Drain Clogs – 06-20-2011

Clarence Thomas being corrupts as fuck is finally getting a wee bit of traction. Nothing will happen, of course. I’m sure having an Obama impersonator tell racial jokes will totally get more minority votes! The Best Health Care in the World means robbing a bank for $1 just so you can get health care. Two… Continue reading Drain Clogs – 06-20-2011

Scott Adams melts down all over the Internet

If only this had worked on Scott Adams...

Scott Adams (Dilbert creator) has gotten into quite a bit of hot water recently, and his attempts to backpedal and promote his geniusness have just made him more and more of a jerk, as he rapidly becomes a living example of the people he mocks in his strips. It all began with an essay Adams… Continue reading Scott Adams melts down all over the Internet