Curb Stomp Teabaggers

So now the Teabaggers have moved to actually assaulting people at their rallies. In case you haven’t seen the news, some of Rand Paul’s supporters decided it would be a good idea to beat up a woman named Lauren Valle and stomp on her head at one of his rallies. Video below: Rand Paul is… Continue reading Curb Stomp Teabaggers

Drain Clogs – 10-22-2010

A Texas GOP candidate (Stephen Broden) is calling for a violent revolution if the midterm elections don’t go the GOP’s way. “We have a constitutional remedy here and the Framers says if that don’t work, revolution.” “If the government is not producing the results or has become destructive to the ends of our liberties, we… Continue reading Drain Clogs – 10-22-2010

Tea Party and Joe the Plumber declare War on Puppies

Yes, you read that right! The Missouri Tea Party groups, Joe the Plumber, and a whole host of conservative douche-gobblers have all come out against a law that would stop puppy mills in Missouri. The War on Puppies stance from the Teabagger groups is gobsmackingly dumb, but not as dumb as some of the quotes… Continue reading Tea Party and Joe the Plumber declare War on Puppies

Who are these Teabagger candidates, anyway? – Rick Scott Edition

Rick Scott should be a familiar enough name to anyone whose lived through the Healthcare Reform battle of last year. As the founder and former CEO of healthcare giant Columbia/HCA Rick Scott held a commanding post over the lucrative cashcow that is the Healtcare industry. Corrupt wouldn’t even begin to describe the way in which… Continue reading Who are these Teabagger candidates, anyway? – Rick Scott Edition

Who are these Teabagger candidates, anyway? – Sharron Angle Edition

We’re going to start a series on the Teabagger candidates filling this election with hilarity and scariness. And we’ll get to them in roughly the order they appeared on the national scene (skipping Marco Rubio for now), thus first up is Nevada senate candidate Sharron Angle. Sharron Angle defeated fellow crazy candidate Sue Lowden, who… Continue reading Who are these Teabagger candidates, anyway? – Sharron Angle Edition

I hope gay people and Muslims are bothered

When some event or some law affects a personal culture or group you identify with (maybe you’re Asian or a senior citizen or a Unicycle enthusiast), you’d probably tend to pay very close attention to that development until its final conclusion. Women most likely felt that way when they fought for their right to vote,… Continue reading I hope gay people and Muslims are bothered

Calling their bluff

It’s really surprising to me that this Muslim cultural center a few blocks away from Ground Zero is still an issue in the media and in the political realms. The project was already unanimously approved by the only people who are authorized to make the decision in New York City, the build commission. It already has found… Continue reading Calling their bluff