Drain Clogs – 07-27-2010

FreeRepublic.com is getting sued by a lawyer who buys up content rights from newspapers and then sues blogs that reprint the content. Basically, he’s a Copyright Troll, which is like a Patent Troll. He’s also a giant douchebag if this Wired write-up is to be believed. He has to be bad because we’re siding with… Continue reading Drain Clogs – 07-27-2010

Drain Clogs 5-10-10

DailyKos has a good writeup on The National Organization for Marriage’s scary Ruth Institute, which wants to bring women into the good ol’ days of 1837! Featuring a specific goal of Maintain at least a replacement-level birth rate, so that the devastation of a European-style “demographic winter” is avoided. That means, breed like rabbits, white… Continue reading Drain Clogs 5-10-10