Drain Clogs – 07-13-2010

China news is claiming that the Taliban are training monkeys to kill US troops. True or not, it’s hilarious.

Diaper Dan Vitter is a Birther!

For those of you who aren’t scientists, there is a big cabal that controls access to journals. The company that owns Nature is hiking its access fees by 400%. That is ticking off the UCs. This is exciting enough it probably deserves its own entry one day when I am not pressed for time.

I hope the GOP does this.

Sharron Angle thinks Bob Bennett has “outlived his usefulness”

Republican Pennsylvania governor candidate Tom Corbett says unemployed people just sit there. He really did!

“The jobs are there, but if we keep extending unemployment, people are just going to sit there,”

Automated debt collection has gone crazy and is finally ticking off some state legislatures enough they’re demanding more proof of debt. But not enough state legislatures.

If you spend any time like I do on Righwing sites, you probably saw dozens of morons praising bobby Jindal for giving the Feds the finger and going ahead and building sand booms to block the oil. Except those sand booms were freaking stupid and they all washed away during the first storm. And the company that was hired to build them was Jindal’s number 3 donor! More here.

The Teabaggers were 100% in favor of this.

Real Men beat their wives for having a abortion. Liberal pussies put an end to that. – Female WND pundit Jill Stanek

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-01-2010

Conservatives think Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, George Soros, and Harry Reid are giant monsters, and now one GOP group has decided to just make Nancy Pelosi an actual giant monster in their commercials. I am sure the fact that she is gunned down by Republicans is totally not a threat and it would have been perfectly acceptable to make a commercial with liberals gunning down George W. Bush in 2003.

“Illegals gonna cut off your head!” – Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.

Dem Senator Mary Landrieu is pretty awful, unless you are an oil company.

One thing you learn on the internet is that Digby is usually right. Here she talks about Terrance Wall, conservative idealist who got screwed over because Real Conservatives are a bunch of money-grubbing bastards.

Um….what the fuck is wrong with Arizona??


Cartoon of the Day: