Drain Clogs – One Ding-a-ling to Rule Them All Edition…

Pastor orders congregation to beat gay couple – including his son – arriving at church

Here’s a wonderful story out of Tennessee showing that good Christian loves our teabagger friends keep harping about. And bonus points for the awful Deputy Sheriff refusing to let them press charges.

But who could imagine the hate and rage that would motivate a Pastor to instruct deacons and members of his congregation, Grace Fellowship Church in Fruitland, TN. to physically attack a couple arriving in the church parking lot last Wednesday?

The fact that one of the gay men attacked happened to be the Pastor’s own son, Jerry Pittman, Jr., no doubt contributed to Pittman senior’s noxious edict. According to Pittman Jr., after hearing his Dad yell, “SICK’EM!:”

“My uncle and two other deacons came over to the car per my dad’s request. My uncle smashed me in the door as the other deacon knocked my boyfriend back so he couldn’t help me, punching him in his face and his chest. The other deacon came and hit me through my car window in my back.”

The attackers also verbally assaulted the couple continually with anti-gay verbiage which continued even after a Sheriff’s Deputy arrived on the scene. Bystanders and other congregants made no effort to stop the assault. For that matter, neither did the Deputy Sheriff. Once the barrage of punches ended, the Deputy refused to let the two victims press charges.

Jerry Pittman Jr. and his boyfriend, Dustin Lee, have since filed charges against two of the men who beat them as well as Pastor Jerry Pittman. A hearing has been scheduled in Gibson County Court for Tuesday, October 4th.

US doomed due to Russian/Chinese Dream Sneak Attacks!

Looks like America is doomed again!

I recently read more than 10 stories of folk having “visions” given to them by God about Russia and China attacking the U.S. In one of the visions, Russia was able to attack the U.S. UNDETECTED by simply entering Canada from the Beaufort Sea through the Northwest territories Saskatchewan and attacked Minnesota while China took cues and attacked the state of California.

I don’t have proof but the only way I could see the U.S. getting attacked and caught off guard YET AGAIN was through the DADT repeal. Other armies of the world allow homosexuals to serve but yet they were never the most powerful because everyone is too busy in their own affairs to actually do their jobs. We were because we were always focused on the job at hand and not sexuality or relationships. That’s what made us the most powerful. I have a feeling like Russia and China are going to be able to catch us off guard and attack us because of this repeal. No one is going to be paying attention anymore. Gays will be paying attention to whether someone says a gay slur or not and how they will sue them. And Hetereos will be looking at what gay person is trying to get with them. Everyone is going to be caught up in things not pertaining to the actual job and this will give other countries free reign to test us and how far they can get through. That missle that flew through Southern California a few weeks ago, I suspect is from China testing the western borders of the U.S. to see if we were paying attention and can get their missles in undetected through radar. And it was quite the success because no one still knows where it came from. Mission accomplished. We were too busy focusing on gays getting married and DATD that they managed to pull that stunt with easy effort.

This nation has turned it’s back on God and that’s why he will allow them to attack. God said a nation from the north (Russia) and a nation from the east (the 200 million man army China) will attack this country and he will let them because of the sins and unrepentant hearts of this people. That is why so many natural disasters are happening as well. It doesn’t matter if you believe or don’t believe, Jesus the son of God is returning soon and all these disasters you see happening are the birth pains to come before he does. And they will only get worse.

Believe it when I say, when some stare or famous city like Las Vegas, Los Angeles, or New York has a major earthquake destruction, volcanoe, or flood, that’s when the enemy nations will attack. When our biggest cities that bring in the most money and tourism are destroyed and we are weak, they will pounce. You heard it hear first. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. All you have to do to be saved is believe in your heart Jesus is the son of God and that he died on the cross for your sins. Also ask for forgiveness for those sins. And you will be saved no matter if you die. This nation has many judgments coming upon it and God has not forgotten one thing from it’s history.