San Diego Tea Party leader arrested for kidnapping and rape

Some disgusting and horrible news out of San Diego, as a Tea Party leader (“Co-Organizer and Public Relations Representative for the San Diego Tea Party” according to his website) has been arrested for the kidnapping and rape of a woman:

Michael John Kobulnicky is accused of offering a woman a ride on February 25, but instead of taking her home, he drove to secluded island, pulled the victim out of the vehicle, sexually assaulted her, and left her in the sand. San Diego Police Lt. Andra Brown said, “He dragged her out of the car and sexually assaulted her pretty brutally.”

Kobulnicky, the public relations director for the San Diego Tea Party, is also the former regional director of the Southern California Conservative Party.

Kobulnicky’s website touts his conservative and Christian values. Too bad his life doesn’t seem to follow those values, or any values. And maybe the GOP War on Women is being stepped up a notch…