Drain Clogs

Newt Gingrich believes in socialism of his penis, but his then-wife was not impressed. Lamar Smith and the MPAA are giant babies, but the SOPA and PIPA protest had an effect as supporters flee the bill like Italian cruise line captains flee their stranded vessels. Megaupload has been shut down by the FBI, despite the… Continue reading Drain Clogs

Drain Clogs – 01-12-2012

US Coast Guard to escort grain ship as the military is now being used against striking workers. This is the first time since 1970 and Nixon ordered troops during the postal strike. Between that and the indefinite detention, it’s a proud time to be an American! Conservative Huttese Gangster Rush Limbaugh defended attacks against Mitt… Continue reading Drain Clogs – 01-12-2012

Drain Clogs – 07-27-2010

FreeRepublic.com is getting sued by a lawyer who buys up content rights from newspapers and then sues blogs that reprint the content. Basically, he’s a Copyright Troll, which is like a Patent Troll. He’s also a giant douchebag if this Wired write-up is to be believed. He has to be bad because we’re siding with… Continue reading Drain Clogs – 07-27-2010