Army of Dicks and of course the voice of the GEICO guy brings you a second heaping helping of astroturfed Tea Party tidings (sponsored by FreedomWorks) in the form of a brand new PSA! The video features a couple of people who don’t look like me or talk like me (so naturally I assume I’ll need to see their papers):

The dangers of drinking and operating a telephone handset, don’t do it (unless you value your career enough to never speak up about anything in the public sphere ever, the teabaggers are always watching). And bravo for using so many clearly hypocritical and delightfully self-serving statements from “brown journalism” sites like BigGovernment and FOX News, complete with footnotes and direct quotes.

D.C. Douglas should continue to push the campaign into the far reaches of the Tea Party universe; there are just so many entertaining possibilities for bits like this. Are those anti-tea bag campaign ads I smell? A line of D.C Douglas talking pull-string action figures that sound off on Wingnuts? Perhaps even a ‘Bosum Buddies’ type sitcom featuring two lovable goofs who decide to get jobs at FreedomWorks, infiltrating the nefarious organization by donning expensive suits, cowboy hats, and “Drill, baby, drill” bumper stickers? The possibilities are limitless.

D.C. Douglas, we want to work with YOU to make all these ideas and more a reality.

The Teabagger Boogie

From the man who brought you the GEICO Insurance ad announcer voice, who was recently fired from his job for having an opinion on something ridiculous, brings you another Tea Bag-tacular event you won’t want to miss, The Teabagger Boogie (Dick Armey’s Army of Dicks):

This DC Douglas guy is awesome, his new full time job should be being the slick and sane voice of reason on a series of videos that hold the Tea Parties’ feet to the candle and, in particular the people at FreedomWorks and their “community organizers”, make them accountable for the retarded mess they’ve created in this country.

Drain Clogs 3-7-10

CrroksandLiars has a breakdown of how Freedomworks’ new scam for BP looks awfully familiar to fans of Jack Abramoff, Michael Scanlon, and Indian Casino lobby scams.

Machete’s trailer has caused Wingnuts to go insane. Or more insane.

School for Disabled Forces Students to Wear Backpacks That Deliver Massive Electric Shocks

If you can think of a better name for this that doesn’t involve the word “round-up” leave it in the comments!