Jason Mattera’s Breitbart.com Bono Fail

Jason Mattera is an editor at Human Events and did a video for Breitbart.com where he ambushed U2’s Bono and bombarded him with tax questions. Except it wasn’t Bono, it was a Bono impersonator named Pavel Sfera (from BonoDouble.com!)

Whoops! Attempts to purge the video failed, and now it will live forever on the internet.

Andrew Breitbart Dead — Must be a CONSPIRACY!

Because no one could possibly have health problems! Andrew Breitbart’s early death is a tragedy and a message to take care of yourself. Granted, we all know the true conspiracy, what with this being Justin Bieber’s 18th birthday – Justin killed Breitbart for sport just because he can! Either get Bieber Fever or prepare to die! No one can make me believe Bieber didn’t kill him…

So let’s visit FreeRepublic and see how rationally people are taking Breitbart’s untimely death…


It begins…

To: combat_boots

He must have had something big on the administration.

4 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:33:53 2012 by TShaunK

To: combat_boots

He announces that he has tapes of obama and he he is now dead????????

7 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:34:58 2012 by Jewels1091

To: Jewels1091

Fox says he died of natural causes….yea right. RIP Andrew.

11 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:37:13 2012 by lula (Newt 2012! We need him now more than ever because the establishment is scared.)

But of everything that has come so far, this one is my favorite, so I’m bumping it to the top:

To: combat_boots

The pros can make it look natural or like an accident.

There are substances, that in tiny quantities (millionths of a gram), can cause illness, cancer, strokes, nerve damage (e.g., Rush’s hearing loss), mental confusion (e.g., Rick Perry’s sudden dementia), bizarre behavior, etc.

There are THOUSANDS of such substances. Even a top quality autopsy may not discover them. Just looking at natural plant alkaloids, there are many thousands of substances that cause a variety of harmful effects. Think of how easily medical researchers create a particular cancer in lab animals.

This is 21st Century assassination. It is done quietly by highly paid professionals. The democrat party has plenty of contacts with organized crime figures and foreign intel services.

Every conservative leader needs to be extremely conscious of this threat. Poisons can be delivered by food, drink, inhalation, or skin contact. For example, an assassin could put a tiny amount of poison on something that the target will touch. It could be delivered by a handshake at a rally!

I once worked for a retired three star general, the former head of Defense Intel Agency. He told me, “When it looks suspicious and highly unlikely, it is almost certainly enemy action”.

Fellow Freepers, this is not conspiracy theory. What I am recommending is a much higher level of security.

Don’t think for a minute that the commies will not kill you. I have no doubt that every member of FR is on a hit list.

After the Cold War, when KGB records were released, I found out my name was on a list of former military officers to be rounded up and executed after a successful nuclear strike on the United States.

They are here. Now. They will do anything to hang onto power.

133 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:24:21 2012 by darth

Yes, this lunatic thinks there is a massive conspiracy to slightly poison conservative heroes just enough to make them look dumb or be deaf. Nope, not the thousands of pills Rush shoved down his gullet a day–LIBERAL CONSPIRACY! Nope, Perry isn’t a moron–LIBERAL CONSPIRACY! Nope, I can’t be stuck working a dead end job due to my lack of education and inter-personal skills–LIBERAL CONSPIRACY!

The conspiracy continues…

To: combat_boots

I just saw this on Drudge. WTF?? Natural causes? What the hell does that mean? He just died and they are declaring it immediately as “natural causes”? Obamacide?

14 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:37:23 2012 by GrandJediMasterYoda (How ironic that Ann Coulter should write a book called Treason.)

Obama’s biggest worry is some guy with a website!

To: Jewels1091

First thing I thought. I wouldn’t put it past the POS.

18 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:38:35 2012 by hillarys cankles

Obama shows how political murder is done!

To: combat_boots

Tragic! WOW! Move on over Vince Foster!

I smell a BIG rat here!

19 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:38:35 2012 by JDoutrider

We need backups of backups of backups of backups!

To: Jewels1091
He announces that he has tapes of obama and he he is now dead????????

I hope he was smart enough to have secretly given copies of the tapes to several other sources for immediate release in case he should suddenly die “of natural causes”.
22 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:40:10 2012 by apillar

I think GregNH forgot he was posting from the bathroom again!

To: combat_boots
The story claims he did shortly after midnight in LA. That is 6 hours ago! How the EFF does one determine he died of “NATURAL CAUSES” in less than 6 hours?

This smells so bad dead fish are jumping ship.
27 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:41:43 2012 by GregNH (I will continue to do whatever it takes, my grandchildren are depending on me….)

A post so nice he posted it thrice!

To: combat_boots

Natural causes??? If our life expectency was 50, maybe.

31 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:42:44 2012 by VanDeKoik (If case you are wondering, I’m supporting Newt.)

It’s not like Breitbart claimed to have videos all the time for years straight or anything…

To: TShaunK

******Didn’t he just speak at cpac and or somewhere recently saying it had expose videos of obama and if he should die, it won’t be of natural causes???????

40 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:43:54 2012 by Bluebird Singing

Didn’t you read that other guy? Us Libs already got to Rush!

To: combat_boots

I’m usually someone who does not go in for conspiracy theories, but man does this smell! Rush Limbaugh better be very careful in the days ahead.

41 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:44:08 2012 by GreenHornet

Mr. K thinks Breitbart was healthy!

To: GrandJediMasterYoda

That is what struck me too…

A healthy 43 year-old does NOT die of ‘natural causes’

Especially “suddenly”

Did he have a history of heart trouble?

Or did the announcement that he had college video of Obama contribute to his sudden decline in health?

Where are those videos? RELEASE THEM NOW

[Please tell me he kept a safe copy with friends]

59 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:49:16 2012 by Mr. K (Were the Soviet-Era propogandists as gleefully willing as our Lame-stream Media?)

“Obama natural causes”? I think you can think of a cooler term than that…

To: Jewels1091

He announces that he has tapes of obama and he he is now dead????????-———


I said on another post I hope he didn’t die of ‘Obama natural causes’…

His ‘hating Breitbart’ trailer demonstrates as well, there is reason for autopsy.

it is an election year after all…

73 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:56:14 2012 by Freddd (NoPA ngineers.)

I know I’m crazy, so let’s get more crazy…

To: combat_boots
Possible that it was in fact “Natural”. But I’m not going to take the word of some career Democrat LA coroner on it.

OK i know I’m in full tinfoil mode but he was very young. The timing was also very convenient for Obama. He had his dinner with Ayers. Given the chance to join the elite if he just plays ball. He refuses to be a good boy and now he is dead. He was the only guy on our side who could play the Saul Alinsky as well as they could. In addition those who are left have gotten a clear message of what happens if you don’t play nice with King Obama.
76 posted on Thu Mar 1 06:57:47 2012 by GonzoGOP (There are millions of paranoid people in the world and they are all out to get me.)

Teaparty martyr huh? Of course conspiracy theories about WHEN YOU’RE THE ONE SPREADING THEM!!!

To: combat_boots

They are calling him a “teaparty martyr.” Conspiracy theories abound. He had the goods on President Obama & his corrupt administration. Nothing would surprise me.

86 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:03:39 2012 by outofstyle (Down All the Days)

WWJD? Accuse the President of murder!

To: angcat

Heart disease may run in a family, and murder (yes I said it) is a tool that this administration uses as it wishes.

For me this is a confirmation. Andrew has recently said certain things that show me that this was NOT natural at all.

91 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:05:27 2012 by RobinWWJD

FR = Loss of all brain fuction

To: Travis McGee
What was that old rule? CIA = Sudden heart attack

NSA = Sudden and deadly stroke
96 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:07:37 2012 by blackdog (There is no such thing as healing, only a balance between destructive and constructive forces.)

No human being has ever walked at night before!

To: GrandJediMasterYoda

He was walking and collapsed. ‘Someone’ saw him and called 911. He was walking at midnight???? Was he meeting someone, did he have a lead to something? I find that strange in itself!

100 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:10:03 2012 by Jewels1091

I’m really just quoting this so I can use the flag gif!

To: Travis McGee
Two words immediately come to mind: Enemy Action

Or how about: Plausible Deniability.

104 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:12:19 2012 by Joe Brower (Sheep have three speeds: “graze”, “stampede” and “cower”.)

My crazed conspiracy site proves this is a conspiracy!

To: bitt

Very suspicious.There are so many untraceable bio toxins which can cause such a heart attack. The timing is just too convenient for the one. I have a hard time ruling out foul play.We do have a fascist in the WH.Believe it.

I hope Andrew had duplicates of the O tapes made , and that they are safely preparing to have them released.I wonder if Andrew knew his life might be tenuous.Reminds me of the Quarles Harris case, a very convenient murder of a witness to hearings on the Dept. State Obama passport files.


Did anyone report this to Homeland Security? /S

105 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:12:23 2012 by Candor7 (Obama fascist info..http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/05/barack_obama_the_quintessentia_1.html)

To: combat_boots

What do they call Arkanicide in Kenya?

110 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:14:56 2012 by Rightly Biased (Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man?)

Yes. Amazing, amazing how Travis McGee just couldn’t wait to exploit Breitbart’s death to sell more of his terrible Eliminationist fan fiction!

To: Joe Brower

Yes. Amazing, coming the day after I wrote “Gangster Government, and Sakharov’s Immunity.”


“Which brings me at last to Sakharov’s Immunity. Andrei Sakharov was a Soviet physicist and a primary inventor of the H-bomb. When he went off the Communist reservation in 1967 and became a dissident, the regime made his life miserable but they did not kill him, which was certainly in their power to do. His death under such circumstances would have proved the very points he was making about the illegitimate Soviet regime. They moved him far into Siberia to keep him isolated from intrepid foreign visitors, but they did not sprinkle radioactive Polonium dust on his salad. The introduction of that deadly form of Russian salad dressing was left for a later strongman, Vladimir Putin, formerly of the KGB.

“And there are many other means of assassination. The Soviet KGB could not assassinate Sakharov’s reputation, it was above reproach. But in the modern era, with the elite media serving as the Obama regime’s willing propaganda organ (birth control, anyone?) this is easier to arrange than ever. Popular media icons can be and have been driven off the airwaves by the full-court press of the Media Matters smear machine, in coordination with Valerie Jarrett at the Whitehouse War Room. And does anyone believe that the vicious smear campaign against black conservative Republican candidate Herman Caine was not orchestrated in the War Room of Gangster Government, Inc?

“Or the regime can commit an “Economic Waco,” the way it has recently done to the Rick and Terri Reese family of Deming, NM. Read about this case, and ponder this federal engine of total destruction being turned against your family. At the same time the secret federal “law enforcement” (sic) program of walking thousands of guns directly to Mexican cartel killers was official ATF policy, and nobody has even been charged with a crime.”

121 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:20:04 2012 by Travis McGee (www.EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com)

To: GregNH

Exactly!! It’s going to take weeks to find out how Whitney Houston died, but for Andrew, they can determine how he died in a matter of hours?!?! This is unbelievable!!! I pray the truth will come to light!!

123 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:20:24 2012 by dannibp (I must remind myself daily that God is in control.)

I know this because I saw it on the internet. Also I wrote about it in my latest book, Johnny Whitewhite Shoots the Darkies!

To: Dawgreg

“Instant Heart Attack” powders and sprays have been around in the CIA and KGM arsenals for at least fifty years.

The beauty of the good ones is the cause the heart attack, and leave no trace for autopsy.

I would not put it past Gangster Government Inc. to slip a few samples to outside operatives, who also wanted to see Andrew Breitbart dead.

128 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:22:28 2012 by Travis McGee (www.EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com)

Wait, did Obama murder him or the CIA or Ayers? I’m so confused…

To: lula

Naturally … a little thorium in his drink at the Ayers residence recently. You dine with murderers and you gets what you gets.

134 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:24:24 2012 by MHGinTN (Being deceived can be cured.)

More like a March Surprise!

To: combat_boots


141 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:27:17 2012 by ncfool (OMG 2012)

Who the heck is Matt? Matt Drudge? Isn’t Freep feuding with him because he isn’t anti-Romney? So confused…

To: Travis McGee
I say this in all sincerity, Matt: You better watch your knot. I’d be checking my six at regular intervals and only eat out of cans for a while.

The chances that Breitbart just dropped dead at such a convenient time just doesn’t pass the smell test — the chances are millions to one. When you have the Chicago Mob working out of the White House, well, need we say more?

These soulless creatures will do anything they think they can get away with, including murder most foul. “The ends justfies the means” and all that rot.

151 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:37:02 2012 by Joe Brower (Sheep have three speeds: “graze”, “stampede” and “cower”.)

My tagline is sort of ironic.

To: combat_boots
This was a warning to anyone else who thinks of challenging the fictitious creation known as Barack Obama.

161 posted on Thu Mar 1 07:49:18 2012 by Iron Munro (“Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight he’ll just kill you.” John Steinbeck)

MHGinTN has degraded to Freeper Pidgin

To: Travis McGee

And the thuggery now running the unJustice Department will not even turn a finger to investigate, so billy and his sow can murder with impunity while their bassturd boy is soiling The People’s White House (albeit no longer the people’s place to question).

176 posted on Thu Mar 1 08:23:04 2012 by MHGinTN (Being deceived can be cured.)

Another thread:
“Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012”
The conspiracies continue, now in book form!

To: dragonblustar
Breitbart died at 43? Nobody dies at 43.

My wife studies this stuff in great detail. She is a bestselling author of crime and suspense novels. She has all kinds of books on how to kill people and cover up crimes. She says there are a whole lot of ways to cause (for example) a heart-attack and make it look natural. Not saying that’s what happened here. Just sayin.
17 posted on Thursday, March 01, 2012 9:26:56 AM by ElkGroveDan (My tagline is in the shop.)

No one can make me believe…

To: Bluebird Singing
It make me sad to think that we live in a country where political assassination is a tool of the ruling class.

Vince Foster – no one can make me believe the Clintons didn’t have him killed.
Breitbart – likewise no one can make me believe that Obama didn’t have him killed.

And now I read that I was unaware of others…
20 posted on Thursday, March 01, 2012 9:28:29 AM by grobdriver

Not everyone is on the conspiracy train, I give credit where credit is due and the Freepers trash this nutjob:
CIA secret weapon of assassination Heart Attack Gun, Declassified 1975 New World Order Report

But back to your regular conspiracy…
Andrew Breitbart’s death to be reviewed by L.A. County coroner

I don’t trust no Demmycrats!

To: Beaten Valve

Call me what you want.

I don’t trust a LA County Coroner.

4 posted on Thu Mar 1 09:50:43 2012 by cableguymn (Good thing I am a conservative. Otherwise I would have to support Mittens like Republicans do.)

Someone should regulate those Red murders…

To: Beaten Valve
Lemme see now…

A guy who said he had videos of Barack HUSSEIN Obama when he was younger….and he ends up keeling over at age 43.

Just a co-inky-dink.

Communists always do this. The history of the 20th century is littered with Red murders, that are always “accidents”.

The evidence will be next to impossible to find.

But it’s there.
20 posted on Thu Mar 1 09:59:38 2012 by Regulator

As the conspiracy grows, we shall follow along…until it gets boring.

Drain Clogs – 10-02-2010

Drain Clogs – 09-14-2010

  • America’s toughest Sheriff, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, roasted a woman alive in the hot desert sun and no one is going to get punished at all.
  • Have you seen that movie Gasland? Well, the Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security thinks that makes you a criminal and now they’re tracking your movements and sending the information to gas companies. Isn’t it great all crime in Pennsylvania has been solved so now they can focus on what movies you watch?
  • Incessant wingnut whining about another issue (BLACK PEOPLE!!!!!) is causing the DOJ IG to investigate the New Black Panthers non-issue. I’m sure they’ll find just as much as they did on ACORN (that was nothing, btw)
  • Astroturf group FreedomWorks is setting up “DiversiTea“, an attempt to get more minorities at the tea parties than the same five or so people they bus all over the country. You see, gas prices are going up! I expect this will double the amount of minorities in the Tea Party to an even dozen!
  • Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Obama may follow a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview.

    “What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?

    Newt is undoubtedly speaking to the birther fringe with those comments. I don’t think he really believes Obama was born in Kenya, but Newt wants to be president and is trying to cozy up to the Teabaggers (who HATE him, btw)

  • Speaking of Newt, he has a new video with his wife where they say Islam is the most dangerous thing to happen to America since the sticking your fingers into light sockets fad of 1917. They still hate you, Newt and wife #3.
  • Andrew Breitbart admits he’s tricking people.
  • Besides the Koran events we reported on over the weekend, ThinkProgress has a good list of other events that show how awesomely scary the rhetoric has become. Highlights include burned and pooed on Korans and burned and shot Korans. Still waiting for some confused person to burn a Korn cd…
  • The best Koran event was in Amarillo, TX, where our old friends Repent Amarillo (who still send my fake email account long essays about wrongly interpreted passages of the bible) were going to burn a Koran in an event they didn’t bother to email me about. Passing by was 23-year-old skateboarder Jacob Isom, who snatched the Koran and said “Dude, you have no Quran!” and ran off. Now, we support the right of Repent Amarillo to burn the Koran if they so want to, but this is hilarious. Isom later gave the Koran to a Muslim guy at a nearby rally against the hate by Amarillo Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
  • Cartoon of the Day:

Breitbart’s “Uni-Tea” Festival was a complete failure

Further cementing The Tea Party’s, and especially Andrew Breitbart’s guilt, when it comes to the tactic of applying racism in order to achieve an agenda or rally your base. From the first announcement till a week after the event had ended, I knew Andrew Breitbart’s “Uni-Tea” party, held this past weekend in Philadelphia, was going to be one of the most literal embodiments of the ideas that concern the concept of “irony” of any previous Tea Party rally since their first one held on Tax Day way back when in 2009. If you remember back to a few days after the Shirley Sherrod debacle, once most of the dust had settled, Andrew Breitbart announced his Uni-Tea summit on FOX News, a venue to finally unite the races at, or at least to get a few minority participants to run out to the rally of a group that stand in opposition of everything in these people’s self interest, a chance to finally prove one and for all that the Tea Party Movement is in fact not a bunch of old white rich people but a civil rights movement of bi-racial harmony. What better city for such a multi-racial gather than Philadelphia, the city of Brotherly Love? I’m sure it was a huge success.

Well, let’s just say you know a Conservative event didn’t go so well when its sole coverage headlines on ‘Geraldo At Large’. From CrooksandLiars.com:

White People! A sea of White people that stretches from horizon to horizon! Well, saying it was a sea is being generous actually (the crowd numbered in the 150-200 range), but you can be sure there were at least a few people of color hovering around the event held in historic Old Town Philadelphia on a Saturday in July. Could you imagine having been the producer on this news package?

“Holy fucking shit Geraldo we’re at the Uni-Tea event and we’re shooting all this B-roll of the crowd and the people waving signs and we don’t have ANY footage whatsoever of a single ethnic minority in this crowd what the hell are we going to do for the show?! This event is making Andrew Breitbart look like a ridiculous tool and even our viewership isn’t dumb enough to buy this news package.”

Don’t worry, just interview some minority looking people in the afternoon after the compelling speakers and large crowds have died down a bit.

David Neiwert makes a good point:

Funny that these black conservatives are willing to look the other way when it comes to racism directed at someone other than African Americans.

But then, their turnout last weekend should have been their biggest clue.

I’m not so sure I agree with Boehlert that events like the one in Philly mean the Tea Parties are now a spent movement. I suspect that the Tea Parties will start drawing big crowds again when they can get back to the red meat that their crowd craves: defending “white culture” and white privilege, reviving the Patriot movement and playing to the nativists. Look for the immigration debate especially to draw out the worst.

But when the purpose of the event is to prove they’re not racist (by featuring a bevy of black speakers), well, that’s kind of stepping on their underlying message, isn’t it? No wonder it got that kind of turnout.

So what are the implications of the fallout from an event held in order to somehow “prove” the Tea Party is not motivated by a racial thread but instead is attended solely by the party’s dedicated base of white old well-to-do folks? I thought the Tea Party was about taxes or something in the first place, now they’re campaigning against reality and the irrefutable proof of their racially discriminating ways by holding an event that is poorly attended by the same people it was meant to encourage participation through? If anything it just makes Andrew Breitbart look even worse, and frankly I am OK with that.

Where was the Lamestream media on this one, on another note? CNN has really been giving Breitbart the dog and pony treatment considering what he, and his organization alone, have done to actively discriminate against organizations of African-American enfranchisement in the past few weeks and months. Does Breitbart have that much money that he’s able to pay off the watchdogs at CNN over a bomb exploding in his face? It’s fine if you don’t want to press him on the real questions because he’s Andrew Breitbart and all, but at least make light or run a follow-up to the unfortunate End Game that was the first episode of ‘The Shirley Sherrod Scandal’.

Next months episode will feature lawyers! I’m excited and hoping for a cameo from Sam Watterson.