Drain Clogs 05-18-2010

Family Values Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN) was boning this chick who isn’t his wife, and is now retiring:

Vote for war criminals – Ilario Pantano and Allen West should be in jail, not running as Republicans.

This Rolling Stone article about Karl Rove should be awesome, except it is ruined by too many Star Wars references. We’ll try to do a better breakdown if we have time later.

Stampy stampy!

The MPAA hates our troops!

Cartoon of the Day:

Wingnut Web – FreeRepublic JINO Court Race War Edition

Pat Buchanan unleashed a racist screed about there being too many Jews on the Supreme Court. Then FreeRepublic.com stated their comments! Let’s listen in…

Government Workers are the Real Racists!

The difference between liberals and conservatives is conservatives see nothing wrong with declaring racial superiority, but liberals are the Real Racists!

Pat Buchanan is a liberal sent by the liberal media to bamboozle Real Conservatives!

I and my username/avatar combo that is the founder of the KKK vow to continue the Race War in the courts. Also, liberals are the Real Racists!

We need more of the Good Ones!

JINO, the heartwarming story of a pregnant high school girl who is nominated to the Supreme Court and blocked by conservatives for being “too lesbian”

FreeRepublic.com will be back in Liberals are the Real Racists 2: Through the Portal of Time!

Drain Clogs 3-17-10

Texas Governor Rick Perry living large!

Congratulations to new Miss USA Rima Fakih, partially because she beat AZ immigration law supporting Miss Oklahoma, and partially because she’s spawning retarded columns like this one from Wingnut Daniel Pipes claiming there is a conspiracy to have Muslims win beauty contests.

Newt Gingrich – wingnut?? Who would have thought!

Cartoon of the day:

Drain Clogs – 5-14-2010

Maine teabagging idiots got it in their heads the teacher who operates the classroom they were renting for space was a commie so they trashed the place like any mature patriotic American would do!

Obama has approved assassinating an American citizen. BOOOOO! to Obama.

The INAFJ (I need a freakin’ job) folks are astroturf from Breitbart.TV

The oil leak is 10 times what was previously thought. but nevermind that, the BP CEO sez that it is only a teeny-weeny itty-bitty smidgen of oil!

Cartoon of the day:

Drain Clogs 5-13-2010

Hawaii’s Governor Linda Lingle has signed into law a bill that allows the state to ignore repeated requests for President Obama’s birth documents. No word on how Dr. Orly Taitz PhD Jr. feels about this.

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) still hates the gays

Sadly, No trashes RedState.com’s Erick Erickson savagely for being wrong about everything, again.

Cartoon of the day:

Drain Clogs – 5-12-10

Alabama GOP governor candidates are having a war of words over who is the most crazy creationist. Not calling the other candidates crazy creationists, they are boasting at how crazy of a creationist they themselves are!

GOP Congressional Candidate Brad Goehring,running for California’s 11th district, posted this on Facebook:
“If I could issue hunting permits, I would officially declare today opening day for liberals. The season would extend through November 2 and have no limits on how many taken as we desperately need to ‘thin’ the herd,”
Way to be an eliminationalist, Brad Goehring, you with the ironic German name. He later tried to backpedal.

Comic of the day:

Drain Clogs 5-11-10

The Red Cross has confirmed the US has a secret prison at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan

28% of Republicans said the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico made them more likely to support drilling off the coast to an equal 28% who said it made them less likely to be supportive. In other news, 28% of Republicans are more likely to eat lead paint.

Teabaggers have hijacked Maine’s GOP platform. No word yet on how the two GOP senators from there feel, but after they get primaried out in 2012 and 2014 by nutballs we’ll welcome the new Democrat senators from Maine with open arms. The best part about the platform is how it randomly namedrops Ron Paul.

Drain Clogs 5-10-10

DailyKos has a good writeup on The National Organization for Marriage’s scary Ruth Institute, which wants to bring women into the good ol’ days of 1837! Featuring a specific goal of Maintain at least a replacement-level birth rate, so that the devastation of a European-style “demographic winter” is avoided. That means, breed like rabbits, white people, before brown comes to town!

Elena Kagan was officially nominated to the Supreme Court today. Expect conservatives to come out of the woodwork opposing her just because. We’re not too thrilled, but for reasons that aren’t Obama derangement syndrome.

Jew counter still counting

this will be awesome:

Wingnut Web and the Husband Who Invented Everything

Boy, Resistnet.com sure attracts the smartest people in the universe. Just check out what the “grassroots” organization’s typical member is capable of, and you will realized us liberals are doomed. DOOMED!!!

Yep, a 190 IQ, self-taught quantum physics, and universities pay him to build stuff for them.

FYI, to have a 190 IQ is so rare it is literally about 1/1,000,000,000. Yes, that is 1 in a billion.

But wait!

Helene and her husband have the power to convince anyone anything political because of magnets, and they REFUSE to work for IBM! Refuse!

Her husband invented everything ever

Her husband invented oxygen. Her husband invented Robocop. Her husband is the Chuck Norris of inventors.

He also invented it all for free!

Her husband knows your name and address. Her husband travels around the country and punches readers of TarsTarkas.NET in the nose. In fact, her husband is outside my door right now..

All geniuses talk to ghosts. Einstein wouldn’t stop talking to Napoleon.

Mary Patterson also has a 190 IQ husband who knows everything!

Also, when the Chinese broke into his computer he called NASA to warn them, because the Chinese would really target some random guy and NASA would really care that they did.

As you can see, this level of unstoppable supergenius cannot be countered by us Liberals, so we might as well give up now. This stuff is all true, and there is no way that the only thing invented was the lies her husband told her.

Drain Clogs 3-7-10

CrroksandLiars has a breakdown of how Freedomworks’ new scam for BP looks awfully familiar to fans of Jack Abramoff, Michael Scanlon, and Indian Casino lobby scams.

Machete’s trailer has caused Wingnuts to go insane. Or more insane.

School for Disabled Forces Students to Wear Backpacks That Deliver Massive Electric Shocks

If you can think of a better name for this that doesn’t involve the word “round-up” leave it in the comments!