Drain Clogs – 06-28-2010

Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) has died. Our condolences to his family. For a complete obituary, TPM has the best one I have seen (from the AP) Arizona Governor Jan Brewer thinks all illegal aliens are drugrunners. But she’s not-racist! 24% of Americans are unsure if Barack Obama was born in America. I am sure all… Continue reading Drain Clogs – 06-28-2010

Wingnut Web – O-Bomma-geddon Edition

So Resistnet becomes more and more paranoid as the inmates take over the asylum. Things go from bad to scary when someone posts the latest conspiracy theory about how Obama is gonna seize all our guns in scenarios that sound amazingly like the one in the White Nationalists’ Holy Bible, The Turner Diaries. This leads… Continue reading Wingnut Web – O-Bomma-geddon Edition