Tea Party and Joe the Plumber declare War on Puppies

Yes, you read that right! The Missouri Tea Party groups, Joe the Plumber, and a whole host of conservative douche-gobblers have all come out against a law that would stop puppy mills in Missouri. The War on Puppies stance from the Teabagger groups is gobsmackingly dumb, but not as dumb as some of the quotes from the various nutjobs. Be warned that this article will eventually have quotes about abused dogs at some of the puppy mills run by some of the people orchestrating the War on Puppies.

Proposition B (or the “Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act”) in on the Missouri Ballot this November and is intended to stomp out 3000 puppy mills in Missouri, which is 30% of puppy mills nationwide. It is supported by Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and practically every animal rights organization in the country.

Who would declare war on me???

Evil bastards Alliance For Truth (we are fair and balanced here!) take exception to the law, claiming the HSUS has a “radical agenda” and is “misleading the public with its intentions on Prop B. The society seeks only to raise the cost of breeding dogs, making it ever-more difficult for middle-class American families to be dog-owners.” This is the kind of arguments usually used against PeTA and Cass Sunstein, but as HSUS isn’t a bunch of wackos, it doesn’t play well here.

Anita Andrews from Alliance For Truth told TPM that it’s a “deceptive, lying bill” that is “trying to purposefully get rid of the breeders.” The state of Missouri, she said, has been given a bad rap as “the puppy mill capitol” of the U.S. but “in truth we have the best ribbon breeders in the country.” And, Andrews said, the state already has anti-cruelty laws on the books.

“They don’t like animals,” she said of the Humane Society of the United States.

Yes, “They don’t like animals” – This is real life, folks, not The Onion. Someone actually said this.
Continue reading

Drain Clogs – 09-10-2010

  • Freedomworks head and Teabagger grifter Dick Armey thinks 3% of voters are dead and voting Democratic.
  • D.C. Douglas has a new video out about the Koran burning:

  • The Republicans are running homeless people on the Green Party to siphon off votes from the Democrats. This guy Steve May was on NPR defending this yesterday and he claimed he was friends with all these homeless people and they were real. He also wants to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.
  • Arizona governor Jan Brewer can’t debate, but she sure can take $1.5 million from Timothy Mellon, a Wyoming millionaire to help defend her SB1070 law
  • Wifebeating racist cartoonist Mike Lester (who has been featured here as a Cartoon of the Day a few times) has gone all legal threats happy on a fellow cartoonist who dared to call Lester the racist he is!

    lease be aware that your comments are being monitored. Like all our readers, you are free to disagree w/ my cartoons. However, should you libel and or slander me or my newspaper publicly, we will seek legal remedy. We are also in possession of previous blog entries.


    Mike Lester

    Mr. Lester

    re: your hilarious and insane threat to sue me

    I appreciate your alerting me that my comments are being monitored. I am not sure if you are aware of this, but that is generally what people hope happen to their comments when they are posted on a website on the internet. I am glad to hear you are also in possession of previous blog entries. I too have internet access.

    As a professional courtesy, please consider spelling my name correctly when delivering any future baseless and ludicrous threats because your feelings were hurt. As a personal favor, please stop making racist, ignorant and illogical cartoons.

    -August J. Pollak

  • Iowa For Freedom is ticked over the gay marriage in Iowa and is trying to get a bunch of judges yanked. They are even lying about support from former SCOTUS judges to do it.
  • The Koran burning is on-again, off-again, with the tiny church pastor Terry Jones saying he’s not going to do it because the community center got moved, the community center not knowing what he’s talking about, and Donald Trump wandering in. And Fred Phleps is claiming he’ll burn Korans if the other guy chickens out. Who knows??? We’ll see tomorrow if things go up in flames.

    At Politisink, we agree the church has the right to burn the Korans because free speech is awesome, but free speech also gives us the right to call this shenanigan damn dumb. Because it is damn dumb.

  • Wonkette does our job for us (because Wonkette gets paid to do it, while we just update during lunch or after work) and posts a bunch of posts from wackos on Sarah Palin’s Facebook page that disagree with her on the Koran burning.
  • Our friends at Resistnet.com have freaked out over the Koran burning, by deleting every post that mentions it and even shutting down chat in an effort to stem the calls for Muslim Final Solutions that are appearing all over the site, probably because they know we’re watching them. Because we are. At the same time, the Resistnet Admins are going to New York with a petition to try to get the Community Center moved.
  • Already read Over the Cliff? Think American Taliban was keen? Enjoy people writing about how the Teabaggers are a bunch of suckers? Than this book (The Backlash by Will Bunch) might be interesting, but I haven’t read it yet so who knows?
  • Being in San Bruno when it explodes is not as fun as you might think. But Tanforan Mall stayed open extra hours for those of us trapped in traffic as the mountain nearby burned from the gas pipe explosion. At least 4 are dead and 38 homes completely destroyed with hundreds damaged.
  • Cartoon of the Day:

Calling their bluff

It’s really surprising to me that this Muslim cultural center a few blocks away from Ground Zero is still an issue in the media and in the political realms. The project was already unanimously approved by the only people who are authorized to make the decision in New York City, the build commission. It already has found Mayor Bloomberg’s blessing, much of the country believes that the First Amendment deserves to be upheld to American citizens in every aspect it provides, even President Obama commented on the controversy last week. Well, that is to say that he isn’t standing so firmly on his endorsement of the most basic constitutional protections, but any critically thinking person who truly believes in the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and the tenants our nation was built on would agree that it is disgusting that this group of religious believers has been so loudly discriminated against by so many.

The logical conclusion of this debate however, as it has been with almost every issue the Right has brought up in the last year and a half, comes down to siding with an ideology in the Republican mind frame that states that it’s OK to say “fuck you” to a group or an organization or people of a certain ethnicity if those peoples’ values or skin color don’t match that of the Conservative mainstream. The debate gets dressed up in fancy language on television or gets blown so out of proportion you really can’t take the talking heads seriously anymore, but if you were to draw a line way down to the Right’s ultimate conclusion on issues like immigration, healthcare for poor people, the right for a seemingly oppressed minority to practice their faith freely, they would rather entourn/deport/exile/kick out/let die/or possibly, in certain people’s cases, kill with their bare hands than be forced to live another second with these Mexicans, Muslims, Black Panthers, Terrorist Baby rearers, Homos, and other people they flat out don’t like.

You have to let the other side’s words speak for themselves with this mid-term election coming up and with the 2012 election not to far in the distance (my bet is on the media starting serious coverage of the 2012 race the day after the midterm elections are over, by the way). They will try to make their points sound educated and responsible with lots of fancy opinion poll numbers and “facts” about religion and border crossing and so forth in a debate, but since debates are no longer fought over reason or compromise and instead turn straight to emotional appeals, the job of a counterpoint to a Conservative these days is to draw out the other side’s blatant disregard for common decency, law, and humanity.

Where else does a policy of “we can’t have these extra 20 million illegal immigrants in our country anymore taking our jobs” ultimately lead to anyway, or a policy of “we can’t have these Muslims building a YMCA in midtown Manhattan because they creep us out”? Pundits and politicians on the Right are always so vocal about letting us ask them for answers. If you’d just *let* us take the reigns on Healthcare Reform we’ll deliver a solid solution. If the Republicans weren’t the minority party we would have figured out this immigration situation already.

What happened when we let the Republicans circle the wagons in order to produce their clearly laid out plan for Healthcare Reform? We got a 14 page document that certainly has words written on the page, but like the Republican’s current savior-in-Chief Sarah Palin, the long winded positive sounding rhetoric is just political busytalk with no actual figures or actionable solutions for the problem at hand. If this is the best they can come up with we might as well let the Right embarrass themselves by trying to submit the laws they’d really deep down want to pass.

Like laws to strip the Constitution of the 14th Amendment, or bills to cut taxes for the wealthiest people in the nation while we scramble to try and find money to pay off our country’s debts with, or laws that would provide medical care to every person in America, just without the ability get the proper treatment in the event of becoming unhealthy, or laws that ban homosexuals from openly serving in the military, and for that matter, ban them from existing in general society all together!

At the end of the day Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, the Tea Party, that crazy lady from Long-Island who wears too much make-up and doesn’t want a Muslim cultural center going up in NYC, they are all basing policy they’d like to see be law off of their value judgement against another human being. There’s no problem with holding an opinion like that (besides how crass it is), we have the First Amendment for a reason and they damn well better be thankful for that, but there is a problem with coaxing the public opinion and making them believe that their opinions are valid because “that’s what the Founding Fathers would have wanted” or “that’s not what the Constitution really means” or some other fantasy world conclusion that would serve to justify their unfounded opinions. Just don’t use that logic for problem solving guys, you’re bothering the smart politicians in the room.

Barack Obama or the Democrats or any other element that identifies with thinking and writing good policy over resorting to faith-based arguments and screaming and yelling at Anderson Cooper over “Terror Babies”, these people should not need to back down off of their arguments just because there’s a contingent of voters out there who are crazy and would probably vote for Rand Paul for president and don’t like Latinos, Muslims, African-Americans, single mothers, or the poor in the first place. Let them rage all over the airwaves for as long as they want, spouting off opinions that make no sense, as long as this yelling and screaming and bawling and crying continues to never have a place in the final legislation of a real law, let them flounder in dust. Oh, and remember to remind voters and the public about this fact during the election season. The American public needs this certain kind of educational experience before 2012 and Sarah Palin is eligible to be voted for as a presidential candidate.

Jesus – droppin’ the N-Bomb like it’s nobody’s business!

Amazingly, I have some free time, so here is an actual article! You all know Jesus, right? Son of god, died for our sins, loves everyone, misused by conservatives to justify killing anyone they don’t like. Did you know Jesus somehow has something to do with Helen Thomas and The Stand? Because that’s what Sonny Craig, noted guy who writes dumb stuff, has to say.

We’ll start with this picture and caption:

Helen Thomas, the face of modern Liberalism

Sonny Craig’s starting attack is to go after the looks of an 89 year old woman, much like Jesus attacked old women for not looking hot.

If Jesus lived today, he’d be crucified again

Oh, snap! Hey, wait, isn’t it a good thing that Jesus got crucified??

The latest incident in Gaza, involving the Israeli seizure of a Palestinian “aid” vessel, and Helen Thomas’ pathological revelation of the deep hatred Liberals have for the Jewish state, shows that if Jesus Christ lived today, he’d be crucified again

So an old lady saying stuff and Israel shooting up an aid ship proves that Sonny can just repeat sentences.

The modern world would not tolerate a racist like Jesus Christ. If given a choice, the Mob would cry out for a terrorist and murderer like Barabas to live and have Liberty, while the fanatical religious bigot Jesus and His band of conservative Jews and Christians, must die. All of this would be done in the name of Social Justice, of course.

Ah, Social Justice, which we know is evil because it is almost Socialism. Why is Liberty capitalized?

Go back to Germany and Poland? You mean where Dachau and Buchenwald, and Auschwitz-Birkenau are, Helen? That Germany and Poland?

Yes, those still-operating camps. Maybe we should get around to defeating Hitler. What, isn’t this 1943?

The global hatred of Jews by the growing Liberal Terror in the world portends that very idea. In the 60 years since a Holocaust nearly destroyed worldwide Jewry, and was in my view indistinguishable from a Biblical Tribulation scenario (how could it get worse?), are we forgetting that we said we would “Never Forget?”

I forgot to forget.

Let’s face it, in today’s world, Jesus would be crucified again, and that right quickly.

Let me repeat my point yet again because it is my central thesis and it’s not like I’m giving real facts but just random crap.

Jesus didn’t say He knew the truth, or that He could lead the way to finding the truth, He said He was the Truth. (John 14:7). A more exclusivist version of religion I can’t imagine than that. Basically He was saying, “all six billion of you are wrong, and I’m Right.” Liberals today would plug their ears, screaming and rushing to throw him over a cliff with that one.

Liberals have never encountered someone saying they are right before! Our Achilles’s heel! BTW, who were the six billion people Jesus was talking about, as there was only like 200 million people then? I am guessing Jesus was also addressing dolphins, whales, and tigers.

Jesus called the Gentiles dogs (like saying the n-word today

It’s okay, Jesus was Black.

He said Israel came first in line for salvation and that the Gentile dogs were not worthy to even sit at the same table as their Masters, the Jews. (Mt. 15:21-31)

Wow, Jesus sounds like a jerk!

Jesus called sick people, like lepers, unclean.

So we should all shun lepers, AIDS victims, and even people with allergies!

Jesus called people all kinds of judgmental names like hypocrite, white washed tombs, dead men’s bones, snakes and vipers (well, John the Baptist used that one, but I’m sure Jesus was nearby maniacally nodding His approval).

Jesus: maniacal nodder!

Jesus said they could raze the Temple to the ground, and He’d raise a new Kingdom on top of the ruins in just three days, a clear Tea Party-ish threat to the ruling power that would have driven Janet Napolitano to issue a report on why Jesus should be on a government watch list, and Obama to run and bow to some Muslim leader somewhere in the world apologizing for American-Christian-Jewish arrogance.

The problem with Sonny’s piece is the logic moves at the speed of crazy. but i think he just told us to burn down the White House in the name of Jesus, which means it is tips.fbi.gov time again!

Jesus said (through His apocalyptic secretary John the Revelator) that He would return one day as a cosmic-divine Messianic warrior riding on a white horse, and slay all the unbelievers in the world with a sword protruding from His mouth.

How much you want to bet Sonny gets a tingling feeling in his thighs when he reads these passages from Revelations?

In other words, Jesus was a racist bloodthirsty war-mongering exclusivist, and deserved to be crucified (gassed, shot, imprisoned, starved to death, marginalized, and burned in an oven would be the modern equivalent). He would not be welcome in our world, and would not represent Social Justice.


Like the Pharisees of His time, in league with the Roman oppressor, they would call Jesus Beelzebub (Satan, see Mt. 12:22-37) for His political and religious views, even if He did heal the lame and the blind and the demon-possessed miraculously.

Yes, let’s see who everyone is calling biblical names right now…

Have you ever been called Satan, before?

Every night!

I have (by a Christian pastor no less), and it‘s quite liberating. It convinces you that there is nothing wrong with God or yourself (if you happen to be one of the Few, the Proud, the Prophets), but something fundamentally wrong with the modern reprobate human mind that can reverse everything and call good evil, and evil, good.

Someone calling me names just proves I am right! Black is white, round is square, dogs and cats, living together…

H.G. Wells, the author of War of the Worlds, was an infamous adherent of Fascism and Progressivism. Visions of aliens descending and harvesting the earth were metaphors for Nazi-type eugenics programs as New World forces cleaning up the rabble of humanity in order to lead us out of the darkness of the Old World.

Wow, H.G. Wells is amazing describing the Nazis way back in 1898!

In The Time Machine, the Morlocks were the hybrid Jewish-Christian-Capitalist monsters of the underworld who cannibalized the rest of enlightened humanity on the sunlit surface, the peaceful people of the future who lived in communal harmony with nature.

I don’t remember the Morlocks saying what religion they were. I am surprised Sonny didn’t lump Islam in there as well.

Modern Liberalism and Progressivism (Marxism rebranded) are quickly turning the world around us into “enlightened Nazis.” And they have plenty of help in the form of radical Islam and Palestinian terrorists whose tactics are indistinguishable from Nazi-ism, Stalinism and Marxism

Here comes the Islam, and the lumping of all the -isms together like all uneducated reactionaries do.

For most of the latter half of the 20th century, we believed we had defeated that enemy. Boy were we wrong (well, I wasn’t…..you’ll have to account for yourself). They were just hiding like cockroaches in the wall, reformulating their message to begin their “Great Delusion” false gospel all over again.

Sonny Craig knew Hitler was still alive! He saw it in Castle Wolfenstein! Then Sonny Craig drank too much beer and watched the movie Joe’s Apartment and now thinks singing cockroaches brought Hitler back.

Now, in the first decade of the 21st century, we are seeing the return of the Nazis in such a rapid fashion that the prophets walking about in Times Square carrying signs that say, “The End is Near,” is starting to get too eerily close to the truth to just lightly pass off as the mere ramblings of religious nuts.

And now, to give us the final emotional impact that proves his point:

But that’s not all! There are comments! Commenters who seem to think Sonny Craig is a bit nuts. Luckily, Sonny Craig shows us the true meaning of Christianity in the comments:

Yes, numnuts, love Jesus!

Your Name Here is missing the point…..Part 2 is coming where all his points explain how it is that Liberals reverse everything…..and call good evil and evil good. The question isn’t whether i know Jesus, numnuts….it’s whether you have any reading comprehension skills.

Clearly Helen Thomas is Satan Hitler Stalin Ronald Reagan Godzilla Dracula!

And to God Bless America,

Yes, she’s free to say what she likes…..and what she said was CLEARLY she’d like to see the Jews in OVENS (back in Germany and Poland where they were MASS MURDERED…..you liberals are OUTRAGEOUSLY deluded in what words actually mean and what they SAY…..

Sonny reacts in disbelief when someone says he doesn’t know what he is talking about

Your Name Here:

Just like a Dispensationalist to take everything literally and miss the point entirely……sure, dude, Sonny didn’t know any of that theology he just spent an article writing about….LOL! What a moron…..

Sonny’s final shot:

People see what they want to see…

1) saying that the Jews should go back to Germany and Poland is the same as saying they should go crawl back to Auschwitz…..anyone who says otherwise is a MORON

2) The guy who says my article is not “biblical” is twice the Moron, because he missed the point altogether so nothing he has said to this point is even relevant….but that’s how that Dispy was taught to interpret the Bible, so he interprets the news the same way, LOL

Drop the N-bomb and call people numnuts! It’s the Jesus way!

The “grownups” on financial reform

I need to begin with a little preface on this about “technical” issues: DON’T PANIC.  This is written assuming no prior knowledge, but if you’d like to read up a bit Mike Konczal (a former financial engineer) has compiled a fantastic primer on the technical issues, including interviews with some of the most qualified experts in the country.  Dean Baker provides a good summary of our dilemma:

Wall Street is know around the world as the land of the million dollar babies since is chock full of people who have gotten incredibly rich as a result of handouts from the government. These handouts come in all forms, but most in the size extra large. The basic story is always the same; the banks and financial firms take gambles that provide big payoffs for their shareholders and “top performers” and pass along big risks to the taxpayers.


We had some hopes of reining in the million dollar babies with the financial reform package, but those hopes appear to be dimming. The effort to downsize the “too big to fail” banks got trounced in the senate last week, garnering just 33 votes. Apparently, the prospect of having to head out into the markets unprotected by the implicit guarantee of government bailouts was too frightening for JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs and the other big banks. Their lobbyists twisted the arms and got the overwhelming majority of the senate to continue the big bank subsidy of free government insurance indefinitely.

Financial reform can more or less be summed up as getting these folks off of their unsustainable welfare program.  The rest is a matter of working out details and the media shamelessly taking the sides of the banks out of (somewhat legitimate) concern that offending them too badly might hurt their stock prices.

Just after I’d compiled the following, I saw that Yves Smith (likely among countless others) had also noticed this partiality:

The defenders of the economic orthodoxy have gotten much more shrill of late. In a perverse way, this is probably a positive sign: they might be feeling a tad worried that they are starting to lose their hold over consensus reality. But given how quick various media outlets are to pick up and amplify their messages, it would be more than a tad premature to say that the prevailing belief system is threatened.

It may be sample bias, but I’ve noticed two patterns. The first is a sharp uptick in criticism of “populism” or better yet, “populist anger”, which then serves as the basis for arguing that efforts to rein in the financial services industry are overdone. Now usually there is a wrapper around it, like “mistakes were made” or another not-very-convincing bit of crowd pleasing pablum to acknowledge that maybe some change might be warranted, but nothing approaching what those enraged savages want.


The finger-shaking at supposed children is overbearing and authoritarian, and amounts to a blanket refusal to deal with the substance of the bill of particulars against the financial services industry. But the part of his formula that is more revealing is his argument that the interests of Wall Street and “the economy” are aligned, and everyone needs to shut up and get with the program, since hurting the economy will be very bad for them.But this is bogus. The economy we now have has increasingly shunted the benefits of production to the top 1%. In the 1960s, it was accepted that increases in productivity would be shared between corporations and workers. No more. We’ve seen a persistent gap rise between wage growth and productivity growth, so the gains in employee output have been siphoned off to the managerial elite and investors.

So these populists, despite the hectoring, aren’t stupid or emotional. Quite the reverse. They’ve been snookered by the system one time too many, and have had enough. Primates as well as people are willing to take losses to punish cheaters, and this is deeply rooted, instinctive behavior for a good reason: you need some measure of fairness for societies to function.

Her claims in visual form:



And the nail in the coffin for the use of populist as an epithet here:

The medium financial players are the natural check on the power of the biggest financial players.

I saw something a while back that made me pause. Wall Street Journal, Proxy Plan Roils Talks on Finance Rules:

But in the bill launched this week by Senate Democrats, a little-noticed provision designed to give shareholders more clout is emerging as a stumbling block….The move encountered resistance from business groups…now, the Chamber is mobilizing forces to lobby lawmakers to kill the provision…Kurt Schacht, managing director at CFA Institute, an association for investment professionals that supports the idea, said, “The important test for lawmakers will be whether they can hold the line for these important investor protections. We expect that banking and other special interests will do their level best to strip many of these important protections from the final bill.”

My first instinct was “Why are the financial lobbyists fighting with the CFA Institute? Aren’t they all on the same team?”

Do you know what a CFA is? It stands for “Certified Chartered Financial Analyst.” According to here the median compensation for a CFA is $180,000, and CFAs with 10 years of experience or more have reported median compensation of $248,000. At a salary (assuming that’s the household income) around $250,000 this puts them right around the top 1.5% of Americans, with 98.5% of Americans earning below them.

However we’ve just come from an era where all the real earnings growth has gone to the top 1%. So this got me thinking: why is the CFA fighting with the Chamber of Commerce? Don’t their interests line up well? And then it hit me – Chamber of Commerce, the Financial Services Roundtable, the fsforum, they are all representing interests that clock in a notch above the top 1.5%. They are gunning to represent the interests of the top 1% in this current financial reform debate. And the CFAs could lose these fights.

So the only sources of opposition to this are the very top of the financial world, the friends they buy in congress, the corporate media, and executives at blue chip companies who rely on large financial institutions for their unjustifiable compensation.  Crying about being persecuted here takes some serious nerve.  Still, they’ve proven themselves up to the task.

General Electric’s CEO feels their pain:

In a wide-ranging discussion with Norm Pearlstine, chairman of Bloomberg Businessweek, Immelt spoke about the economy, regulation, the environment and even his own compensation.

“Going a couple years without a bonus isn’t that big of a deal,” Immelt said, joking that he can live on $3 million a year.


Immelt also voiced his support for Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N), which has been under scrutiny since the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission charged it with fraud last month.

Immelt said GE is a longtime partner of Goldman’s.

“We trust them,” Immelt said.” “They’ve done great work for us.”

Immelt cautioned that the populist anger at Wall Street is not good for the U.S. economy.

“This is really a moment of time when the world needs the U.S. to be a beacon of stability, a beacon of reliability,” Immelt said.

“People need to tone down the rhetoric around financial services and stop the populism and be adults.”

Apparently “liberal” now means being to the left of billionaires:

Liberal Democrats in the Senate, emboldened by a wave of populism, are trying to make financial regulatory legislation far tougher on Wall Street, potentially restricting or breaking up the biggest banks and financial companies, David M. Herszenhorn reports in The New York Times.

Normally such efforts might attract little concern among Senate leaders or the White House. But the confluence of a high-stakes election year and a pervasive anti-Wall Street sentiment after the recession has given liberals unusual muscle in the debate. It has also raised the prospect that they could succeed in reshaping the bill.

The liberal amendment that could be hardest to defeat — and is among the most deeply dreaded by Wall Street — also has some of the purest populist appeal: a proposal by Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Senator Ted Kaufman of Delaware to break up the nation’s biggest banks by imposing caps on the deposits they can hold and limits on other liabilities.

“Look at what we did to AT&T, look at Standard Oil, basically what you do is you just split it apart,” Mr. Kaufman said in an interview. “If we don’t do that, we have got too big to fail, because when you look at these big complex entities, you cannot resolve them in a major financial crisis.”

So, according to the New York Times, none of this is being put forward because it’s a good idea, it’s all just shameless opportunism against innocent bystanders, persecution resulting from misdirected blame, and above all, terribly unfair.  In fact, it’s comparable to racism:

Politics, some believe, is the organization of hatreds. The people who try to divide society on the basis of ethnicity we call racists. The people who try to divide it on the basis of religion we call sectarians. The people who try to divide it on the basis of social class we call either populists or elitists.

But I’ve saved the best for last because “enraged savages” was anything but hyperbole.

Byron L. Dorgan was viewed as something of a Cassandra last fall, when he started warning fellow Democrats they were in for a 2010 drubbing unless they started talking more about issues that average voters care about — and in ways those voters understand.

But the senator from North Dakota has kept at it. Even after deciding against running for re-election himself, he’s been using his position as chairman of a leadership advisory group, the Democratic Policy Committee, to promote his views as parting advice to his colleagues.

And so it came to be that Drew Westen, a professor of clinical psychology at Emory University, flew from Atlanta to Washington early this spring. He explained to a caucus of Democratic senators, as Dorgan’s guest, his view that the most effective way to win over voters is to use simple language that engages the “frontal emotion circuits” of the brain.

Westen came to the Capitol wearing a pin-striped suit of the sort favored by senators, but his message made clear he wasn’t a member of their club. The senators say he delivered what amounted to an indictment of the party’s efforts to market itself in a time of economic anxiety. The Democratic Party was squandering its control of Washington, he said, by failing to telegraph its achievements and by pressing its agenda too timidly.

As a result, Westen warned, Republicans have been able to capitalize on the burgeoning power of the tea party movement and galvanize an electorate with shrinking confidence that the powers in Washington can create jobs, reduce the deficit or address other domestic challenges.

To revive their flagging prospects for the midterm election, Westen advised that March afternoon, Democrats ought to start by pushing to tighten the regulatory reins on Wall Street — an effort that should have started a year earlier, he said, right after enactment of the $787 billion economic stimulus package.

Many senators gave the psychologist a round of applause. But more important, they have started taking his advice, while also listening to a group of better-known Democratic operatives who have been saying much the same thing. And so, for the six months until Election Day, the party is putting a decidedly populist cast on its congressional agenda and campaign message. “They realized,” Westen says of the party leadership, “the importance of speaking with a clear voice to the anger of the average American.”