attempting to trick members into paying for renewals

One of my network of fake accounts has been getting these emails about renewing a membership by “donating” money (aka paying) to, despite their never having a paid membership. The emails are obviously designed to trick readers into opening their wallets, and the ploy will sadly be effective. The sign of a healthy movement is when it tries to trick its own members into giving it more money. Of course, that’s what the whole right wing circus is, a giant grifting machine. Will my fake account fall for it? It is a mystery…

Fellow Freedom Lover,

It’s almost the end of January, but I haven’t heard from you yet.

This is going to be our year, unless we don’t have your support.

Will you please follow this link to immediately renew your membership to Your donation of $25, $50, $75 or more will go immediately towards our efforts to take back our nation in 2014. is working feverishly to make sure 2014 is the year we take back control of the Senate, and finally for once and all put a STOP to all of Barack Obama and Harry Reid’s disastrous policies and plans for our nation.

As we gear up for what will certainly be a historic year, please show your solidarity in the Tea Party by renewing your 2014 membership.

Fellow Patriot, we have our work cut out for us this year. is working day and night to support candidates across the nation who embody our conservative ideals, but in order to support them we need your help. We need the resources to support and build smart, effective, aggressive campaigns.

Please follow this link to renew your membership right now! Your donation of $25, $50, $75 or more will renew your membership and make certain we have the funds necessary to take back our nation.

No matter where you live, the elections taking place this year will impact you and your family. Don’t be mistaken, even if you live in Omaha, the next Senator we elect in Georgia or Colorado (just examples- there are 33 Senate races this year!) will directly impact yours and your family’s life. These leaders will have the opportunity to repeal failed legislation like Obamacare, and we need more of those votes in the Senate!!

That’s why the is involved in races in every corner of this country, supporting candidates who share and embody our conservative ideals.

Together we will elect candidates who share our commitment to:

Limited federal government
Individual freedoms
Personal responsibility
Free markets
Returning political power to the states and the people

Our nation’s future is hanging in the balance of this year’s elections. We cannot afford to elect leaders who will not fight for our children and grandchildren.

Please join our fight for liberty and freedom by renewing your TeaParty membership right now.

Will you show your support by renewing your 2014 Membership today? Please contribute $25, $50, $75 or more.

You’ve been one of our most loyal supporters, and I hope you will continue your support right now by renewing your membership today. If you want to take part in taking back our nation from the Democrats, then start today by making a $25 contribution and renewing your membership.

Your membership is crucial to winning 2014. Your support will make a difference in the outcome of the 2014 elections.

In fact, for every $100 or more contribution, we will renew your membership, and every member will receive:

a tea party membership card
tea party member handbook
tea party member teacup lapel pin
and tea party member Constitution

But if you can’t afford $100, please give at least $25. Even $5 will help the Tea Party be success in 2014.

Please follow this link to join and make your membership today.

In Freedom,

Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer

P.S. This is our year. 2014 is going to go down in history books. Your membership will impact races in all 50 states, and support candidates who share our conservative ideals. Please show your support, and stand with by making your membership contribution right now.

The follow-up email:


Todd asked me to follow up with your regarding his email below.

So far we haven’t heard back from you. Will you take a moment to read Todd’s email and respond right away?

I know you are still worried about the future of our nation.

Who is going to stand up to Obama and Harry Reid? Who is going to take a stand against their destructive policies and undo the wrongs they have done?

Well, The Tea Party is doing just that, but we have an uphill battle this year. You see this year, with 33 Senate elections and every member of the House up for election, now’s our chance to take back our country.

The Tea Party is working day and night to identify candidates in every corner of the United States, and we need your help.

Will you please renew your support and membership to The Tea Party by following this secure online link to make your contribution of $25, $50 or more.

Our children are counting on us to protect their future. We must act now to do so.

Please renew your membership to The Tea Party right now.

In Freedom,

Kris Hall