Drain Clogs – 06-28-2010

Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) has died. Our condolences to his family. For a complete obituary, TPM has the best one I have seen (from the AP)

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer thinks all illegal aliens are drugrunners. But she’s not-racist!

24% of Americans are unsure if Barack Obama was born in America.

I am sure all the teabaggers screaming about States’ Rights and 10th Amendment will be outraged that the SCOTUS overthrew the Chicago gun ban. Oh, wait, no they won’t!

The National Tea Party Unity convention coming up in two weeks has been moved to October. To quote Steve Benen:

A National Tea Party Unity convention that was scheduled to be held in Las Vegas in July will now take place in October, according to organizers.

The event, organized by Tea Party Nation (a national Tea Party organization) and Free America (a conservative non-profit group) and other organizations, will still be held at the Palazzo Las Vegas Resort. But Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips confirmed to CNN Saturday that the date is being moved from July 15-17 to October in order to hold the event closer to the midterm elections.

“We concluded it would more advantageous to hold the convention in the middle of October just prior to the November elections,” says Phillips in a statement.

At first blush, that spin may seem plausible. Maybe the far-right effort will be better off if activists leave their local communities a few weeks before the election, and head to a Las Vegas resort. I wouldn’t think so, but organizers didn’t ask me.

The more interesting angle to this, though, is what the report didn’t mention — the “National Tea Party Unity” convention is being postponed just two weeks before it was scheduled to kick off. I’m not an expert in conference management, but it seems to me that a national group doesn’t organize a major gathering at a Las Vegas resort, lining up speakers and guests, and then scrap the whole thing two weeks before it begins unless no one was planning to show up.

A shame we have to wait to get more insane videos.

Cartoon of the Day:

Wingnut Web – O-Bomma-geddon Edition

So Resistnet becomes more and more paranoid as the inmates take over the asylum. Things go from bad to scary when someone posts the latest conspiracy theory about how Obama is gonna seize all our guns in scenarios that sound amazingly like the one in the White Nationalists’ Holy Bible, The Turner Diaries. This leads to the latest freakout and fantasy fest as Resistnetters (home of the PEACEFUL resistance) fantasize about killing everyone and everything that isn’t conservative enough!

joel carson is our opening shot with a conservative nut so crazy he cut off contact with his sons because they’re too liberal for him, and he lives his days waiting only for the day he can shoot them and all other liberals without going to jail.

All Dems are vipers constantly spewing puke at each other. It’s our secret salute. If someone doesn’t return your vomit advances, they’re a conservative and it’s gun confiscating time!


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