Drain Clogs – 06-08-2010

Hey, don’t look now, but we’ve had a second oil spill in the Gulf, this one happened on April 30th!! It’s still going, btw.

Yesterday we found out Blackwater Pro Gear was for sale, today we find out Blackwater itself is for sale!

California voted for Prop 14, which changes the primaries so either it is a dagger in the heart of special interest groups or it assures that only the milquetoastiest of moderates get elected to do anything. Awful Props 16 and 17 were voted down.

Dr. Orly Taitz failed in her bid to become the Republican candidate for Secretary of State. All the fun we could have had…wasted.

Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln won her runoff election against Bill Halter, after which a White House official blasted the unions (saying “Organized labor just flushed $10 million down the toilet.”) As Blanche Lincoln will get beat down heavily in November, good riddance to her, while the unnamed White House official should go suck a lemon after blasting the working class people who comprise the core of the Democratic Party like that.


Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle earlier in her career spoke out strongly against fluoride, the substance known alternately for improving dental health and as a Communist plot to undermine Western democracy.

Cartoon of the Day: