Drain Clogs – 02-28-2011

The Republican class war continues in Wisconsin, and has spread to Indiana and Maine. The US has wasted tens of billions of dollars on contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan. But, we must cut money from the poors, not these rich companies! US Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) laughed along with the crowd when a supporter asked… Continue reading Drain Clogs – 02-28-2011

Resistnet posters call for Military Coup again

Yes, again. Resistnet poster Jim Payne posted the following screed where he calls for a military coup: I appreciate all of your earnest posts here–I know you are trying to do the very best you can to correct this miriade of problems that have become the trademark of this administration and the 111th Congress. Yes,… Continue reading Resistnet posters call for Military Coup again

We are all doomed!!!! (This time it’s totally for real!)

Got a e-mail the other day talking about this trip I hope somebody looks into about what I am to say. And I hope it is not true! But in 10 to 20 days something is going down. I will post here as to what I got. Darla or somebody check this out ? Thanks!… Continue reading We are all doomed!!!! (This time it’s totally for real!)

Drain Clogs – 09-28-2010

Sarah Palin finally showed up on Dancing with the Stars, got booed. Crazy Teabagger Nevada Senate Candidate Sharron Angle is on government health care. Swiftboating Birther Jerome Corsi wants Obama to “Renounce Lucifer” Tea Party Patriots got a $1 million anonymous donation from someone horrible. Grass roots millionaires! Remember that Tea Party Patriots was the… Continue reading Drain Clogs – 09-28-2010

Obama Oval Office Redecoration Celebration Creation Station

Obama redid the Oval Office like all modern presidents except Jimmy Carter did (that statement means the journalists did a bit of research but then gave up before having a definitive list), so RedState.com announced a photoshop contest which failed. So then FreeRepublic.com busted out some entries!!! WOOOoooOOOOooOOOoo!!! http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2580982/posts http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2579722/posts http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2580812/posts Click for huge: Someone… Continue reading Obama Oval Office Redecoration Celebration Creation Station

2004 Freerepublic Obama thread

In prep work for the History of Freerepublic.com, I ran across this 2004 era Barack Obama thread. Let’s go through it and find out any similarities to 2010… The Barack Obama-Alan Keyes Illinois Senate campaign was happening in 2004, here is FreeRepublic and Jim Robinson chatting about Obama, Alan Keyes (back when FR had a… Continue reading 2004 Freerepublic Obama thread

Drain Clogs – 08-04-2010

If you’ve read The Wrecking Crew by Thomas Frank you will be familiar with the vast direct mail fundraising apparatus the Right has. Now, the modern Web 2.0 version has been operation for years, and Salon has exposed that like before most of the money goes to the firms and not the candidates. Thousands of… Continue reading Drain Clogs – 08-04-2010

Resistnet vs the NAACP

The spat between the NAACP and the Tea Party groups exploded into a bigger mess than I thought it would. You see, despite the fact that we spend hours each week pouring over right wing sites and reading all sorts of awful things, we at Politisink are still decent people, and thus, don’t automatically think… Continue reading Resistnet vs the NAACP