The Gabrielle Giffords shooting was all a giant conspiracy!

Did you know the shooting of Rep Gabrielle Giffords and others was all a fake government conspiracy done by actors? Because according to some nutballs, it is. And the supporters are now harassing survivors of the attack! … Such obviously fantastic claims would usually not merit the attention of law enforcement, but they have in… Continue reading The Gabrielle Giffords shooting was all a giant conspiracy!

Arizona Shooting leftover bits

Blood Libel? Are they serious? They are serious. Either Palin is insane or she eats babies. Why would you use that term? Also she used a teleprompter in her YouTube video! Today is the memorial for the Arizona victims, but Palin has now ensured we’re just gonna be talking about her. Giffords shooter Jared Loughner… Continue reading Arizona Shooting leftover bits

Blood on their hands

Vacation time is over, and though I wasn’t going to start up new updates until Monday, it looks like we’re going to have to talk about the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona. At the time of this writing, there is 6 dead, including a 9-year-old girl born on 9-11 and U.S. District Judge… Continue reading Blood on their hands