Drain Clogs – 07-13-2010

China news is claiming that the Taliban are training monkeys to kill US troops. True or not, it’s hilarious.

Diaper Dan Vitter is a Birther!

For those of you who aren’t scientists, there is a big cabal that controls access to journals. The company that owns Nature is hiking its access fees by 400%. That is ticking off the UCs. This is exciting enough it probably deserves its own entry one day when I am not pressed for time.

I hope the GOP does this.

Sharron Angle thinks Bob Bennett has “outlived his usefulness”

Republican Pennsylvania governor candidate Tom Corbett says unemployed people just sit there. He really did!

“The jobs are there, but if we keep extending unemployment, people are just going to sit there,”

Automated debt collection has gone crazy and is finally ticking off some state legislatures enough they’re demanding more proof of debt. But not enough state legislatures.

If you spend any time like I do on Righwing sites, you probably saw dozens of morons praising bobby Jindal for giving the Feds the finger and going ahead and building sand booms to block the oil. Except those sand booms were freaking stupid and they all washed away during the first storm. And the company that was hired to build them was Jindal’s number 3 donor! More here.

The Teabaggers were 100% in favor of this.

Real Men beat their wives for having a abortion. Liberal pussies put an end to that. – Female WND pundit Jill Stanek

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-12-2010

Republicans and Teabaggers are one and the same…who knew?? Oh, yeah, everyone except the morons in the media.

A Federal Judge has ruled DOMA unconstitutional.

TPM enrolled in the Glenn Beck University we wrote about before.

78 people were arrested in Oakland after the involuntary manslaughter verdict of BART police officer Johannes Mehserle for shooting Oscar Grant in the back, 75% of them not from Oakland

Republicans love the constitution except when they want to repeal large chunks of it and also add lots of new amendments. Just remember – they are the Real Patriots.

That lady Terry Savage who hates free lemonade goes on TV to attack free lemonade.

Crazy racist ex-Congressman Tom Tancredo calls President Obama “the greatest threat to the United States today” He then shot his shadow nine times for being “too dark”

Cartoon of the Day:

Another broken Obama promise...

Drain Clogs – 06-28-2010

Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) has died. Our condolences to his family. For a complete obituary, TPM has the best one I have seen (from the AP)

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer thinks all illegal aliens are drugrunners. But she’s not-racist!

24% of Americans are unsure if Barack Obama was born in America.

I am sure all the teabaggers screaming about States’ Rights and 10th Amendment will be outraged that the SCOTUS overthrew the Chicago gun ban. Oh, wait, no they won’t!

The National Tea Party Unity convention coming up in two weeks has been moved to October. To quote Steve Benen:

A National Tea Party Unity convention that was scheduled to be held in Las Vegas in July will now take place in October, according to organizers.

The event, organized by Tea Party Nation (a national Tea Party organization) and Free America (a conservative non-profit group) and other organizations, will still be held at the Palazzo Las Vegas Resort. But Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips confirmed to CNN Saturday that the date is being moved from July 15-17 to October in order to hold the event closer to the midterm elections.

“We concluded it would more advantageous to hold the convention in the middle of October just prior to the November elections,” says Phillips in a statement.

At first blush, that spin may seem plausible. Maybe the far-right effort will be better off if activists leave their local communities a few weeks before the election, and head to a Las Vegas resort. I wouldn’t think so, but organizers didn’t ask me.

The more interesting angle to this, though, is what the report didn’t mention — the “National Tea Party Unity” convention is being postponed just two weeks before it was scheduled to kick off. I’m not an expert in conference management, but it seems to me that a national group doesn’t organize a major gathering at a Las Vegas resort, lining up speakers and guests, and then scrap the whole thing two weeks before it begins unless no one was planning to show up.

A shame we have to wait to get more insane videos.

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 06-21-2010

The Texas Republican Party has released their new 25-page manifesto where they have gone more crazy than usual. It’s time to mess with Texas.

We recommend a national sales tax (which does not include a Value Added Tax) to replace all other Federal taxes once the I.R.S. is abolished and the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is repealed. However, until such time that the income tax is abolished, we support deductions for private and home schooling, home mortgages, and sales taxes.

We believe the Minimum Wage Law should be repealed.

We urge the Texas legislature in its next biennial session to enact legislation requiring a sonogram be performed and offered as part of the consent process to each mother seeking an elective abortion.

We oppose the legalization of sodomy.

We oppose the implementation of one world currency.

See a Census Worker not getting threatened? It is unusual.

Mosque fun in Tennessee…Tracey Steven, who also attended, said, “Our country was founded through the founding fathers — through the true God, the Father and Jesus Christ.

Marco Rubio – deadbeat.

Some lady from Northern Exposure is crazy.

Teabaggers are declaring Florida Tea Party candidates as plants, further proving they are nothing but the knuckle-dragging wing of the GOP

Cartoon of the Day – 1930 Edition!:

Those heat waves are part of the reason for the dust bowl. We need more cloud people in comics.

Drain Clogs – 06-18-2010

Teabaggers are trying to take down Chris Matthews in an effort similar to what was done to Glenn Beck’s sponsors. FreedomWorks chief Dick Armey is also telling candidates not to go on MSNBC, but that’s less of a spiteful attack on Matthews and more of a fear that their nutball candidates will actually say things they believe and scare off voters.

“Buy solar. Get a gun.”

The Red Cross has been fined $21 million since 2003 over crappy blood screening, including the latest $16 million fine. Oh, and they also sell blood, which you probably didn’t know.
Disclaimer – I give money to the Red Cross disaster funds

Mother Jones has the 10 most ridiculous Congressional oil spill quotes.

Cartoon of the Day:
Enjoy the new comic Microman! It is Joe the Plumber approved. Buy it now, because this Teabagger gravy train won’t last after Obama is out in 2016.

Drain Clogs – 06-14-2010

Glenn Beck’s new book The Overton Window is at bookstores now, and if you can’t make it to Border’s to read a copy at the cafe without buying it, Media Matters has the breakdown. The important thing to know is “don’t tease the panther.”

Johnson and Johnson hired fake shoppers to buy up bad Motrin so they didn’t have to do a public recall.

Is the Red Dawn remake being kept from theaters by a Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy? Yes, that conspiracy is the Free Market, because MGM is broke. Damn you, Free Market, you commie Marxist Nazi!

We are never leaving Afghanistan – Trillions of dollars of minerals in Afghanistan
Oh, wait, we knew about this crap years ago!

Paypal has cut off notorious crazy lady Pam Geller/Atlas Shrugs from taking any more donations. Thus, Paypal and Ebay are now Muslims or something. Hey, maybe you can show your worth on the Free Market now, Pam!

Teabagger and Republican hopeful Rick Barber, running for congress in a primary runoff in Alabama’s Second District, has a new commercial where he has a seance with the Founding Fathers and features pistol imagry and talk of gathering your armies to fight the IRS.

Barber said that using the phrase “gather your armies” and stroking revolutionary-era pistols could lead some to get the wrong impression of his message — but there’s nothing that can be done about that.

“You’ve always got some folks that could take it the wrong way,” he said.

NC Democratic Rep. Bob Etheridge beats up a “college student”, giving Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government project (via the Stage Right Show) another coup. Way to go, Rep Etheridge! I am sure rewarding Breitbart’s buddies by providing a reaction to their harassment techniques will prevent them from going even further in the future!

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 06-11-2010

Welcome to the year 1810: Teacher fired for “fornication” for becoming pregnant out of wedlock. On the plus side, I can add the tag “fornication” to the blog!

Just a peaceful patriot: Militiaman and Birther Darren Westly Huff has pleaded not guilty for vowing to seize control of Sweetwater, Georgia, and round up the traitors blocking the indictment of President Barack Obama for his treasonous turn as commander-in-chief. He was running around Sweetwater with a lot of guns, and told everyone who would listen. Then the FBI arrested him. Noted “American Grand Jury” nutball Walter Fitzpatrick is also charged over these shenanigans.

South Carolina State Senator Jake Knotts got censured for his raghead comments, but Knotts says he “could care less”

The teabaggers and Freedomworks are protesting….trash pickup!

Three political activist groups are joining together Saturday to protest Gwinnett County’s new trash plan, which begins July 1.

The Four Corners Tea Party, FreedomWorks Gwinnett and Gwinnett Citizens for Responsible Government have organized the protest, which will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday at the gazebo next to the Gwinnett Historic Courthouse on the Lawrenceville square.

Now I can call them “trashbaggers” unironically.

Cato health policy expert Michael Cannon used Twitter to joke that illegal immigrants are very absorbent when told they might be being used to clean up the oil spill. He since deleted the tweet.

Somehow this is actually happening…

Japanese AV star with a doctorate, Anri Suzuki, 24, is having sex with Chinese students for free in Japan to apologize for her country’s invasion of China.

Suzuki won her doctors degree in history at one of the prestigious universities in her home country. Unlike other graduates, she focused on the Japanese invasion of China; writing the paper “The History of the Japanese Invasion into China.”

“We have to respect history and cannot obliterate it. I want to cure the wounds of Chinese with my body, and I am practicing this by having sex with Chinese students in Japan,” she said. “I think it is psychological compensation to them. Actually, Chinese students treat me more friendly and comfortably than Japanese.”

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 05-25-2010

Current GOP senate candidate primarying John McCain and former Rep. J.D. Hayworth has decided that the USA never declared war on Germany in WWII. This ignores that fact that we did declare war on Germany, several hours after they declared war on us. J.D. Hayworth has a history of making up history, as any good birther does. He must have gotten a contract writing history books for the Texas School Board.

The North Carolina GOP really hates Tim D’Annunzio:

North Carolina Republicans are circulating court documents that suggest a far-right Tea-Party-backed congressional candidate claimed to be the Messiah, tried to raise his stepfather from the dead, believed God would drop a 1,000-mile high pyramid as the New Jerusalem on Greenland, and found the Ark of the Covenant in Arizona.

The GOP are looking to avoid defending another lunatic like Rand Paul. Maybe they shouldn’t have let the genie out of the teabag!

For some non-depressing news:

through an organisation called No More Guantánamos, two New England towns have voted to welcome detainees who have been cleared for release, and similar actions are being planned in other locations.

Vomit of the Day:
Sarah Palin Rogue Warrior One Shot (Antarctic Press)

Special bonus Cartoon of the Day with Quiz: What type of fetish website does this conservative artist, Brett Noel, run? Answer below the fold!

Continue reading

Drain Clogs – 05-24-2010

South Carolina blogger Will Folks of FITSNews claimed he had “an inappropriate physical relationship” with married South Carolina Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley several years ago. Haley is a teabagger favorite and has gotten the endorsement of Sarah Palin. She denies any affair, but has mysteriously dropped out of sight.

TPM has a synopsis of the recent Liberty Convention, which had more far-right extremists than you can shake a constitution that only has the second amendment at

Cartoon of the day:

AZ Immigration Law Pro-SB 1070 March Too Racist for ALIPAC, Too Infighting for Resistnet

Well, June was planned as the month where all the pro-AZ law groups were going to march in support of Arizona’s new law. But who would have though that the law co-written by a Nazi pal would be supported by Nazis? And that said Nazis would then show up to the marches en masse? Obviously not ALIPAC, who have quickly tried to run away from the hornets nest they helped set up! (ALIPAC is Americans for Legal Immigration PAC) However, everyone’s favorite Literacy Test Promoter Tom Tancredo is still ready and willing to go, defending neo-Nazis to do it!

So there are going to be multiple rallies in June in support of the new law. The one to watch is the June 5th one, as it is the one organized by Tom Tancredo and Dan Smeriglio. It is the center of a current controversy as several bigwig groups have decided to drop it like it’s hot and walk away after learning about the Nazi connections of one Dan Smeriglio. Okay, only ALIPAC admitted that the Nazi stuff is the reason they are walking away. Resistnet’s reasoning is a bit….odd. But more on those fools later. First up:

To begin, this was the press release:

ALIPAC Withdraws From AZ Rallies Over Nazi Groups & Tom Tancredo

May 18, 2010

We are sad to announce that ALIPAC is withdrawing support for any rallies in Arizona in June to support SB 1070 due to the discovery of racist group involvement and the actions of former Congressman Tom Tancredo.

We take our commitment to working with and unifying Americans of every race and walk of life behind the effort to secure our borders very seriously. While the illegal alien supporters constantly make false accusations of racism and racist involvement, it is of paramount importance that groups like ours work to keep any racist element out of our events and operations.

A few weeks ago, we got behind a rally in Phoenix on June 5 being planned by Dan Smeriglio of Voice of The People USA and retired Congressman Tom Tancredo. On Monday, May 10th, we discovered two painful truths that forced us to take a new direction.

First, June 5 organizer Dan Smeriglio had radically misinformed us about his possession of permits for a location in Phoenix on June 5. He did not have any permits and the illegal alien supporter had permits for the location he had promised us. This happened last year when Smeriglio promised us he had permits for a rally in DC and we had to cancel when we learned he had misinformed us and the illegal alien supporters had the permit for our rally location. Unfortunately we had quite a case of political déjà vu with Mr. Smeriglio misleading organization leaders about permits, while our opposition held the ground he promised us.

The second problem also arose around June 5, when we picked up a release by a smaller illegal alien supporting group called One People’s Project. The group was attacking Dan Smeriglio claiming he was working with skin heads and Nazis and attacking ALIPAC for associating with Smeriglio.

The illegal alien and amnesty supporting activists and groups constantly play the race card and twist information in a way that is false and designed to try to throw mud on anyone who stands up and speaks out against illegal immigration.

However, we reviewed the video and computer screen shots that our opposition possesses regarding Dan Smeriglio and discovered that they are correct.

The video and screen shots of Dan Smeriglio’s Facebook account indicates that he has willingly been working with members or racist skin head groups long after he knew their identities and politics. In fact, Dan’s Facebook profile, which remains his main way of broadcasting a rally for June 5, promoted one of Europe’s most popular neo-Nazi rock groups until a few days ago.


On Tuesday, May 11, we were invited to join a Tea Party group out of Florida rally in Phoenix on June 12 , so we spoke to some leaders and moved to unify on the 12th for a larger rally and to move away from Dan Smeriglio and his skinhead associates. We felt leaving the June 5 event was the best way to protect many of the vulnerable candidates wishing to attend a rally in Phoenix.

Unfortunately, our plans to get the skinheads out and away from the Phoenix effort was thwarted, when retired Congressman Tom Tancredo, who had self titled himself as the ‘key note speaker’ at the June 5 event started telling leaders and candidates to come back to the June 5 rally. Tancredo even claimed that ALIPAC’s concerns about Dan Smeriglio were false, when he had not reviewed the video and screen shots which we find to be fairly conclusive.

Some fine folks in Arizona took action at the end of last week and assured us that Dan Smeriglio’s involvement was being completely removed from the June 5 rally and that we would have no more difficulties from Tom Tancredo.

Unfortunately, we found out yesterday that Dan Smeriglio is still involved with the Facebook effort to support the June 5 event, even though the neo-Nazi rock group and friends and their comments have been sanitized from his Facebook pages. We also found out that Tom Tancredo is continuing to try and persuade leaders to abandon the June 12 event for the 5th event.

ALIPAC will not work with any group or event that is working with or supportive of neo-Nazis or anyone working with them. We do not feel comfortable asking our national network to travel into Arizona at great expense to attend an event that Tom Tancredo is attempting to undermine.

We must point out here that Tom Tancredo had nothing to do with helping pass SB 1070 or circulate it to other states to our knowledge although the three largest national groups fighting illegal immigration have.

We have spent a great deal of time, effort, and energy trying to get these events into place for the people of Arizona and America. We have worked diligently behind the scenes to try to resolve this situation with the knowledge that our political opposition does have strong evidence of neo-Nazi supporters being involved with the event still going forward on the 5th.

We feel it is completely unacceptable that Dan Smeriglio and Tom Tancredo or anyone else would put the brave activists, lawmakers, candidates, and citizens of Arizona at risk by proceeding with an event that our opponents can use to harm our cause of stopping and reversing illegal immigration.

We are releasing the video and screen shots that the illegal alien supporting groups posses and intend to use against the rallies. We have documented their findings and the screen shots are our copies.

We apologize to all of you who were excited about going to events in Arizona and already making travel plans to support SB 1070 and AZ.

ALIPAC will not be attending or promoting any rallies in June in Arizona and we advise anyone consider attending any event to review the information showing white nationalist influence involving the core organizers.

We will have no future dealings with Dan Smeriglio or retired Congressman Tom Tancredo due to the neo-Nazi connections and this disaster they have cooked up in Arizona that puts our issue at risk. Our friends in the Tea Party groups still plan to carry on with a much smaller event on June 12 in Phoenix.

The donations we received over the last few days will be used to help spread SB 1070 to other states. Any ALIPAC supporter that would prefer a refund please contact [email protected]

William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team

The link supplied by ALIPAC has lots of screenshots and other documents compiled by OnePeoplesProject.com, a site we should probably be listing on our Links section and will be shortly after I get this post up.

OnePeoplesProject has a great page on Daniel Smeriglio, including this nice video:

Dan’s Voice of the People USA site, which is also run with Steve Smith, another creepy dude. Steve Smith then shows up in the ALIPAC thread to say he isn’t a neonazi, he’s just totally into preserving European Culture:


Dan Smeriglio has responded to the ALIPAC dropping him (reposted here on this other creepy guy’s site)

Here is some of the stuff given to ALIPAC by OnePeoplesProject:

Screen shot proof that
DAN SMERIGLIO’s (The organizer of June 5 rally with Tancredo) FACEBOOK PAGE WAS LINKING TO NAZI ROCKERS SAGA
(page 2)

SAGA and Steve Smith were removed from Smeriglio’s Facebook page promoting the June 5 Phoenix event after a lot of pressure on May 13
Screen Shot of Sanitized Pages…

The neo-Nazi rock group SAGA is also listed on Steve Smith of Keystone United’s Facebook as his favorite rock group too!

(Screen Shot of Steve Smith Saga profile Page 3)

Dan Smeriglio’s Facebook profile has been advertising the neo-Nazi rock groups SAGA up until a few days ago. Dan’s Facebook profile is the main communications channel running a page to drive a rally on June 5 in Phoenix AZ in support of SB 1070.


Dan Smeriglio and Steve Smith were seen conversing with each other on the rally page two weeks ago, but we do not have the screen shots and those posts have recently been erased.

While there are several SAGA Fan Pages on Facebook, the SAGA links on both Dan Smeriglio’s and Steve Smith’s Facebook profiles links to the very same SAGA Fan Page found at this link…

Here is what Wikipedia says about Smeriglio and Smith’s favorite band SAGA.

Here are some examples of SAGA’s music videos on YouTube that shows her performing for the NSF “National Socialist Front”. The NSF is a neo-Nazi political group in Sweden.

National Socialist Front

Videos (Swastika’s and other racist symbols appear in these)
Saga – Ode To A Dying People

Saga – European dream

This SAGA should not be confused with the defunct Canadian band from the early 80’s called Saga.

So, oddly enough, we have to give props to ALIPAC for pulling the plug. We won’t be giving any props to Resistnet, who have also pulled the plug, but for reasons barely mentioned below. Also no props to Tom Tancredo and his enthusiasm for hanging around with Nazis:

“I am proud to be participating in the June 5 rally at the Arizona state capitol in support of Arizona’s new law aimed at illegal immigration, SB1070. The allegations against one of the rally’s organizers, Daniel Smeriglio, have been examined and are not only without merit, they are the worst kind of character assassination that no decent person in politics, left, right or center, should condone.
“One can only speculate about the motives behind this transparent smear campaign. But I do know that good citizens of Arizona and across the nation will not be deterred from expressing their support for Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce and the citizens of Arizona who have taken this bold step to control illegal immigration. The June 5 rally is going forward and information is available at http://www.phoenixrally.com.”
Lakewood, Colorado

A few other funny/horrible posts from ALIPAC include this guy blaming the neo-Nazis for infiltrating because Obama told them to!

And this guy who hasn’t bothered to support ALIPAC with money is so ashamed that they don’t want to associate with Nazis.


More wild accusations. Notice all these angry dudes have like 1-4 posts.

Nazis tricked ALIPAC as part of a big scheme!

Wake up! I saw it in an email forward!

Time to get some diapers

So let’s get to Resistnet’s say on the matter:

Notice how they don’t mention the Nazi connections at all! They just they they are bugging out and blame “infighting” and “people trying to be heroes” Yeah, Nazi heroes. That’s because Resistnet is smart enough to try to not alienate the racists they need money from to get rich off of, while also not appearing at rallies ran by the Nazis so awesome Wingnut Webs here and on TarsTarkas.NET Blog don’t cost them thousands in donations from the less racist members they are also getting rich off of. But let’s see some more posts!

It makes me sick that NAZIs will let Illegals win!

Let’s Teabag the Teabaggers!

REAL AMERICANS! What? The REAL AMERICANS running the show ARE the Nazis? So?

Excuse me, this other site ran by another racist dude says the one racist dudes aren’t racist. So there!

Sorry, Linda Garner, the Teabaggers are being racist from INSIDE THE HOUSE!!

See? 38 Attending.

Those Nazis have never goose-stepped in front of me, so it must be a lie. I couldn’t have notices the goose-stepping what with my goose-stepping…

It’s the fight of our lives! Call in the Nazis!

Nazis won’t show up, and liberals are the real nazis!


The June 5th rally is still on – Official Site

Here is the current speaker list:

Tom Tancredo
Former Colorado Congressman, Current Co-chair of Team America PAC

Russell Pearce
Arizona State Senator, RussellPearce.com

Joe Arpaio
Sheriff of Maricopa County, SheriffJoe.org

Terry Anderson
Host of The Terry Anderson Show “If You Ain’t Mad, You Ain’t Paying Attention!”

Barbara Coe
Co-author of Prop 187 in California, California Coalition for Immigration Reform

Col Al Rodriguez
Chairman of You Don’t Speak For Me

Bill Montgomery
Candidate, Maricopa County Attorney Montgomery2010.com

Peter Gadiel
Chairman of 9/11 Families for a Secure America

Ted Hayes
American Patriot and Citizen Activist TedHayes.us

Monica Ramos & Joe Loya
Wife and Father In-Law of former Border Patrol Agent Ignacio Ramos. Watch his homecoming at Agent Ramos.com

Chelene Nightingale
Gubernatorial Candidate for California Nightingale for Governor

Al Garza
President, Patriot’s Coalition

Jeff Schwilk
Founder, San Diego Minutemen

Lupe Moreno
Founder, Latino Americans for Immigration Reform

Rhonda Deniston
Regional Director, Stop Taxing Us & Guest Host of The Rick Amato Show in San Diego, AM 1170 KCBQ

Raymond Herrera
Founder & President, We The People, California’s Crusader

Mike Broomhead
Emcee for Phoenix Rising, Talk Show Host at KFYI

That is a lot of big-named people (and a lot of small-named nobodies.) Now that the cat is out of the bag, how many of these guys will still be there on June 5th? Will there still be fundraisers? Fun? Games? Nazi parties? Dancing? Find out on June 5th! Be there or be swastika!

(thanks to POTUShead for finding some of the links here)