Tea Party and Joe the Plumber declare War on Puppies

Yes, you read that right! The Missouri Tea Party groups, Joe the Plumber, and a whole host of conservative douche-gobblers have all come out against a law that would stop puppy mills in Missouri. The War on Puppies stance from the Teabagger groups is gobsmackingly dumb, but not as dumb as some of the quotes from the various nutjobs. Be warned that this article will eventually have quotes about abused dogs at some of the puppy mills run by some of the people orchestrating the War on Puppies.

Proposition B (or the “Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act”) in on the Missouri Ballot this November and is intended to stomp out 3000 puppy mills in Missouri, which is 30% of puppy mills nationwide. It is supported by Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and practically every animal rights organization in the country.

Who would declare war on me???

Evil bastards Alliance For Truth (we are fair and balanced here!) take exception to the law, claiming the HSUS has a “radical agenda” and is “misleading the public with its intentions on Prop B. The society seeks only to raise the cost of breeding dogs, making it ever-more difficult for middle-class American families to be dog-owners.” This is the kind of arguments usually used against PeTA and Cass Sunstein, but as HSUS isn’t a bunch of wackos, it doesn’t play well here.

Anita Andrews from Alliance For Truth told TPM that it’s a “deceptive, lying bill” that is “trying to purposefully get rid of the breeders.” The state of Missouri, she said, has been given a bad rap as “the puppy mill capitol” of the U.S. but “in truth we have the best ribbon breeders in the country.” And, Andrews said, the state already has anti-cruelty laws on the books.

“They don’t like animals,” she said of the Humane Society of the United States.

Yes, “They don’t like animals” – This is real life, folks, not The Onion. Someone actually said this.
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