Drain Clogs – 08-13-2010


A US politician is seriously discussing this, and a US TV Newschannel is seriously discussing it instead of instantly calling it a giant pile of horse puke. But at least Rep. Louis Gohmert makes a great case….at how freaking crazy he is!

Beck makes sense for once in his life.

Teabaggers hate net neutrality

Here comes the movmentum!

Obama is in Madden 2011? Must be Obama Indoctrination! No one tell this guy about the Socks the Cat video game…

A couple pretended to be immigration and “deported” another woman, and are now arrested.

The US infrastructure is falling apart. All that infrastructure spending that got cut from the stimulus bill would have came in handy…

Dr. Orly Taitz Jr. Esq. PhD is appealing to the Supreme Court, again, and is about to get denied by every justice, again.

Cartoon of the Day: