Drain Clogs – 07-27-2010

Drain Clogs – 07-21-2010

  1. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has apologized to Shirley Sherrod over forcing her to resign due to doctored footage on the Breitbart Big Hollywood site. Maybe the Obama Administration won’t be spineless douchebags next time…HA! One thing is for sure, the media will still treat Breitbart like a legitimate news source and not like the snakeoil salesman he is. No word on what black institution Breitbart will smear next, but we’ll keep you posted!
  2. Missouri Republican candidate Ed Martin says Obama is taking away your “freedom, to find your salvation, to get your salvation”. Damn you, Obama!!
  3. The Republican National Committee failed to report more than $7 million in debt to the Federal Election Commission in recent months – and people are blaming Michael Steele again, who will not get fired for this, either.
  4. Sadly, that is not that big of a deal, because the FoxNews and the teabaggers control the message better than the GOP did, and Karl Rove’s PAC American Crossroads has millions on hand from the GOP’s former secret donors (still secret) and will be spending it come November.
  5. In Oakland, Byron Williams was pulled over by the cops on his way to killing liberals in San Francisco at the ACLU and the Tides Foundation and a major gun battle ensued. Two officers were wounded by broken glass and Williams was injured. This Real American Patriot is obviously a liberal plant and was quickly denounced as one by every Right Wing site on the internet. Hey, Beck talked about the Tides Foundation! But obviously a coincidence from this left wing infiltrator.
  6. The Minutemen LOLfest between Chris Simcox and Stacey O’Connell became more hilarious when Simcox claimed that he was being hunted down by bounty hunter O’Connell because O’Connell was sleeping with his wife.
  7. Former GOP Congressman Tim Walberg (who is trying to return to Congress) says “With the 9/12 movement, the Tea Party, people are standing up really for the first time in history” Yeah, fuck you, Civil Rights Movement! It’s all about the Teabaggers! Up your, labor! You aren’t real people!
  8. We’re doing this as an html list because someone said people pay more attentions to html lists vs just items written in a line Is that true? Say your piece in the comments!
  9. Wingnut Site of the Day: NAACPC – The National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of All Colors – Two black Teabaggers – Lloyd Marcus and Frantz Kebreau – set this up to troll the NAACP with Teabagger backing! You might be familiar with Lloyd Marcus as he’s the black guy the teabaggers bring out to every gathering to prove they are not racist.
  10. Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-14-2010

There are three big stories right now:

1- NAACP vs Teabaggers
The NAACP supported a resolution condemning the racism at some Tea Party events and asking that Tea Party groups condemn the racism as well, and that drove the Teabaggers into a frothing furor of hate and bile. The foam from their mouths flooded six states and 329 people drowned.

Mark Williams, the spokesperson for Tea Party Express (friends of our buddies at Resistnet.com) said:

They make more money off of race than any slave trader ever. It’s time groups like the NAACP went to the trash heap of history where they belong with all the other vile racist groups that emerged in our history.

Here is a nice video of the racism that doesn’t exist:

2- The Immigration list being sent around Utah – someone is sending around an email list of 1300 names (including 200 children) of supposed illegal immigrants, including names, birth dates, addresses, and SSNs. Yes, their social security numbers. Supporters justify this by saying that the illegals are using fake SSNs. Note that they are saying this without seeing the list, knowing anything about it, or being concerned at all that someone broke into some sort of database and pulled all this private information and is sending it all over the internet. Followup reports have mentioned that some of the names on the list are US citizens.

A letter from the anonymous group Concerned Citizens for the United States attached to the list also pointed out that six women on the list were pregnant and should be deported immediately.

The CCUS website ( http://ccoa.us/ ) is just a giant .JPG image with standard conservative crazy writing and fonts/colors with an embedded audio file.

Here is another goofy website one of the writers here found: http://illegalalienreport.com/ It’s a site where you can report illegal aliens yourself!

3- Obama=Hitler billboard that got put up in Iowa and was quickly covered up as everyone on the planet was offended except idiot Teabaggers.

Extra news:

Erick Erickson, RedState.com guy and CNN employee who is an expert on goat-fucking child molesters, says the GOP should use racial fearmongering to demonize blacks to scare up votes.

That’s related to the New Black Panthers scaremongering currently inflating the right wing nuts (as we saw on FreeRepublic recently)

And here is FoxNews anchor Megyn Kelly flipping out over this issue.

In other Black People Fearmongering news, Republican Tennessee Congressional candidate George Flinn is caught in a dirty three-way primary battle where he is now being accused of being a gangsta rap overlord. Yes, a gangsta rap overlord.

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-13-2010

China news is claiming that the Taliban are training monkeys to kill US troops. True or not, it’s hilarious.

Diaper Dan Vitter is a Birther!

For those of you who aren’t scientists, there is a big cabal that controls access to journals. The company that owns Nature is hiking its access fees by 400%. That is ticking off the UCs. This is exciting enough it probably deserves its own entry one day when I am not pressed for time.

I hope the GOP does this.

Sharron Angle thinks Bob Bennett has “outlived his usefulness”

Republican Pennsylvania governor candidate Tom Corbett says unemployed people just sit there. He really did!

“The jobs are there, but if we keep extending unemployment, people are just going to sit there,”

Automated debt collection has gone crazy and is finally ticking off some state legislatures enough they’re demanding more proof of debt. But not enough state legislatures.

If you spend any time like I do on Righwing sites, you probably saw dozens of morons praising bobby Jindal for giving the Feds the finger and going ahead and building sand booms to block the oil. Except those sand booms were freaking stupid and they all washed away during the first storm. And the company that was hired to build them was Jindal’s number 3 donor! More here.

The Teabaggers were 100% in favor of this.

Real Men beat their wives for having a abortion. Liberal pussies put an end to that. – Female WND pundit Jill Stanek

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-12-2010

Republicans and Teabaggers are one and the same…who knew?? Oh, yeah, everyone except the morons in the media.

A Federal Judge has ruled DOMA unconstitutional.

TPM enrolled in the Glenn Beck University we wrote about before.

78 people were arrested in Oakland after the involuntary manslaughter verdict of BART police officer Johannes Mehserle for shooting Oscar Grant in the back, 75% of them not from Oakland

Republicans love the constitution except when they want to repeal large chunks of it and also add lots of new amendments. Just remember – they are the Real Patriots.

That lady Terry Savage who hates free lemonade goes on TV to attack free lemonade.

Crazy racist ex-Congressman Tom Tancredo calls President Obama “the greatest threat to the United States today” He then shot his shadow nine times for being “too dark”

Cartoon of the Day:

Another broken Obama promise...

Drain Clogs – 07-07-2010

Iran has a robot. Iran, the new Japan.
It's a Mecca-nical Man!

Mitt Romney is a moron, and gets destroyed by Fred Kaplan

Harry Reid put the Sharron Angle website back up, so props to Harry Reid!

I was gonna do an article on this before I saw it linked on Kos, and may still do one, but this is the worst opinion column of the year.

Besides pimping garbage about vaccines causing autism, HuffPo is now hosting a creationist and editing out criticism to said creationist from its own writers.

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-06-2010

We’re getting threatened again, this time by our old pal Helene. You remember her? Her husband invented everything ever.

One thing he didn’t invent was a way to have us not make fun of her, thus she’s gone tattling to Dreamhost (our webhosting company) and “the property government authorities” – Looks like the jig is up! So here is her comment in full (found in the above link)

Hi Frankie,

You caught me. Bet I had you going for a minute didn’t I?

In any event, I have contacted Dreamhost and the property government authorities about your posts. I’m sure you will understand since you love our government nowadays and would love to be a part of their enslavement.

Boots. Shaking.

In the future world of 2010, rogue debt collecting companies can destroy your life with nothing more than a piece of paper.

Remember when Anthem Blue Cross decided to raise rates a ridiculous amount and pretty much got the Health Care Reform passed because of it, then backed off? Well, they’re gonna raise the rates again!

Republican John Oxendine paid his former campaign manager’s consulting firm to dispatch Christian teenage volunteers from TeenPact door-to-door promoting his bid for Georgia governor. But I’m sure this is all in the up and up, except for the fact that the group TeenPact is a non-profit with tax-exempt status that isn’t suppose to be doing that and can be fined and stripped of their status.

Wanna cover the BP oil leak and not go exactly where BP tells you to go? Pay $40,000 and go to jail! FUBP.

Who is lamer? Sharron Angle for sending a cease-and-desist letter to the Reid campaign after they quoted her old campaign website (full of crazy stuff) or Harry Reid for his campaign complying with the cease-and-desist letter?

Real Patriots sue the fire department

A Republican a member of an all-white country club? Shocks of shocks!

Riots in the USA! Yes, Puerto Rico is part of the USA, even if it isn’t a state.
Check out this awesome excessive force action!

Remember the Anonymous Tarp Wife who whined about being embarrassed because her husband’s crappy company destroyed the economy of the entire planet? Well, she’s Liz Peek, and now she thinks she can give financial advice. I’m no expert, but I have a feeling she’s completely and utterly wrong about everything.

Living wages are cool, unless you’re a jerk. Hey, there are lots of jerks in New York!

This WND dude used to love America more when it was a fictional country. But what do you expect from the author of Liberals: America’s Termites or It’s A Shame That Liberals, Unlike Hamsters, Never Eat Their Young. I think he needs a longer book title.

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-02-2010

GOP chair Michael Steele says more freaky things, this time he’s rewriting history!

“This was a war of Obama’s choosing,” Michael Steele said at the event. “This is not something the United States has actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in.”

The right is outraged, as usual, and will do nothing.

“Terrorist babies are real! I’m not crazy! Why do you think I’m crazy?” – Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)

Rand Paul called for an “underground electric fence” along the US/Mexico boarder, then struggles to explain his statement.

Lindsey Graham spoke ill of the teabaggers, expect them to be enraged:

In a previous conversation, Graham told me: “The problem with the Tea Party, I think it’s just unsustainable because they can never come up with a coherent vision for governing the country. It will die out.”

Barack Obama is the Karate Kid

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-01-2010

Conservatives think Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, George Soros, and Harry Reid are giant monsters, and now one GOP group has decided to just make Nancy Pelosi an actual giant monster in their commercials. I am sure the fact that she is gunned down by Republicans is totally not a threat and it would have been perfectly acceptable to make a commercial with liberals gunning down George W. Bush in 2003.

“Illegals gonna cut off your head!” – Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.

Dem Senator Mary Landrieu is pretty awful, unless you are an oil company.

One thing you learn on the internet is that Digby is usually right. Here she talks about Terrance Wall, conservative idealist who got screwed over because Real Conservatives are a bunch of money-grubbing bastards.

Um….what the fuck is wrong with Arizona??


Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 06-30-2010

DailyKos is having words with their pollster Research 2000, who they are accusing of fabricating data. Research 2000 is pushing back by declaring DailyKos founder Markos Moulitsas will face “criminal sanctions”. I guess that’s better than releasing your raw data to prove you didn’t just make stuff up…oh, wait, no it’s not. Way to look guilty, Research 2000! At least this drama has given me a reason to read FiveThirtyEight again after getting sick of Nate Silver’s sperglording.

Got raped by dad? God’s plan! – Sharron Angle.

Joe Scarborough called John Boehner a barhopper

Dem Rep. Pete Stark vs Minutemen

“The Minutemen want to have something to say,” Stark says, as one of the border security advocates begins to ask a question. “Who are you going to kill today?”

After brushing off the congressman’s remark, the activist said, “I want to know why the federal government is not doing anything more to seal the borders of this country.”

“Well, we can’t get enough Minutemen armed,” Stark answered. “We’d like to. Get all the Minutemen armed so they can stop shooting people here.”

“We’ll try to get you some more arms and get you down there,” the congressman added.

Stark then tried to move on to the next question, but the man cut in to ask why his hadn’t been answered.

“The question is, why is the federal government leaving our borders porous for anybody to come in?” the man said.

“Our borders are quite secure, thank you,” Stark responded. “How would you secure it? … Tell me, I’m not the government.”

The man then interrupted Stark, telling the congressman, “This a very serious matter, and you’re sitting there making fun of it.”

“I don’t have to make fun of you, sir,” Stark responded. “You make a fine job [of it] all by yourself.”

Republicans hate the troops, especially homeless troops.

Please welcome new writer Frank Delicious to Politisink.com!

Cartoon of the Day: