Curb Stomp Teabaggers

So now the Teabaggers have moved to actually assaulting people at their rallies. In case you haven’t seen the news, some of Rand Paul’s supporters decided it would be a good idea to beat up a woman named Lauren Valle and stomp on her head at one of his rallies. Video below: Rand Paul is… Continue reading Curb Stomp Teabaggers

On this 9-11, here is FreeRepublic burning a cd with a Koran.pdf on it;page=201 Cyber Liberty, member since 1998! At least no dogs were hurt in this incident (unless a dog breathed in the fumes…) Also some moron burned a Koran at Ground Zero, I don’t know if he’s a Freeper yet or not:

The Ultimate Ironic Quote

At least for this week or something. Sorry, any cool Wingnut Web update I had planned just pale, so here were go. From this thread discussing the church going to do the Koran burning:;page=1 Holy 9-11, Batman! Found by NATO Anyone who condemns this country over the actions of 20 people are our enemies… Continue reading The Ultimate Ironic Quote

Obama Oval Office Redecoration Celebration Creation Station

Obama redid the Oval Office like all modern presidents except Jimmy Carter did (that statement means the journalists did a bit of research but then gave up before having a definitive list), so announced a photoshop contest which failed. So then busted out some entries!!! WOOOoooOOOOooOOOoo!!! Click for huge: Someone… Continue reading Obama Oval Office Redecoration Celebration Creation Station

A quick FreeRepublic update

FreeRepublic thinks the media is racist! Therefore, N-words for everyone! Now, unfortunately for us, but fortunately for common decency, this first post was deleted. It is unfortunate because we were unable to screencap it in time, and have to rely on a copy/paste. But as you can see below it, there is still Google records… Continue reading A quick FreeRepublic update

Drain Clogs – 08-26-2010

Friend of the site D.C. Douglas has made a new video to help Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe sell their book Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto: Also how awesome is it that DC Douglas is in Titanic II? Pretty awesome. Alan Simpson says dumb stuff, somehow isn’t fired from awful committee that shouldn’t… Continue reading Drain Clogs – 08-26-2010

The (not so) Secret History of

If you have spent any time on the internet in the world of politics, you have heard of A right wing message board that boasts one of the largest memberships and pageviews of any right wing website. It is its own self-contained community that has a long history of ups and downs. Many times… Continue reading The (not so) Secret History of

Jim Robinson photos

Here are some photos of Jim Robinson, his wife Sheila, and their two sons John and Chris that were posted in a FreeRepublic tribute thread. This is yet another spinoff of the History of FreeRepublic article. High School Senior picture, Fresno, California.